Kyle O'Reilly

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The year was coming to a close, so naturally Adam was throwing his usual new years party. This year you offered to let him host it in your place since his house was being worked on. You were happy to have the party at your place, because you had a plan. Since you were a kid you and your best friend in the world, Kyle O'Reilly, had a tradition to go up on the roof of whatever place you were at and celebrate the new year together. This year was no different, except for the fact that you had finally worked up the courage to tell Kyle about your feelings for him.

"Okay, so what do we need from the store again Adam?" You ask Adam with a list and pen in your hand.

"Umm, solo cups, as much booze and beer as you can get, chips, and dip." Adam lists off the things that he needs to get the party going. "Oh and make sure to pick up ping pong balls and some extra paper plates." He reminds you.

You nod and quickly write everything down, then you pocket the list and head to the door. On you way out you pass Kyle and Roderick making sure the speakers in the living room and back yard were working right.

"Hey Kyle." You call Kyle as you pass him on the floor. "I'm heading to the store to grab some stuff for Adam, wanna come?" You ask him.

Kyle's face appears out from behind the speaker with a smile, he grins up at you and nods his head. You giggle and help him up from the floor.

"Yeah sure i'll come." The two of you head out to your car.

"Thanks, i could use the help." You climb into the car and head to the store.

When you get to the store you grab a cart and take the list of Adams needed items back out from your pocket. Kyle leans over your shoulder and looks at it.

"I'll get the booze if you wanna grab the cups and ping pong balls." He offers.

"Cool." You nod and split up for the time being.

You watch with a large grin as Kyle heads off to grab the booze, you could even tell by the way he walked how cherry the man always was. You had no idea how you were going to break to him that you had been in love with him since the two of your were barely graduating high school. Nonetheless you grab solo cups and a few packs of ping pong balls and head to the booze isle to find Kyle.

"Hey Kyle, what are you doing?" You raise a brow when you find Kyle staring at one of the shelves.

"Hmm, can't decide what booze to buy." Kyle replies as his gaze changes to you.

You shake your head and giggle as you drop your items into the cart, you then walk over to Kyle and lean over him and grab a bottle.

"Adams favorite." You grin and set it in the cart.

"Oh yeah huh." Kyle nods. "God what would i do without you?" Kyle chuckles.

"Hopelessly lost i'd imagine." You joke and grab a few more bottles.

You both laugh and little and pay for the items for the party, on the way back Kyle has you stop at his place for a minute so he can grab something. You park the car and wait as he rushes inside and comes back out shoving something in his pocket.

"Okay back to Adams, hopefully him and Roddy have it all set up." You glance at the time on the clock in the car.

It was about nine at night, people would be coming over to the house soon, and you and Kyle had all the good stuff. When you and Kyle pull up to your place sure enough it's lit up and you can hear music blaring from inside. Kyle helps you lug all the stuff inside then you both join Adam.

"Nice job Adam." You pat him on the back. "This place is gonna be wild tonight." You grab a beer from the cooler and hand Adam one.

"Damn right." Adam nods his head. "Thanks for letting me have it here by the way." He thanks you.

You nod and take a sip from your beer, you glance across the room at Kyle messing with the speakers and can't help but smile to yourself.

"You and Kyle gonna do the whole roof thing this year?" Roderick suddenly buts in and catches you looking at Kyle.

"Yep." You nod and turn to Roderick. "Why?" You ask him.

Roderick had known about your crush on Kyle for a while now, he was a good friend and didn't say anything thank god. But he was always teasing him about it.

"You planning on telling him about your crush this year?" He asks you.

"Yeah maybe." You nod seriously.

"Oh yeah?" Roderick replies. "Oh i was just kidding, but that's good man." He nods.

You nod also and watch as people start to stream into the house. By ten the house is full and jumping with music and games. You play beer pong with Adam and Kyle for the time being.

"Ha, that's another for me." You grin as a ball splashes into the cup of booze.

"Ah damn." Kyle shakes his head. "I give up man." He sighs. "Hey its almost midnight, wanna head up?" He all of a sudden asks you.

"Yeah sure." You shrug and glance at the clock on the wall.

It was 10 till midnight, you and Kyle went ahead and climbed up to your roof from the ladder in the back. The two of you settle down on the tiles and look out at the night sky.

"Man the moon is bright tonight." You comment as you settle down.

"Yeah, and beautiful." Kyle nods.

The two of you fall silent for a second, and you work up the courage to spill your secret. But you miss your chance when Kyle speaks up and pulls something out of his pocket.

"Y/N, i've got something for you." You watch wide eyed as he pulls out a black box from his pocket.

"Kyle?" You question him softly.

"This is for you." He pulls out a necklace set with a colored jewel in the middle. "Ive been meaning to tell you this for a long time, just never really had the courage to ya know." He looks at you with a small smile. "I've kind of liked you, no loved you since we were kids." He tells you ask he hands you the necklace.

"Kyle." You breath again. "Its gorgeous, and i was kind of going to tell you the same thing tonight, though i didn't get a gift." You laugh a little.

"Ah that's okay." Kyle nods his head. "May i?" He leans over to help put the necklace on you.

You nod and move your hair out of the way, Kyle places the necklace on you and fastens it. You feel the cool chain hit your neck just as the house below fills with chants of the countdown. You smile and lean into Kyle for a kiss just as they get to one below you.

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