Dean Ambrose

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¨Well hitting people in the face isn't going to solve the problem.¨ You snap at Xavier as he paces the room with his fists clenched to the point of making his knuckles white.

¨He hit you.¨ Xavier snaps back at you anger in his voice. ¨He needs his face beat in.¨ You roll your eyes at your best friend.

¨It was an accident, i wasn't paying attention and accidently stepped in the way.¨ You explain for the third time in the last 15 minutes. ¨Itś not like he did it on purpose.¨ You absentmindedly gloss over the bruise below your left eye with your thumb.

You had been out and messing around with Dean and the New Day during a match when Dean accidently hit you instead of his opponent Bo Dallas with a drop kick. Being a wrestler yourself you took the hit well and where relatively fine, just the aforementioned bruise. But not only had Dean freaked out from accidently hurting you, but your best friend was out for blood for the deed.

¨He could have stopped and missed you with that kick.¨ Xavier growls again.

¨No he couldn't, or he would have.¨ You reply in a sigh. ¨Xavier itś fine, just drop it.¨ You tell him.

Xavier continues to pace the room in a fit, you just sit and watch him walk a rut into the wooden floors. All of a sudden a knock comes at the door, you jump up and answer the door before Xavier can.

¨Yeah?¨ You ask as you open the door up lightly.

¨y/n.¨ Seth stands on the other side of the door with a concerned look on his face. ¨You´re okay right?¨ He asks you as he looks at your face. ¨Dean´s back in the locker room throwing a fit about it.¨ You grin slightly at this comment and nod your head.

¨Yeah man i´m fine, trust me when i say that i´ve had much worse in this case.¨ You assure Seth with a smile signaling that you are fine. ¨You mind if i go see him?¨ You ask Seth eager to get away from Xavier and his pacing.

Seth nods and pulls you out of the room, Xavier is to busy talking to himself about how pissed he his to notice that you´ve left the room. Seth takes you down the hall and his and the boys locker room.

¨Hey Woods, i told you that she's fine.¨ He calls Dean as he enters the room with you right behind him.

¨Yeah Dean, don´t get all worried for nothing.¨ You smile and step out from behind Seth.

Dean perks up and looks at you, he's on his feet moments later when he see´s the bruise that he caused.

¨Oh god what did i do?¨ He asks as he gets close to you.

¨I'm fine Dean.¨ You assure him. ¨It's just a bruise, i've had much worse done to me.¨ You repeat what you had said to both Xavier and Seth.

¨I'm so sorry, i didn't see you when i jumped. Then all of a sudden you where in the way and i couldn't stop and, oh god.¨ Dean comes to a realizations as he rambles on to you. ¨Xavier is going to kill me.¨ He looks at you hoping you´ll tell him different.

¨Yeah i´d watch it, he pacing a rut into the floor as we speak.¨ You explain what you had left your best friend doing. ¨And he doesn't know Seth grabbed me from the locker room yet.¨ You add.

The look on Dean's face almost makes you laugh, he looks white as a sheet as soon as he realizes that Dean will soon enough be on his ass for hurting his little sister.

¨Dont worry man, as long as i´m with you he won't do anything.¨ You assure him with a small hug.

¨Yeah but you can't be by my side 24/7.¨ Dean replies. ¨Not that i don't like your company.¨ He quickly adds as not to offend you.

¨I know, you´ll just have to trust me Dean.¨ You shrug your shoulders.

Dean relaxes a little at the sight of your usual bright smile, that feeling quickly fades when someone starts knocking on the door rather hard. Dean swallows hard and looks at you, you pull him behind you and go to open the door.

¨y/n, where is he?¨ Xavier asks in a fit of rage as he pushes on the door.

¨I´m not letting you into this room until you calm down Xavier.¨ You reply as your arms strain to keep the door semi-closed.

Xavier easily overpowers you and pushes the door open, you take a step back making sure that you are between Dean and Xavier for the time being.

¨You drop kicked my best friend.¨ Xavier snaps at Dean as he glares at him through you. ¨Now i´m gonna kick your ass.¨ You roll your eyes and hold your hand out.

¨No you aren't.¨ You tell him. ¨Because it was an accident and i'm not letting you pummel my boyfriend.¨ Xavier moves his gaze to you and his muscles tense a little more than usual.

¨Boyfriend?¨ He asks as he looks at you.

¨Yeah.” You nod and reply. ¨He's been my boyfriend for a while now  Xavier.¨ You explain.

¨Why didn't you tell me?¨ Xavier replies.

¨Because i had a feeling you'd react like this.¨ You tell him. ¨And it looks like i was right.¨ Xavier looks even more angry.

¨Well then, alright.¨ He calms down. ¨If that's what you want, then i'm happy for you.¨ You nod and silently thank him.

Thinking that it's all alright now you step to the side of Dean, you were mistaken. As soon as the path is clear Xavier socks Dean square in the nose sending him to the floor.

¨You ever hurt her again that's not even the beginning of what i´ll do to you.¨ He warns Dean. ¨Sorry.¨ He adds right before he leaves.

You bend down to Dean on the floor and giggle a little, he holds his bleeding nose in pain and looks at you.

¨I'm starting to think you're not worth all this.¨ He jokes as he stands to his feet.

You giggle and wipe the blood from his cheek and kiss his nose in an attempt to make it feel better. This earns a chuckles from Dean as he pulls you into his side.

¨Nah i'm pretty sure you're worth it.¨ He kisses the top of your head. ¨Even if it does get me beat up.¨

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