Seth Rollins

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You sat in a chair bored in Kurt's office, you'd just been called up to Raw and it already sucked. Your boots sat atop Kurt's oak desk and sunk in your seat on your phone, rude was your middle name. Finally the door opened and Kurt walked in either another guy, you weren't paying attention to either.

"Alright let's get started finally, and get your feet off my desk." Kurt tells you. You roll your eyes and slowly drag your feet across the wood before letting them fall to the floor.

You then take the time to glance at the guy Kurt brought with him, Seth Rollins you instantly recognize him.

"What's he here for?" You ask as your gaze falls back on Kurt.

"Well." Kurt starts obviously annoyed by you. "Since Stephanie insisted that you be called up even though I don't think you should be I need to do something with you. And since I'm too old to babysit I'm handing you over to Seth." He tells you happy at the mention of getting rid of you.

You glance at Seth who stands with his arms crossed looking at Kurt, hr was going to babysit you? He was just as wild at one point in his career.

"Fine." You shrug. "Happy to get out of this office anyway, it's depressing." You sneer as you stand to your feet.

"Seth." Kurt turns to Rollins with a smile. "Good luck." And with that you both leave the room.

As soon as your out you go to leave but a hand grabs your arm, you turn to see Seth holding you in place.

"Can I help you?" You ask him as you try to pull your arm back.

"And where the hell do you think you're going?" Seth asks you in an attempt to assert some authority.

"Umm anywhere but here." You reply still trying to pull your arm away. "Can I have my arm back?" You ask him still pulling.

"When I know you aren't going to win off, you're my responsibility now remember?" He reminds you refusing to let go. "That means you go where I go, and more importantly you listen to what I have to say." He tells you as he stares you down.

A smile cracks on your face, he thought he was going to parade you around like a baby. He was wrong.

"Fine." You smile innocently. "Can I have my limb back now?" You ask again. This time seth let's your arm go and you let it drop at your side. "lead the way boss." You gesture to Seth.

He nods and turns to go down the hall, you follow behind him for the time being. He glances back at you every so often to make sure your still present, you smile every time he does. Soon you both arrive at a locker room, Seth stops and turns to you.

"I've gotta grab Something, stay here." He tells you. You nod and lean against the wall to wait.

As soon as Seth disappears behind the door you smirk and walk off to find something to do. Your walk takes you down the Hall and to Braun Strowman.

"What are you looking at pipsqueak?" He asks you and you stride up to him.

"Bigfoot." You crack a smile. "Can I get a pic Sasquatch?" You ask him.

This of course doesn't blow over well with the monster among men and he warns you that you should apologize. Before you can make another snide remark and get into more trouble a hand grabs you from behind.

"Sorry Stroman." Seth nods to Braun as he holds your arm tight. "She's a little brat when she's bored." He grits his teeth as he drags you off. "Sorry." He tells back one last time.

You follow quiet as he drags you down the Hall out of sigh of Braun then stops and let's you go.

"What part of stay did you not get?" he asks as he turns to you annoyed.

"The stay part." You reply smugly.

Seth breathes in and shakes his head, you smile as he stands and thinks for a bit.

"Well obviously yelling isn't going to phase you, never did me." He tells you. "So we're doing this the hard way." He looks to you.

"Ooo scary." You reply with a roll of your eyes.

All of a sudden Seth pushes you against the wall, not super hard but hard enough to get your attention.

"Listen here princess." He gets real close to you as his arm lays across your chest keeping you in place. "You're gonna be a good girl and listen to me got it? If you choose to be a fucking brat and ignore me we're gonna have a problem got it?" He tells you firmly.

You swallow with a smile and look him in those chocolate eyes and nod, he let's you go and fixes his shirt.

"Come on we've got stuff to do." He tells you, you nod with a smile and follow him.

You had no idea he could get so alpha, and it was kind of hot. You craved to see what he'd do if you pissed him off again, it was almost like he was challenging you to anger him.

Seth takes you down to the ramp and stops then turns around to you.

"Stay." He commands you. You nod and sit down and wait for him.

As soon as he leaves an old friend of your appears from the curtain.

"Well well well." Elias smirks as he sees you sitting down on a box. "Look who came to visit." He slides over to you. "How've you been baby girl?" he asks you.

"Better now that you're not breathing down my neck." You reply sweetly.

Elias smirks and looks at you, you feel the urge to punch him in the face but remain calm.

"Hmmm, well you look gorgeous as always, maybe I'll just have to keep you for myself." He smirks.

You go to hit him but someone beats you to it, you look up to see Seth had grabbed him and pushed him to the floor.

"Come on." He grabs you by the arm and drags you off.

You look back to see Elias on the floor and smile as your dragged off and once again pushed against a wall.

"Just can't stay out of trouble can you?" Seth asks you. You roll your eyes and look at him.

"What did I do?" You ask him looking him in the eye.

"Well first off you were gonna hit him." Seth starts. "And second you were flirting." He adds.

You furrow a brow, why did he care if you flirted? Then a small smile cracks on your lips.

"I'm not aloud to flirt?" You ask him.

"No." He replies quickly.

"Oh so I'm not aloud to do this?" You ask as your fingers loop through the rings on his jeans. "Or this?" You tug him closer to you.

Your suspicion is confirmed when sure enough Seth's lips crash to your own. Once he's done and made his point he lets you go.

"Come on princess we've got places to be." He grabs your arm again and drags you off, you happily oblige andet him drag you off.

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