Jordan Devlin

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"Yes Jordan, yes i've got it right here." You speak into your phone with a tired tone as your other hand clutches your best friends gym bag that he had managed to forget when he left for work earlier that day. "I swear that you'd be lost without me, i'll be there soon." With that you hang up the phone and head out to your car.

The ride to the arena that they were taping NXT UK for the night wasn't to far fro your place, thank god. You had been at work most of the day, as a trainer in one of London's most prestigious gyms. Tired didn't even begin to cut how you currently felt, but alas, Jordan needed you.

You pull up to the arena and park in the far corner of the parking lot, people swarm around in the lot waiting to get in for the shows taping. You dig through your bag for your pass that Jordan have you just in case you needed to get to him during a show and sling it around your neck.

"Hi." You smile your best smile at the security detail at the door. "I'm a friend of Jordan Devlin? I have his gym bag he needs." You flash the pass on your neck and show the bag to the guards.

"You Y/N L/N?" One of the guards asks you with a raised brow.

"Yes, that's me." You nod your head.

The guard nods his head at the other guard and they step out of the way and let you pass. You nod and thank them before you head further into the building to find Jordan.

You're walking around for a few minutes, hopelessly lost and just about ready to call Jordan to come find you when you spot someone that you know a little further down the hall.

"Mark?" You ask aloud to see if the blond a few feet in front of you responds.

Sure enough, the blond stops talking to the guy next to him and turns around. A smile cracks on your face when you confirm the identity of the man, Mark Andrews.

"Y/N?" Mark asks with a confused but happy look as you walk up to him. "Y/N, how are you? What are you even doing here?" He asks as he pulls you into a small hug.

"It's good to see you to Mark." You grin and pat him on the back. "I'm here delivering a bag for a friend of mine, Jordan Devlin?" You look at Marks face for a reaction, hoping that he can help you out.

"You know Devlin?" Is Mark's response, he doesn't seem to happy about the name drop though.

"Yeah." You nod. "Me and him met like a year or so ago, we share an apartment now." You explain your living arrangement with your best friend.

"Oh." Mark nods his head. "Well you look lost, want me to show you his locker room?" He offers you as he rubs the back of his neck.

"That be great." You nod happily.

Mark nods his head and dismisses himself from his friend to help you out. The two of you walk down the hall and catch up a bit since you haven't seen one another in around a year or so. Mark stops in front of a locker room a few minutes later and gestures to the door.

"Well here we are." He grins at you and points to the door.

"Thanks so much Mark, it was nice seeing you." You grin and hug Mark one last time.

Just as you hug him, the door swings open lightly and Jordan steps through. You let go of Mark and he leaves you and Jordan alone.

"Finally i find you." You tease and hand Jordan his bags.

"Yeah, thank you." Jordan nods and takes the bag, his eyes looking past you at Mark walking away. "You know Mark Andrews?" He looks back at you curiously.

"Yeah." You nod and step into the locker room with Jordan. "He used to come to my gym all the time, plus i'm a huge fan of his band." You recall your excitement in meeting Andrew's for the first time. "But we haven't seen each other for like almost two years." You add and take a seat in one of the chairs Jordan has in the room.

"Oh." Jordan nods. "You never told me that." He rubs the back of his neck a little. "Were you two close friends?" He asks you as he nonchalantly digs through his bag that you brought him.

"Umm, yeah i'd say so." You shrug. "We used to do all kinds of stuff together, it was right after i broke up with my old boyfriend." You explain. "So he kind of kept my mind off of things for a while, you know?" You look at Jordan who silently nods and pulls some clothes from his bag.

"Sounds like the two of you get along real well." Jordan sighs softly.

"We're friends yes." You nod with furrowed brows.

Jordan seem very much like his usual confident and snarky self that he usually was. You stand up in your chair and walk over to him, wanting to know what was bothering him.

"Is something bothering you Jordan?" You ask him and place a hand softly on his shoulder.

"Me?" Jordan replies. "No, i'm fine." He shakes his head.

"Okay." You nod your head and drop the subject. "Well i'm gonna head back to the apartment, i'll see you in a few hours okay?" You give your best friend one last longing look before you go ahead and head back out to the parking lot.

On your way back to the parking lot you run into the guy that Mark was hanging out with when you saw him in the hall. The guy introduces himself as Tyler Bate, he's happy to help you find your way out of the building.

"So." Tyler looks at you as the two of you walk. "You're Devlin's girlfriend then." He sort of asks you.

"Girlfriend?" You are quick to reply. "No. We're just friends. What made you think we were a couple?" You ask curiously.

"Well i mean he talks about you all the time." Tyler replies. Especially when we're on the road." You looked wide eyes at Tyler at this response.

"He does?" You ask again.

"Oh yeah, you are all he ever talks about." Tyler nods his head.

You nod your head and thank Tyler for getting you out to the parking lot. On your way home it all finally clicks for you. You knew why Jordan was so upset earlier. Your best friend had a tremendous crush on you, and seeing you with Mark made him jealous.

"Ha. Good one Y/N." You chuckle to yourself as you pull into your driveway. "What am i going to do?" You ask yourself as you enter your home.

You had always enjoyed Jordan's company, the two of you clicked since the moment you met him. In the time that you'd known him dating hadn't really been on your mind. Not that dating Jordan would be a bad thing. The two of you got along more than okay, and were comfortable as two people could be. Not to mention Jordan wasn't exactly lacking in the attractiveness department.

You have some time to think it over while Devlin is at work, but ultimately decide that you might as well give the whole dating thing a try again. And since you already knew that Jordan was into you, why not give it a shot right? Jordan gets back to the apartment a little late, and you're there waiting for him when he does.

"Hey Jordan." You greet him when he saunters into the kitchen, looking much better than before. "Can i maybe ask you something?" You ask him and rub the back of your neck.

"Yeah sure." Jordan nods his head.

"Well i was thinking that it was about time for me to get back into the dating game." You explain as best you can. "And i was maybe wondering if.....oh that maybe you'd wanna catch dinner and a movie with me this weekend? Kind of like a date?" You ask with hopeful eyes that seeing Mark didn't scare Jordan away.

"Really?" Jordan replies almost instantly. "You wanna go out on a date with me?" He asks you.

"Yeah, if you're up for it." You nod your head.

"Umm, yeah. Yeah i'd love that actually." Jordan nods his head, a huge grin on his face.

"Cool then." You blush a little, not realizing that this was something that you actually had been wanting to do for a while.

"Cool then." Jordan also nods, a little blush on his cheeks as well.

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