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"And here she comes, the superstar that's out of this world, Y/N Galaxy." You here Percy comment as you stride past the announce table and hop up onto the ring apron.

You do your signature pose on the top turnbuckle then let yourself fall back in a kind of backflip back down to the ring matt. The crowd cheers for you for a few moments until your opponent's music hits. Tonight you had a match with Lacey Evans, the so called "Lady of NXT." . But she wasn't your concern, no you had your eye on Shayna Baszler, it was about time that she had a real opponent to take the NXT women's championship away from her.

"Lacey." You grin at the blonde as she steps in the ring and does her own pose.

Lacey rolls her eyes and walks over to her corner, the bell rings and the match starts. For the most part Lacey keeps you on the Matt, knowing that she can't out fly you. You manage to dodge her technical attempts and strike her hard enough with a drop kick to give you time to climb up to the top rope and deliver "The Galaxy Drop" a moonsault from the top rope. You land the move and get a perfect three count then go ahead and push Lacey from the ring.

"Alright now that Lacey's gone, i've got something i'd like to address to the ladies locker room." You take a mic from one of the time keepers and slip back in the ring. "I'd like to talk about Shayna Baszler. Shayna, we all know that you walk around with that belt thinking that you're the baddest bitch in NXT, i'm here to tell you that you aren't." You grin and stare down the ramp. It's about time that we all stop pretending that we're afraid of you, about time that a real woman takes that belt. So what do you say Shayna? Up for the challenge?" You ask into the mic with a grin and wait.

You wait for a few minutes but Shayna never shows, getting bored you head backstage. As soon as you get away from the ramp entrance you are greeted by William Regal, and he doesnt looks pleased with you.

"Y/N." He calls you over to his side.

"Regal." You reply and walk over to him nonchalantly. "What can i do you for boss?" You ask him with a grin.

Regal shoots you another unhappy look and shakes his head. You shrug and wait for him to get to scolding you.

"What was all that about? Calling out Shayna like that?" He asks you in a firm tone.

"Eh." You shrug. "What can i say, the people want a new champion and i want a championship belt. Plus beating old im a badass Shayna is just bonus points." You grin just thinking about it.

"You're out of control Galaxy." Regal scolds you. "Calling her out like that, instead of coming to me first." You roll your eyes ever so slightly.

"I knew you'd go for the idea, so i skipped that part." You chuckle a reply.

Regal shakes his head again, you grin knowing that you're definitely going to get your way.

"I already had a storyline in the works for you and another superstar, one that i happen to think that you were going to like." Regal explains with a sigh.

"Yeah?" You nod. "What was it?" You ask him curiously.

"I was talking to Ricochet about getting the two of you involved in a kind of bestfriend/partner storyline feuding with Lacey Evans and some other male superstar." He explains. "I had him on board and everything." Your stomach twists a little bit, you feel a little bad now.

You had a prominent crush on the current North American champion, and knowing that he was more than willing to do a storyline with you made your crush grow.

"I'm sure you can find a way to switch the story up." You speak up to Regal. "Just change the girl from Lacey to Shayna, and then it's all good." You suggest. "Didn't she just start dating on of the male superstars a few months ago to?" You remember hearing about it.

"Yes i believe so." Regal nods his head, you can tell that he's thinking about it. "Fine, you can go tell Ricochet the plan then." He tells you.

You nod and decide to leave before anything else can happen, you head out to the men's locker rooms to find Ricochet. Your heart beats in your ears as you near his door, he was just so pretty to look at, and a great guy.

You knock twice and wait for a response, a few seconds go by before you hear footsteps on the other side of the door. The knob turns and the door cracks open to reveal Ricochet.

"Oh hey Y/N." Ricochet grins when he sees you standing at the door.

"Hey Ricochet." You grin ear to ear. "I just came by to tell you that Regal has a small change of plans for our new storyline." You explain.

"Let me guess." Ricochet grins back. "Shayna Baszler instead of Lacey Evans?" He asks you with a smirk and a raised brow. "I saw you call her out earlier." He comments.

"Did you?" You reply with a smile. "Yeah you're right." You quickly add.

"Cool, that'll definitely make it more interesting to watch." He chuckles.

"Yeah." You nod as you start to lightly blush. "Anyway, wanna maybe hang out since we're going to spend a lot more time together from now on?" You ask sheepishly.

"Yeah sure i'd love to." Ricochet nods. "We'll call it a date, meet me later tonight okay?" He tells you.

"Yeah sure." You say almost a little to eagerly.

This earns another hearty chuckle from Ricochet before he grins and slips back into his locker room. You walk off and celebrate a little with yourself. You had a date with Ricochet and a NXT championship in your future.

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