Drew Gulak

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"Just take your fucking shit and get out!" You scream at Ryan angry.

Hed cheated, and it was safe to say that you where done with him. You chucked all his shit out the door not caring that some of it broke and locked the door behind you.
Ryan was gone the next day, and frankly you couldn't be happier.

That was over 6 months ago, now you where lonely and bored. You didnt havs anyone to hang out and spend time with anymore, but you didn't miss Ryan. No you where determined to find a nice guy to go out with, someone complete opposite of fucking Ryan.

"Hey y/n." Drew waves at you like he always did on your way to your office.

"Hey." You wave back with a smile.

You walk off and head to your office when your brain clicks, Drew. He was cute, and always nice to you when you talked to him. He'd be the perfect person to try out.

You get to your office and find Drake waiting for you, you close the door and walk over to him.

"Any particular reason you've been lying in wait for me?" You ask as you sit down.

"Not really, I just came to pick up this roster reviews is all. I didn't realize how early I was." Drake explains.

"Oh." You reply as you open your top desk drawer. "Here you are." You hand him a stack of papers.

"Thanks." Drake nod as he takes the papers. "Don't forget we've got a segment in half an hour." He reminds you.

"Mkay, I'll see you then." You nod as drake shuts the door behind him.

Left with a little time to spare you plot an idea to ask drew if he'd go out with you. You where usually the one being asked out on dates, it was safe to say you didn't have a clue what you where doing.

"Crap." You mumble when you look at the time. "Time to meet Drake." You rise to your feet and head out of the office.

When you get to the main office where the segment is you spot drake talking to drew with mark Andrews nearby. He spots you and calls you over.

"Okay so this is the plan, we're starting a fued with these two." Drake starts gesturing to drew and mark. "It's going to be them and us, so that means y/n you'll pick on to be on your side." He explains. "I'll take the other and we'll add a little spice to the fued like we're apart of it." You nod taking in the info.

This was the perfect way to spend some time with drew, so you pretended to think it over a little before you answered.

"I'll take Drew." You tell Drake as you glance at Drew to gadge a reaction.

He looks pleased that you picked him, this pleases you. Maybe he did like you, that would make things easier for you.

"Alright then, I'll take Mark then." Drake nods to Mark. "We'll give them a match and end it with a dirty win, you'll take Drew's side on it being a good win and ill side with Mark." He explains. "That should kick start things I think." You all agree and mark and Drew head out to the ring.

You stay behind with Drake and wait for them to come back Arguing. While waiting Drake turns to you.

"Why'd you pick Gulak?" He asks you as he sways on his feet casually.

"Why not?" You reply playing it off cool. "He's a nice guy, plus you and mark are both Brits so." You point out using it as an excuse.

"That's true." Drake nods. "Or." He all of a sudden smiles. "You have a little thing for him." You turn your head to look at your boss.

"What?" You ask him acting shocked.

"Oh don't play dumb." Drake replies. "I know you like him, it's as plain as the look on your face." He chuckles. "He likes you to so I wouldn't worry much." This time your eyes light up a little.

"And just how do you know that?" You ask him figuring he's bluffing you.

"Simple." Drake replies. "I ran the story idea by the roster, he was the first to volunteer." He smiles. "And for the record I doubt he wanted to kiss up to me." You crack a small smile that you can't stop. "Ah see youre smiling." Drake points to the dimples forming on your face.

"Whatever." You try to wipe the smile off your face. "Mind your own business." You try to get him to change the subject.

"Mhm." Drake muses. "You'd make a cute couple." He adds.

You ignore this comment and take your place as a camera man walks in the room, then you hear the boys arguing in the Hall.

"It's was a dirty pin you cheat." You hear mark yell.

"I won fair and square." Drew yells right back.

Both men enter the room and walk right to you and Drake still yelling.

"Hey!" You yell quieting both men down. "What's the matter with you two?" You ask firmly.

"Hes a cheat is what." Mark states.

"Not my fault you can't beat me." Drew yells right back.

"That's enough." Drake silences both men. "Now what's the problem Mark?" He asks the blonde.

"He grabbed my shorts for the pin." He tells you and Drake.

"No I didn't." Drew replies.

"Shh." You quiet him down with a hand. "I say we look at a reply." You suggest to Drake.

You all look at the footage, the camera angle makes it look like it could go both ways. Looking a little more like drew did grab marks shorts to make him look like the bad guy.

"It looks like a clean pin to me." You shrug taking drews side.

"I disagree." Drake speaks up. "He obviously grabbed marks shorts." You shake your head.

After going back and forth for a bit you and Drake book another match and everyone disapates for the time being. You and Drew are the ones to move to the Hall since Drake is the main GM.

"Well that was fun." You muse as you step in the hallway.

"Yeah." Drew nods his head. "It was fun, I didnt know hanging with you was so much fun." He smiles.

"Yeah it is fun." You nod also wearing a smile. "Wanna maybe get some drinks after the show?" You ask him a little nervous.

"Yeah sure." Drew nods. "Id love to." You smile wide and nod your head.

Looks like getting a date wasn't as hard as you thought it be.

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