Kenny Omega

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You smile and watch as your toddler nephew stumbles across the kitchen floor in pursuit of your poor dog Koda. You take a sip of your coffee and turn back to your phone knowing that the small child pays no threat to the husky and visa versa.

"Ahhhh..... No..... Doggy..... Bab.. " You hear your nephew babble from a few feet away.

You turn to see that Koda has sat down and decided to lick your nephews face in an attempt to ward the small human off.

"Koda." You lightly scold the dog. "Come here Danny." You then call your nephew to your side.

The curly haired boy comes half running half waddling back to your side. You pick him up and set him on your lap with a smile.

"Did the doggy get you all wet?" You ask Danny as you wipe dog slobber from his face with a hand towel.

"Ya." Danny giggles as you wipe his face.

"That big mean doggy, come on let's get you out of your jammies." You stand up and balance Danny on your hip as you walk to your spare bedroom made into a room for the kid.

You spend around half an hour getting Danny into new clothes, the stubborn kid kept running away every time you took your hands off of him. Once he's dressed you gather your purse and keys then load the kid into your car.

"Alright let's get you all strapped in." You coo as you buckle Danny in his car seat.

Danny whines a little so you pull out his favorite stuffed bear from the seat pocket and hand it to him. Once he's secure you start the car and call up your work.

"Hey Ken thank god for answering." You sigh in relief when Kenny finally answers the phone.

"Yeah I was in the gym, what's up?" Kenny asks you.

"I just wanted to remind you that I've got Danny this week since my sisters in Paris." You tell him as you check your mirror to make sure said child is okay.

You remember your sister telling you that Danny didn't like being in the car very much. You glance at the mirror to see danny happily playing with his bear.

"Danny?" You hear Kenny sound confused. "Oh your sisters kid right?" You shake your head a little.

"Yeah. I'm on my way to you right now, should be there soon." You tell Kenny and go to hang up.

"Alright see you soon." Kenny manages to hang up first.

You pull into the arena parking-lot and go to get Danny out of his seat. While your leaned over unbuckling him you feel a pair of eyes on your back.

"It's just me love." You relax when you hear a familiar British accent.

"Oh it's just you Marty." You pull Danny out and turn around to face the Brit. "Danny look who came to see you." You point a finger at Marty with a smile.

Danny's eyes light up when he Sees Marty and he reaches his hands out dropping his bear.

"Billin." He giggles with a chubby checked smile.

"Billin?" Marty repeats confused.

You lean down and pick up the bear then look back to Marty.

"He's trying to say villain." You grin and pocket the bear in your sweater pocket. "My sister watches ROH and WWE a lot so Danny here knows some of the names of some guys." You explain.

"Oh." Marty cracks a smile. "That's cute." You nod and walk next to Marty with Danny in your arms.

All three of you come into the building and into the locker room. As soon as you step into the room Danny's eyes once again light up as he attempt to escape your arms.

"Okay okay." You smile and let the restless kid out of your arms. "Heads up boys." You warn both Jackson brothers as Danny barrels towards them.

With the kid distracted Kenny saunters over to you with a grin.

"Well I'd never thought I'd see the day when Y/N L/N would be a good mother." He chuckles as he stops right next to you.

"Aunt." You correct him. "And I'd watch out, danny just so happens to love you to Ken." You tell him.

You both look across the room at Danny happily babbling to Matt and Nick as they both amuse him.

"He's cute." Kenny comments. "I mean ours would be cuter, but still." You roll your eyes and turn your attention to Ken.

"Since when are we dating again?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"I mean you weren't complaining about dating when I was at your place on Thursday." Kenny smirks at you.

You hit his arm lightly for bringing that up. He rubs his arm just as Danny drags Nick by the hand your way.

"Who's this Danny?" You ask him with a grin.

"Issa book." Danny flashes a toothy grin at you.

"A buck. They are your favorites right?" You grin and look at an amused Nick.

"Ya." Danny nods.

"Danny do you know who this is?" You nod to Kenny standing next to you.

Danny looks up at Kenny and stays silent for a second. Then he drops Nicks hand and immediately attaches himself to Kenny's leg.

"Ken Ken Ken." He repeats with glee.

"Still sure you want one of your own?" You laugh at Kenny's exasperated expression.

"Okay you might have a point." He nods at you making you laugh.

After work a few hours later you hoist a sleeping Danny in your arms out of the car and into your arms. Kenny walks silently behind you with the keys to your place.

All three of you head inside and you drop Danny in his bed and tuck him in. Once he's taken care of you trudge out to your couch where Kenny sits.

"Ugh." You groan as you plop down on the couch next to him. "Why did you come with me again?" You open an eye and look up at Kenny.

"To make sure you and the kid got back safe." Kenny replies as he looks down at you.

"Mhm." You shake your head softly not believing him. "I'm afraid I cannot give you what you seek while there is a child in this home sir." You shift your weight and sink into the couch a bit.

"Maybe not tonight." Kenny grins and shifts to look at you. "But something tells me that not even you can resist me that long." He leans in and whispers in your ear.

Shivers run down your spine as he pulls away from your ear and leans into you. Your sister was going to kill you if she found out what you where about to do not 30 feet from her sleeping son. But right now you really didn't care.

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