TJ Perkins

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You walked down the hallway to meet TJ in his locker room with a smile on your face, today had been a great day so far. That all changed when you spotted what you could have sworn was Mike Kanellis, and were Mike was, his wife Maria wasn't far behind. You squint to get a better look then feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Eyeing up my husband Y/N?" You roll your eyes and to see Maria looking at you with a grin.

"Just looking for you is all Maria." You fake a grin of your own and brush her hand off of you. "May i ask what you and Mike are doing here?" You ask her as Mike makes his way down the hall to the two of you.

"Oh were just here to makes sure that 205 has a power couple to look forward to is all." She grins. "Afterall, you being the only other woman here, who else is gonna be the feminine face of 205?" She grins.

You roll your eyes again and push past Mike, he looks at you as you walk past him and sneers. Your good mood is instantly smothered by her presence. The two of you had never gotten along all the times that you'd worked together.

"Babe i'm back." You announce in a sour tone as you open the door to TJ's locker room and step inside.

"Oof, who pissed you off?" TJ replies as he instantly could hear the disdain laced in your voice.

"Guess who i just saw in the hallway?" You ask him as you plop down in a chair angry.

"Umm guessing by the foul mood, someone you hate." TJ replies as he begins stripping to change into ring gear. "But when i think about it, that could be a number of people." He jokes.

"Maria Kanellis." You spit sourly like her name left a bad taste in your mouth.

TJ nods his head and slips a shirt over his head, he knew just how much you and Maria hated each other. Which meant, because he was a good boyfriend, that TJ now had to hate Mike.

"Oof." He shakes his head. "She's like your mortal enemy." You nod and check your phone that's now buzzing in your pocket.

"Tell me about it." You mumble and read the text that you just got. "Hey Lince just texted me, he wants me to come out with the rest of Lucha House Party." You tell TJ as you stand up. "I'll be back in a bit babe." You make sure to kiss TJ's cheek before you leave and head to Lince's locker room.

When you get to the locker room Lince and his amigo's are all waiting for you, you happily slip one one of their shirts and head down to the ring with them.

"So why did you want me to come with you Lince?" You ask him as the four of you walk down to the ring.

"I've got a match with Mike Kanellis, which means Maria will be there." Lince explains.

"So you want me to make sure that she doesn't get in the way?" You ask now knowing why LIcne wanted you.

"Si, and it's always a pleasure to have my favorite cousin at ringside." He ruffles your hair.

"Yeah yeah." You swat his hand away. "Happy to help." You both laugh a little and get down to the ring.

The match starts and you keep a close eye on Maria, she tries to interrupt Lince when he climbs the ropes a few times, but you make sure to stop her before she can. The longer the match goes on the more frustrated you see her get. This, of course, puts a smile on your face. By the end of the match you are almost certain that Maria is just about to come at you any moment, she had that oh so familiar look in her eye.

"What's the matter Maria?" You taunt her. "If your so mad, come at me then." You wink at her and stand next to Kalisto and Gran.

Maria huffs and suddenly the bell rings, you both look in the ring to see Lince get his hand raised in victory. You cheery happily and greet Lince as he slips down to the floor to celebrate with you and the rest of Lucha House Party.

"Yeah good job cousin." You pat his back.

While your back is turned Maria takes the time to tackle you to the floor, you grunt as she hits you and the two of you fall to the floor. Not about to take a beating, and knowing very well who hit you. You swing your hands down and hit Maria right back, she grunts and the two of you begin to trade blows.

This goes on for a moment until you feel a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you up. You look back in a rage to see that TJ had ran down to the ring to separate you. A few feet away Mike pulls Maria up, she looks just as pissed as you do.

"Attacking me from behind Maria?" You scoff at her as TJ holds his grip on you. "How very typical of you." You sneer at her.

"Okay that's all the time we have for today folks." TJ begins hauling you up the ramp. "Sorry babe but we really don't need a braul on our hands right now." He tells you as he pulls you up the ramp.

Lince and the rest of LHP make sure to keep a wall between you and Maria as TJ takes you backstage. Once you are out of sight and a good distance away from her, TJ lets you go for the time being.

"Wow she really got you good." TJ runs a thumb over a small cut on your cheek. "You alright?" TJ asks you now that you've calmed down.

"Yeah i'm fine." You nod and sigh. You needed a moment to catch your breath for a second. "Thanks for coming to get me." You smile at TJ.

"No problem babe. Besides, i couldn't just let you beat Maria into a bloody mess could i?" He asks you with a chuckle.

"Eh, you could have." You giggle.

"Yeah yeah, you're my little firecracker." TJ pulls you into a side hug. "And if it makes you feel better, i get a shot at Mike next week." He tells you. "Just try not to kill Maria when you see her." You grin and nod.

"I'll try."

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