Sami Zayn

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"Come on Kurt there has to be something you can do for us." Kevin asks again.

Him and Sami had been working over the GM of Raw for a good 20 minutes now, they had to of they were getting out of their qualifying matches against bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman. Kevin had been doing most of the work, Sami was busy ogling over Kurt's daughter y/n.

"Sami come on help me out here." Kevin turns to Sami only to find him gone. Kevin spins around to see Sami a few feet away talking it up with y/n again. "Sami." He calls again.

You lean against the wall with a smile on your face, your presence is graced by Sami Zayn. He originally came with Kevin Owens to see about getting out of his qualifying match, but much to Kevin's dismay you had the gingers full attention.

"I think Kevin might be calling you." You gesture to Kevin a few feet away.

"Eh." Sami replies. "He's fine, besides this conversation is much more worth my time." He grins and turns back to you.

"What did you two even come in here for again?" You ask as you glance behind Sami at Kevin again.

"Well we did come to see about getting different matches for our qualifyings." Sami replies. "But hey plans change, maybe a certain GM's daughter will be impressed by our courage to take them on." Sami smirks at you making you giggle.

"Cute." You reply. "But I'd much rather you not die just to impress me." You take a step forward and grab Sami's hand to pull him along.

Sami follows you close confused about what you're doing. You pull him by the hand right over to Kurt and Kevin and stop in front of him.

"Hey dad." You turn your attention to Kurt. "I want you to change Sami and Kevin's matches to different people." You tell him with an innocent smile. "Me and Sami are going on a date later and I'd like my date to be in one piece please." You add to make your case.

Kurt mumbles something under his breath and looks down at you, you still hold a grip on Sam's hand.

"Alright fine. Just get these two out of my office." Kurt gives in unable to resist his daughter.

"Yay, thanks daddy." You cheer and quickly hug Kurt before stepping out of his office with Sami and Kevin.

All three of you get out into the hall and you turn to Sami and Kevin with a smile.

"Well that was easy." Kevin grins at you. "Thanks y/n." He nods to you.

"No problem Kev." You nod your head. "Anyway, I believe you owe me one now Mr. Zayn." You turn to Sami standing next to him.

"I believe I do." Sami nods. "Does after the show work for you my lovely lady?" He asks you with a grin.

"It does, I'll see you then." You smile. "And I wish both you man good luck in your much easier qualifier matches." With that you bid the pair good day and walk off for the time being.

Sami and Kevin wait for you to disappear before they head to their own locker rooms. As soon as your gone Kevin turns to Sami.

"Well well well." He teases Sami with a smirk.

"What?" Sami replies as hard glances at Kevin.

"You man." Kevin replies. "Nice idea getting y/n to help us out, turns out flirting with the bosses daughter has perks." He grins.

"What?" Sami replies. "That wasn't my idea, that was all y/n." He tells Kevin. "I'd never ask her to do that, she's more than just the bosses daughter man." Kevin raises a brow and looks at his friend.

"You actually like her don't you?" He questions the taller man.

Sami stutters a bit making Kevin smile wide, it had been a long time since Sami had even thought about dating. Kevin, being married and all, didn't need to worry about getting a date.

"Maybe." Sami manages to breath a reply. "........ Yeah." He just straight out admits it.

"Ahh that's cute, you two are a cute couple." Kevin all of a sudden loses his normal grumpy demeanor.

"Okay calm down." Sami throws his hands up in defense. "Don't go Maine wedding plans without me yet, it's just a date." Kevin can't help but wear a smile.

"Okay okay, I'll be calm." He calms himself a little.

Sami nods and both men head out for their matches.

You linger next to Kurt as the qualifier matches start, first is Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler. Easy enough since Drew McEntire is gone for the night. During the match your dad turns to talk to you.

"So, Sami Zayn?" He asks you. You roll your eyes and turn do him, you know he'd rather you like anyone else.

"I don't wanna hear it." You tell him firmly. "We're going out if you like it or not, I happen to like Sami." Kurt sighs and nods his head.

"It's not like I could stop you if I could." He sighs. You nod.

"You worry about me to much dad." You pat his back lightly.

Kevin's match ends, he didn't win. You watch him sulk up the ramp and pass Sami who makes his way down to the ring with a smile. Sami's qualifier is against Jinder Mahal, easy enough as long as he made sure he knew where Semir was at all times.

You watch curiously as the match goes on for a while, when it looks like it's about to end your head down to the backstage area to meet Sami. When you get there Sami walks through the curtain with a huge smile.

"You win?" You ask him with a smile.

"I did." Sami nods and grabs your hand. "And I believe I'm about to continue my winning streak with a date." He pulls you along with him.

"Well I do happen to like winners." You giggle.

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