Flip Gordon

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You plop down in a chair fresh off of a 10 hour flight wedged between Adam and Marty. Both men trail in behind you both wearing grins, meanwhile your patience regarding them was wearing very thin.

"Well is say that was a blast eh y/n?" Marty asks you as he plops down next to you.

"Sure." You reply blankly.

You were wide awake from having to resort to sleeping on the plane to get away from the duo.

"What's the matter love?" Marty asks you seeing that you looked annoyed.

"I'm fine Marty." You snap a little. God you needed to get away. "I'm gonna go down to the gym, you two please get some sleep." You tell both of them as you reach for your bag.

Marty nods his head, your tone was deadly. Adam steps out of your way as you grab your bag from near his feet and head out the door.

"What was up with her?" He asks Marty as you slam the door behind you.

You head down to the gym you know is on one of the lower floors. You step into the elevator and hit one of the buttons. The elevator goes down a floor and stops, you turn your attention to the door as someone steps in.

"Hey Flip." You greet the man you easily recognize as the ever so cute Flip Gordon.

"Oh hey y/n." Flip throws one of those adorable smiles your way. "Where are you headed?" He asks as he looks down at your bag in hand.

"Gym." You reply as you lift the bag a little. "Gotta get away from Adam and Marty for a while." You explain.

Flip nods and fixes his hat a little. The elevator kicks in and moves down again.

"I was just headed to the gym to. Maybe you'd wanna hang?" Flip all of a sudden turns and asks you.

"Yeah sure." You nod.

You'd always found hanging out with Flip easy. He was just so easy to get along with, not to mention charming and cute.

"Cool." Flip nods his head back.

The elevator stops and the doors slide open, Flip let's you get off first. You grin and step into the lobby and take a right to the gym. Flip follows behind you.

"I'm gonna go change, be right back." You tell Flip before you head into the locker room.

Flip nods and watches you leave to change. Once you're gone he makes his way to the weights and picks out a bar and some weights to lift. In an attempt to impress the pretty girl hanging with him he grabs more weight then he's used to.

You get in the locker room and change into some training clothes. You decide to show a little skin, afterall you were hanging out with Flip freaking Gordon. You change and walk out to find Flip, your eyes scan the room and find him at a weight bar.

"You're gonna lift all that?" You ask as you jog up to the bar Flip is preparing.

"Yeah why?" Flip replies making it seem like this amount of weight was normal for him.

"You aren't trying to impress me are you Flip?" You ask him as you raise a brow.

"Nah." Flip shakes his head.

You nod and decide to do some stretching to start you off. You lean down and touch your toes feeling your back and shoulders flex.

Flip goes to lift his weights and make a sure to glance to see if you're watching. Instead he finds you bent over stretching, his focus fades and his muscles give way and he drops through bar.

"Ahh." Flip flinches as the bar drops from his hands.

You turn around at the sound of a bar dropping, you make eye contact with Flip who has flushed cheeks.

"You okay Flip?" You ask him with a small grin.

"Y-yeah." Flip mumbles a reply. "Just a little distracted is all." He grins a little and rubs the back of his neck.

"By what?" You ask him.

"I...... Umm." Flip stutters. "Umm........ You?" He answers as more of a question then an answer.

"Me?" You reply. "What was I doing?" You ask him loving how flustered he was getting.

Flip takes a moment to gather his words as he looks at the floor. You giggle a little and pat his arm.

"Flip your know that it's not a crime to check me out right?" You tell him with a laugh in your tone.

"I.... Uh.... Yeah." He mumbles again. "But Adam and Marty would kill me." He rubs his neck again.

"Do you see Adam or Marty?" You whisper as you lean into Flip.

"N-no." Flip replies.

"Well then." Your tone turns cherry. "Then you don't have to worry about them seeing you then do you?" You ask.

Flips gaze moves from the floor to match your own. You crack a smile as he grins at you.

"Well to be fair, this view is better than the floor." He chuckles and grins.

"Ha." You laugh. "I can agree with that. Now aren't you gonna impress me with how strong you are?" You ask him with a grin.

Flips eyes light up as he reaches down and grabs the bar again and lifts it up.

"Promise to not be so distracting this time?" Flip asks you.

"Eh." You shrug. "Can't make any promises." You grin.

After a while of "working out" You and flip say goodbye to the gym.

"Well that was fun." You giggle as you walk back into the lobby with Flip.

"That it was." Flip nods. "So fun that I think I'll just have to ask you to hang out some more." You turn your attention to the cutie now.

"Oh yeah?" You grin.

"Why don't we both go change then meet down here in let's say half an hour." Flip suggests. "I heard their is a great place to eat a few blocks away." You nod and take Flip up on his offer then scamper to your hotel room.

"Hey there she is." Adam greets you as you walk in the room.

"Sup boys." You greet both of them happily.

Marty and Adam share a look as you disappear to shower and change.

"Well she's in a much better mood." Adam comments.

"I'll say." Marty adds. "Wonder what's got her all happy?" He asks aloud.

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