Kyle O'Reilly

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"Kyle." You groan as you plop down next to him on the bed he sits on.

"What's wrong now?" Kyle turns to you.

"I'm bored, entertain me." You tell him and bat your eyes for emphasis.

"Bored huh?" Kyle replies. You have a bad feeling about the look on his face.

In a split second Kyle is on top of you tickling you to death, you burst out in a fit of laughter as he attacks your torso.

"K-Kyle....s-stop." You stutter in a fit of laughs.

"Hey you said that you wanted to be entertained right?" He smirks above you.

All of a sudden across the room the door knob turns indicating that someone was about to come in the room. Kyle is off you in a second and you sit back upright as first as you can. You quickly turn your attention to the door as it opens up and Roderick steps through.

"Oh it's just you." You relax a little when you see that it's just Roderick.

"Good to see you to Y/N." Roderick replies. "What were you and lover boy up to just now?" He asks you with a raised brow.

Kyle glares at his tag partner and good friend, Roderick wiggles his eyebrows making you shake your head.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." He tells Roderick.

Roderick shrugs not really caring about getting a real answer out of his friend. Roderick was nice enough to keep the fact that you and Kyle were dating from your very overprotective brother Adam.

"Have you seen Adam today Roderick?" You ask him as you lean your head on Kyle's shoulder.

"Yep, he's on his way here right now." Roderick replies with a nod. "So you two better make some space between the two of you." You groan and slide away from Kyle.

A few minutes later sure enough Adam strolls through the door, he walks in and scans the room suspiciously.

"What's up guys?" He asks as he shuts the door behind him.

"Hey bro." You greet Adam as you look down at your phone.

Later that night you find yourself in the gym with the rest of Undisputed era, you didn't have anything better to do so why not work out right? Adam and the rest of the boys choose to lift weights. You on the other hand decide to do some squats.

"Kyle you're staring." Roderick nudges Kyle as his eyes are glued to you doing squats across the room.

Kyle snaps out of it and goes back to lifting before Adam noticing anything weird going on. If Adam found out what Kyle was doing to his little sister he's probably kill him.

Proving his theory Adam catches Ethan Carter III eyeing you up from one of the treadmills. Kyle watches as Adam sets down his bar and walks over to Ethan, an options that he himself was just thinking about doing.

"Hey Ethan." Adam growls as he strides to your side.

"Shit." Ethan rolls his eyes and leaves before Adam can make it across the room.

You smile at Adam for his bravery as he gets to your side.

"You okay?" Is the first thing he asks you.

"Yes." You giggle a little. "Ethan was just talking to me." You assure your big brother.

"Good. Come over and workout with us." He insists. "Then I don't have to worry about men ogling over my baby sister." You nod knowing that Adam won't take no for an answer.

You take your squat bar and walk back to the group with Adam, Kyle looks a little pissed that Ethan was being flirty. This makes you giggle and Adam goes back to working out.

After you all tire of the gym you head to your hotel room to relax for a few hours. Adam heads to go shopping for a birthday present for your mother that he still needed to buy. You aren't in your hotel room long before Kyle comes around.

"Hey babe." You grin as you open the door for Kyle.

You're immediately engulfed in a tight hug from your boyfriend.

"I should be the one pummeling Ethan into the canvas." He mumbles as he hugs you.

You giggle and little and Pat his back, you loved it when Kyle got all worked up and jealous.

"He's harmless babe." You assure him.

Kyle lets you go and shakes his head, you follow him to sit down for a bit.

"I should be the one to ward off other guys, not your brother." He complains.

"I know babe." You nod with a sigh and sit down next to him. "I just don't want Adam beating you up." You explain.

You and Kyle had thought about telling Adam about your relationship. But you had good reason to fear Adam. Last time you had interest in a guy, Kenny Omega when you were back in Japan, it didn't go so well.

"You know that we're gonna have to tell him sometime right?" Kyle tells you.

"Tell me what?" All of a sudden the door opens and Adam walks through. "What the fuck?" He asks as his eyes land on you with your legs over Kyle's lap and his hands resting on your thighs.

You jump up and get in front of Kyle, you know Adam won't go through you.

"Adam calm down." You put your hand up to block him.

"Yeah Adam let's talk." Kyle adds.

"Shut the hell up O'Reilly." Adam warns. "Y/N what the hell is going on?" He turns back to you.

"Me and Kyle are dating okay?" You tell him.

Adam stops and his expression goes blank for a second. You swallow and hold a hand back to Kyle.

"How long?" Is all Adam asks when he finally speaks.

"A few months." You explain.

Adam nods and looks a little more relaxed, you find this to be a good sign.

"Y/N go get Bobby and Roderick." Adam tells you.

You nod and kiss Kyle's cheek before you leave, you hope that you don't come back to a beaten boyfriend. You fetch Bobby and Roderick from their rooms and head back to your room with them.

"I'm back and i've got Bobby and Roderick." You announce as you open the door.

You look at Kyle first, he's got a cut on his lip. Then you look at Adam, he's got a bruise on his cheek.

"Who won?" You ask them lightly.

"Tie." Kyle grins.

You giggle and go sit next to Kyle to examine his lip.

"Oof he really did a number on you baby." You muse. "So does this mean I'm aloud to date him Adam?" You turn to your brother.

"If you have to date someone, O'Reilly is a good of a choice as I can tolerate I guess." Adam nods his head stiffly.

"Yay." You peck Kyle's lips lightly to celebrate not having to keep it a secret any longer.

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