Adam Cole

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"Excuse me." You wear a sweet smile on your face as the door in front of you opens. "I'm looking for Adam Cole?" You glance past the man in front of you back into the locker room.

The guy in front of you looks you up and down, then turns around back into the locker room and yells.

"Adam, it's for you!" He tells back into the room.

You smile at the man as he disappears in the locker room and is replaced by another one.

"Are you Adam Cole?" You ask the man curiously, a smile still on your face.

"Yeah that's me babe, do we know each other?" Adam nods his head with a smirk.

Your sweet smile drops from your face as you raise your hand up and punch the man in front of you straight in the nose, sending him to the floor with a grunt.

"That's for Humberto." You Huff and turn on your heel to leave.

"What the hell?" Is all you hear as you walk off.

That was how you met Adam Cole. On a revenge mission for injuring your best friend and client, Humberto Carrillo on his first day in NXT.

How you went from punching him in the face and hating the man's guts to your current situation. Which consisted of you being pressed against a wall with Adam's hands up your shirt and tongue pressed to your neck you didn't know. But damn if you cared at the moment.

"Adam." You moan with a smile on your face. "Adam, I've gotta go." You giggle and attempt to use your hands to push him off of you.

"Sorry, can't hear you." Adam replies in a low voice. "Busy at the moment." You can feel his smirk on your skin.

"Adam." You push his chest again, knowing that Humberto was going to be wondering where you were soon.

"Fine, fine." Adam groans slightly taking a small step back and removing his hands from your warm skin. "Man, Carrillo's really making my life miserable ain't he?" He complains.

You roll your eyes and flatten out a few wrinkles in your shirt. One the shirt looks fine your hands go back to being around Adam's neck.

"I think you'll be fine Adam." You giggle at his pouting and kiss his lips lightly. "See you later babe." You let your hands fall back to your sides and walk to the door.

"Oh yeah you will." Adam calls to you. "I intend on finishing my business with you princess." He warns you as you walk through the door.

You shake your head, not being able to hide the smile on your face and make your way back to Humberto's locker room.

"Berto." You call as you walk through the door of the locker room. "I'm back." You step inside the room and look for your best friend.

"Y/N!" Your greeted by the heavily dimpled smile of your best friend. "What took you so long?" He asks you with that adorable confused look of his.

"Ran into Candace is all." A lie easily rolls off of your tongue. "Sorry about that." You apologize.

"No worries." Humberto shrugs. "We should probably get going for my match with Roderick Strong though." He walks back over to the door.

You nod and walk with him out the door and down to the ring. Both of you head into the ring and you hang back in the corner.

After a few seconds Undisputed Era's music hits and Roderick walks down the ramp, with Adam at his side. You shake your head, knowing that it's pay back from earlier and watch as Adam passes you.

"Adam is staring at you." Humberto taps you on the shoulder lightly.

"I know." You nod quietly. "Don't worry about him." You pat him on the shoulder.

You slip down to the floor as the referee climbs in the ring and the bell rings.

The match goes on for a while, Humberto giving it his best. Adam gets up to his usual cheating ways, so you intervene.

"Adam." You sing song as you walk over to his side of the ring. "Adam, baby." You coo at him, catching his attention.

"Hello to you too darlin." Adam smirks at you, taking a step away from the apron.

Your plan works and Adam saunters over to you long enough for Humberto to pin Roderick for a win. The bell rings and the look on Adam's face when he realizes what you did is priceless.

"Whoops." You giggle and turn back to walk back over to Humberto.

"Oh that's dirty princess." Adam shakes his head, a dark and mischievous look in his eye. "Real dirty." Roderick walks back over to his side.

"Come on Berto." You shrug at Adam with a grin.

Humberto slips back down to the floor and walks up the ramp with you. The two of you head back to the locker room to cool off.

Later that night your walking through the parking lot of the hotel your staying at, the cool air kissing your skin lightly. You get to the main doors of the entrance when a warm hand snakes over your shoulder.

"Said I'd get you back sweetheart." You keep your smile contained when Adam's smooth voice graces your ears.

"Did you?" You grin obliviously.

Adam's grip tightens on you ever so slightly as the two of you step into the empty elevator.

Just a few minutes later the door slams behind you with a thud as you fall backwards onto your bed.

"Now." Adam appears above you with a grin. "Where were we left off at earlier?" He asks you.

You raise your hand up and pull Adam down by the collar of the shirt, your lips meeting the corner of his mouth with a grin.

"Right here I believe." You giggle.

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