Finn Balor

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Bored out of your mind you walk around backstage with Drew right at your side. The unfortunate side effect of having a very overprotective brother was that Dolph made sure that Drew was always at your side when you weren't with your big brother.

"You know i can take care of myself right?" You raise a brow at Drew as the two of you walk side by side.

"Not what Dolph say's lass, i'm afraid that you're stuck with me." Drew flashes an amused grin.

You sigh knowing that you aren't going to shake Drew anytime soon, the catering room wasn't far away so you decide to grab some food before you head back to Dolph and Drew's locker room. You get to the catering room and grab an apple and a water then take a seat at a bench.

"Hey Drew." You pipe up when you look back at the food table and spot a plate of cookies that you haven't seen before. "Can you run and grab me one of those cookies?" You ask him.

Drew glances down at you then at the table and nods his head. You grin happily and watch as he walks to the line and stands to wait for his turn. With your tail distracted you scan the room for anyone that you can freely talk to, you look at the door and spot Finn Balor walk through.

"Hey Finn." You flag him down as best you can without alerting Drew.

Finn catches you trying to get his attention and saunters over to you with a wide grin. You grin yourself when he sits opposite of you at the table.

"Y/N lass, how are you?" Finn asks with a polite smile.

"I'm fine Finn, thanks for asking." You nod at him and take a bite from your apple. "How are you?" You ask him about himself.

"Fine lass, where's your bodyguard and brother?" Finn grins and looks around for the pair.

"Dolph is in the locker room, and Drew is over there." You gesture to the long catering line.

"Ah." Finn nods. "Seems like you're always with one of them nowadays." He comments.

"Tell me about it." You roll your eyes at the thought and take another bite from the apple. "The pains of having a very overprotective brother." You sigh a little.

Finn nods his head, still with that wide grin on his face. You swear you could get lost in that smile, Finn was just so kind and lovable.

"I don't blame them for looking after ya lass, i'm surprised Dolph is finding mates off with a stick." Finn chuckles a little.

You laugh a little to, he was calling you pretty basically. You glance over at Drew still in the line and not paying attention to you.

"Yeah well i can fend off men i don't like just fine." You wave your hand.

"I don't see you fending me off lass." Finn replies.

"I said men i don't like." You remind him with a flirty grin.

"Are you saying that you like me then?" Finn replies.

"Maybe." You giggle a little at the flirty antics going on.

The cute moment is ruined when a hand clasps your shoulder and you can feel the warmth of a body behind you, you don't even need to look to know who it is behind you.

"I'd scram if i were you mate." Drew glares down at Finn.

"Yeah." Finn nods. "Have a lovely rest of the night Y/N." Finn flashes you another flirty smile before he gets up and leaves.

As soon as he's gone Drew sits down next to you and hands you the cookie you wanted. You take it with a roll of your eyes.

"Oh don't get all pouty with me." Drew rolls his eyes right back. "Finn Balor is not someone Dolph would want you hanging with lass." You turn to the side and eat your food in silence before Drew takes you back to the locker room.

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