The Shield

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An issue with your flight had made you late to Raw tonight, it wasn't that big of a deal though. The boy's didn't have anything going on that they needed you for right away, being the fourth member of the Shield meant you were there for backup, and to take care of things that they couldn't handle themselves.

You barely make it inside the building when you hear shouting coming from one of the loading bays, knowing your boys you drop your bag and sprint towards the sound of the noise. When you get there you find most of the men's locker room all shouting at each other as well as a bunch of officials trying to make order out of the situation.

"Seth? Dean?" You call out to the crowd in hopes of finding your boys amongst the chaos.

The familiar sound of Dean cursing at someone graces your ears and you follow the sound to the front of the crowd of men. Being small you weave through them in time to see all three male shield members being stuffed into the back of a police van.

"What the hell?" You ask as you hastily make your way over to them.

"Y/N." Dean's ears prick at the sound of your voice. "Thank god you're here." He looks at you as he's pushed into the van with Seth and Roman.

"Y/N, man you gotta get us outta here." Seth adds as he turns his attention to you.

"What the hell happened?" You ask again not getting what the hell was going on.

"Just go down and bail us out." Roman quickly adds as the security readies to ship them off. "And watch your back." You nod and the doors slam shut.

You watch as the van pulls out of the loading bay and immediately turn to find some answers. The first person you see that you can trust is Finn Balor.

"Finn hey." You flag him down.

"Y/N lass, i didn't see you out there with your boys earlier." He smiles when he sees you sprint to his side.

"Yeah i had a small flight delay and was late. Wanna tell me what the hell happened?" You ask him. If anyone could give you a straight answer it was Finn.

Finn explains to you all that went down, you take in all the info and run a hand through your hair.

"Great." You sigh. "I swear those three would be lost without me." You comment. "Anyway, thanks for explaining all this to me, i'm gonna go see what i can do. Be safe." You take your leave from Balor and get back in the car.

The ride to the precinct is silent as you drive as fast as you can, the sooner you got the boys out the better. When you get there the first thing you do is post bail, then you go see how the trio is holding up.

"Well aren't you three a sight for sore eyes." You grin as you walk up to their holding cell.

All three men's heads jerk in the direction of your voice as they all stand to their feet.

"Y/N, there you are." Dean greets you with a grin.

"Yeah where have you been." Seth asks you as he leans against the bar.

"My flight was delayed so i was late." You explain. "Which was obviously a bad idea." You gestuet to the cell the trio stands in. "I posted bail by the way." You add.

"That was fast." Roman speaks up.

"Well i figured that you three would wanna get some revenge on Braun and his buddies." You grin.

All three men nod in unison, you shake your head and go off to finish paperwork. While sitting in the waiting room you see the boys pass you, you manage to hail them down before they leave.

"I'll meet up with you three in a bit." You tell them. " And try not to end up back here again." You add.

The boys nod and leave. You stay behind to finish paperwork then head back the arena yourself.

When you get there it seems quiet, you don't like that. You make your way through the hall to the nearest monitor to see what's going on. You get to one just in time to see the boys make their way to the ring.

"Yeah go get em guys." You cheer a little.

It soon turns ugly when all of a sudden half the locker room makes their way out to the ring and begins to attack Dean, Seth, and Rom. You also feel bad for Finn who is also being attacked for no reason. You begin to make your way to the ramp, you're too small to stop anyone but you still wanna be there when the fight ends.

When you get to the ramp men are beginning to go back to the locker room, you give them all dirty looks as they pass you. The last one to leave is Raw's current GM, Baron Corbin.

"Hey Corbin." You call him in an angry tone.

"Ah look who it is, i was wondering when you'd show." Corbin teases you with a smile.

"I'd watch it Corbin." You snap back at him. "Just remember that you can't hit me, but i'm sure as able to kick your ass." You warn him.

Corbin rolls his eyes and pushes past you. You curse under your breath and make your way down the ramp. Dean is the closest to you.

"Hey there buddy." You help him to his feet. "Sorry i'm late." Dean groans and ruffles your hair.

"It's fine, not like you could've helped us." Dean groans. "Go get the boy's." He tells you before he hobbles up the ramp

Roman is next on your list, you help him to his feet and he tells you the same thing Dean did. After sending him back with Dean you help Seth up and then finally come to Finn.

"Oof, you alright Finn?" You ask him as you hoist him to his feet. "You took quite the beating from Braun back there." Finn nods his head and you help him walk up the ramp.

"I'll be fine lass, thanks for sending your boys to help me out." He thanks you.

"No problem Finn, consider the Shield in your corner if you ever need help." You tell him.

Finn accepts the offer and you head to the locker room to check on the boy's. It was safe to say that you four had some planning to do.

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