Marty Scurll

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"I don't see why you have to drag me along to meet your friends." You complain to Adam as he pulls into the hotel lot.

"Because you are my little sister and they are my best friends and i want you all to meet." Adam tells you as he parks the car. "I promise it'll be fun, you'll like them." He insists.

"Whatever you say big brother." You sigh and shrug.

Unlike Adam growing up you took a much more relaxes approached to earning a living in life. You had managed to use your bubbly personality and ability to draw and animated to become a successful animator on YouTube. You where right on up their with JaydenAnimations and TheOddOnesOut in the animator and vlogger community. Although disclaimer, you weren't exactly a PG channel. You had the wrong sense of humor to entertain kids.

You and Adam begin your accent up the stairs from the lobby so you pull your camera out and turn it on.

"Hey guys y/n here, i'm currently climbing these stairs up to the eighth floor of this here hotel since the elevator is currently fucking useless. Here with me is my lovely brother, say hi Adam." You turn the camera to him in front of you as he climbs the stairs. "You're welcome ladies, or guys, bye the way." You add.

"Hey." Adam turns back and waves to the camera.

"Anyway, we're on our way up to meet Adam's buddies from work. So for all you NJPW fans out there, im apparently about to meet Bullet Club members....yay." You laugh. "Cant wait to see how this goes." You then switch the camera off and climb the rest of the stairs.

"Dont you ever get tired of filming with that?" Adam asks you as you let the camera hang around your shoulder.

"Nah." You shake your head. "I happen to love it, and people love seeing the things that i get up to when i'm with you." You add as you Adam come to the door to the hall on the eighth floor.

Adam shakes his head and you follow him into the hall and down to the end of it, you both stop at room number 312. Adam knocks twice and stands next to you. After a minute the door swings open and one of the bullet club members you recognized opens the door.

"Adam you made it." Kenny grins as he pulls the blonde into a hug. "And i see that you brought your sister, nice to meet you i'm Kenny." Kenny lets go off Adam and shakes your hand.

"Nice to meet you to, Adam talks about you a lot." You laugh a little.

Kenny also chuckles and invites you inside. You follow him and Adam inside and scan the room, you regnize everyone in it. There was the Jackson brothers,or the Young Bucks, then of course their was Cody, and finally off to the side looking at his phone, Marty Scurll.

"Guys look who Page brought with him." Kenny gets the attention of the guys making them all look at you. "This is y/n, Adam's little sister." Kenny introduces you.

Nick and Matt are the first to say hello, the both greet you with a hug and tell you what a pleasure it is to meet you. Next is Cody, you and him both share a laugh when he notices you wearing his old "Fuck the Revival" Shirt that Adam bought you a while back. Then last Marty introduces himself.

"Hello." You greet the Brit with a smile. Marty had always been your favorite member of bullet club with the exception of your brother.

"Nice to finally meet ya love." Marty shakes your hand with a smile. "Adam sure does talk about ya a lot." He tells you.

"Ha." You giggle a little. "He talks about you and the rest of the guys a lot to." You tell him.

You and Marty share a laugh and Adam walks back over to you after he's done talking to Matt and Nick.

"I see you two have met." He smiles and places a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah." You nod your head. "Oh hey guys." You speak up a little. "Would you mind if i filmed a little, for a vlog for my YouTube Channel?" You ask them all at once.

"Yeah sure." Matt nods his head. 

"As long as you mention us in the title." Nick jokes.

"Ha, of course." You also laugh. "That's free views for my channel." Matt and Nick both laugh as you pull out your camera. "Here i am guys, in the hotel room of the Bullet Club. We've got all the best and brightest members here with me, Matt and Nick over there." You point the camera to them. "And Of course Cody, who approves of my favorite shirt." You pan the camera a little. "Then we have my brothers fearless leader, Kenny Omega himself." Kenny waves at the camera. "And of course the best members of the team, my brother and Marty." You move the camera to your side to show Marty and Adam. "I have a feeling that we'll all be getting into some high-jinx soon." You smile and click the camera off.

Your camera gets set back in your bag for the time being and everyone gets back to doing their own things. You turn back to Marty and Adam to find Adam gone.

"Me and your brother are you're favorites eh love?" Marty asks you with a grin.

"Did i say that?" You reply with a grin of your own.

"You did." Marty nods his head.

"My bad." You giggle. "I meant to say Adam and Kenny." You tease.

Marty chuckles and glances at your brother talking to Cody a few feet away. You take a chance to look at him, he's even hotter in person. Initially you did a little research when Adam had told you that he was taking you to meet his colleagues. You had found Marty the most appealing from the start.

"Think your brother would be mad at me if i took you out for a bite to eat?" He all of a sudden turns and asks you with a grin.

"Depends." You answer immediately with a grin. "Do you plan on giving me dessert?" You ask him.

Marty smirks which tells you the answer to that questions is a strong yes. You giggle and stand to your feet.

"Adam me and Marty are gonna grab a bite to eat." You yell to Adam so he doesn't have time to question it. Adam turns around as you pull Marty out of the door.

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