Tye Dillinger

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You had learned to hate working with Tye, he was one of those guys that was unbelievably cute and knew it. One of those guys that knew they could commit murder and all they had to do to get away with it was smile, and you fell for it every time.

You sat filling in for Shane while he was off trying to find a new GM now that Daniel had gone back to being a competitor. The night had been pretty tame so far, you only had to break up one fight. Then it all came crashing down when a knock came at the door.

"Come in." You reply to the knock as you turn your attention to the door.

"Shane?" A voice asks as the door opens, you almost choke as you see Tye walk through the door.

"He's gone for the night, what can I do for you?" You ask hoping Tye doesn't need anything from you.

Tye shuts the door behind him and saunters over to your desk, you mentally swoon. His muscles showing through his shirt, his eyes deep and mischievous as always.

"Well I was going to ask Shane about what he had in mind for me as a heel..... " Tye starts as he leans against the desk a little. "But since you're here." He smiles.

"Since I'm here what?" You ask as you raise a brow at the man in front of you.

"Well maybe I've got another plan in mind." Tye smirks and runs a hand through his growing hair.

"Well when you figure out what that plan is let me know." You smile. "If that's it I've actually got some place to be." You stand to your feet and move around the desk.

Tye turns around to face you still leaning against your desk, he couldn't look more gorgeous.

"Well let me get the door for you then." He reaches over you with an arm making sure to lean in close and opens the door.

You smile and step out into the hall, you can almost feel your heart pounding in your chest. Tye shuts the door and dismisses himself with a grin, you roll your eyes and head down to do a segment that Shane originally had planned for himself.

"Ah y/n there you are." Your camera man John greets you. "Let's get going as soon as you're ready." You nod and step over to your mark.

The camera switches on and pans over to you, you look at the monitor on the wall with a hand on your hip. The screen displays the ring with Daniel and AJ going back and forth with each other. All of a sudden someone joins you, it's Ruby and Liv.

"Girls." You smile and turn to them.

"Y/n." Ruby nods to you. "I think we all know what me and Liv are here for." She sneers.

You nod and look back to a silent Liv, she was planning on turning on Ruby soon.

"I assume you want a match against the Iconics?" You ask to confirm what the girls want. "You'll get your match, the main event tonight." You tell them.

Both ruby and liv nod before they leave, the camera lingers for a bit longer before it turns off. You say bye to John and step back out into the Hall.

"Hey y/n." Ruby hails you.

"Hey Ruby." You smile and walk up to her.

"Hey did you talk to Dillinger today?" She all of a sudden asks you.

"Yeah, he came by the office looking for Shane earlier." You tell her. "Why?" You ask not knowing why she was concerned about it.

"Oh no." She smiles, you raise a brow as you also see Liv crack a smile.

"What?" You ask both girls.

"Oh nothing." Ruby smirks and pats your shoulder.

"Good luck girl." Liv adds, both girls take off before you can ask them what the hell they meant.

Confused you head back to shane's office to wait out the remainder of the show. You aren't there for long when a knock comes at the door.

"Come in." You answer and quickly move your feet off the desk to look more professional. "Oh hey Corey." You smile as the tattooed blonde walks in the room. "What's up?" You ask him.

"Just finished up the broadcast, wanted to let you know Drake will be here to take over in a few." He tells you.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." You nod and dismiss Corey for the night.

"Yeah, have a nice night." Corey replies.

You raise a brow at the way Corey looks at you as he says this. Like he knew something you didn't.
You shrug and go back to messing around on your phone while you wait for Drake. A few minutes go by when a knock comes at the door again.

"Come in." You once again call out and turn your attention to the door thinking it's Drake. "Tye?" You ask as Dillinger walks through the door. "What do you want?" Tye smirks and shuts the door behind him.

"Well.... " He draws out with a smirk. "I've been thinking about it for a while now." He licks his lips making you swallow hard. "And I've made the very important decision to take a certain gorgeous h/c girl back to my hotel room." You take a silent breath.

To say that you were turned on was a huge understatement, you call yourself a little and stare back at Tye who patiently waits for an answer.

"She sounds like a lucky girl." You grin playfully. "May I ask just what you plan to do with this special girl?" You ask with a sudden burst of confidence.

"Hmmm." Tye grins as he makes his way across the desk. "I thought I might start with this." All of a sudden he leans down and crashes his lips to yours.

You accept this kiss with butterflies dancing in your stomach, you may or may not have had a dream like this once. You feel a pair of hands rest on your thighs, this makes you giggle a little. Then all of a sudden someone knocks on the door again, startled you push Tye off you and catch your breath.

"It's open." You call out and look to the door.

Out of the corner of your eye you see Tye casually lean against the wall like he didn't just have his tongue in your mouth.

"Sorry I'm a little late y/n." Drake walks through the door.

He stops and looks at your flustered face, then he spots Tye and nods a little.

"Hope I wasn't interrupting something." He smirks. "Anyway, you two can go now." You nod and stand to your feet.

You plan on saying goodbye to drake but Tye grabs you by the hand and pulls you out of the room.

"Ha, she oughta have a fun night." Drake muses to himself knowing very well what you're being dragged off to do.

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