TJ Perkins

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You walk side by side with Byron since you both are heading to the same place, him being one of your best friends it's always easy to talk to him.

"So how's the change to 205 been so far?" You ask him as the two of you walk.

"Fine." Byron nods cheery. "It's much less tiring than SmackDown sice it's only an hour and a half of work instead of two and a half." He smiles.

"Not to mention its the same paycheck." You add.

You turn the corner and stop when you look down the Hall, your boyfriend leans awkwardly against the door if his locker room with Alexa Bliss harassing him.

"Hey Byron." You turn to him. "Stay here i'll be right back." You tell him. Byron nods and stays put as you stride down the Hall.

You walk up to Alexa and tap her on the shoulder, TJ see's you and can't help but smile.

"Umm excuse me." You get her attention. "Can I help you?" You ask her with a smile.

"Umm no." Alexa sneers at you. "As you can see I'm trying to have a conversation with this very handsome man." She turns back to TJ ignoring you.

You grab her shoulder and turn her around to face you, she looks slightly pissed but you keep your cool.

"Yeah well that handsome man you happen to be talking to? Yeah he's MY boyfriend, so I'd appreciate it if you'd take your skank ass somewhere else." You tell her sweetly.

Alexa looks at you offended then back to TJ who just wears a smile, she then huffs and stomps off. You turn to TJ once she's gone and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks babe, she just wouldn't leave me alone." He pulls you into a hug.

"Mhm." You must as you bury your face in his neck. "Just remember I'm always watching you Perkins." You warn him all giggly as you go to join Byron again. "See you later babe." You wave to him.

TJ nods and slips into his locker room, you get back to Byron and settle back into step with him.

"Well that was Entertaining." He jokes as the two of you walk.

"Ha I bet." You reply as you walk down the ramp to the commentary table and take a seat.

Byron sits next to you and 205 starts, you let Byron take the lead since he's new and could use the practice.

Later that night you sit in your chair intently watching as Drew Gulak makes his way down the ramp with that usual cocky smile, he makes his way to the table and sits down next to you.

"Ah looks like Drew has decided to come join us on commentary." You smile at him as he settles in his chair. "Here to scope out your competition for your semi final match next week I assume?" You ask him as you glance at the top of the ramp as TJ's music hits.

"That would be part of the reason I'm down here." Drew replies suggestively.

"Ah and here comes TJs opponent for the night, Tyler Bate." Byron comments changing the subject.

For the next fifteen minutes you awkwardly try to commentate that match in front of you as Drew makes attempts to flirt. Byron, being the friend he is usually answers any questions Drew has.

"Ah and it looks like TJ Perkins will be going on to face you in next weeks semi final match." You smile to TJ as his hand is raised in the ring.

"Looks that way doesn't it." Drew replies. You watch as Drew springs from his seat and makes his way to TJ.

You roll your eyes at his attempt at an attack on TJ, he gets hit a few times before sending Drew running.

"Well looks like Gulak wanted to try and get an advantage on his match next week." Byron comments.

The cameras switch off and you slide your headset off your head and stand up, Byron takes his off but remains on his seat.

"I'll see you tomorrow Byron." You nod to him as you make your way up the ramp.

You barely even get passed the curtain when your stopped by Drew again.

"There you are, I was hoping I'd catch you." He smirks as he slides in front of you. "So where are you headed beautiful?" He asks you as he licks his lips.

You go to reply when a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"She's headed back to my hotel with me I believe." TJ smirks as he rests his head on your shoulder. "Isn't that right babe?" He asks you.

"Yeah I believe so." You nod. Drew nods and leaves before TJ decides he's being a nuisance to you. Once he's gone TJ let's you go and you turn to him. "Well that was fun, thanks babe." You hug TJ for getting you outta that situation.

"No problem baby." TJ replies into your shoulder. "I heard him flirting with you during my match." He tells you.

"Did you?" You ask. "That explain why you looked just a little ticked off?" TJ nods making you smile.

"No one flirts with MY girl and gets away with it." He mumbles.

You chuckle and wave to Byron who walks past you with a smile. All of a sudden you see the boss walk up to you.

"Hey Drake." You smile at him as you pry TJ off of you. "What's up?" You ask him.

"I just wanted to talk to TJ for a moment, do you mind?" Drake asks you.

You nod and slide out of the room for a few minutes. After a few minutes TJ emerges from the room and grabs you for another hug.

"Woah." You grin. "What's got you so happy?" You ask him.

"Drake told me that he's setting up to win the championship." He tells you with a huge grin.

"Yeah?" Your eyes go wide. "That's great." You grab his hand and pull him to the door. "This calls for a celebration." You grin as you drag him behind you.

"Haha." TJ replies. "Lead the way babe.”

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