TJ Perkins

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"Hello." You smirk as you watch the monitor in front of you. Becky sits next to you and hits your arm lightly. "Hey." you complain as you rub your arm. "What was that for?" You ask the red head.

"You where drooling again lass." Becky grins at you. You roll your eyes and notice she was doing just the same earlier.

"Oh so i cant drool over TJ but you can drool over Drew?" You ask her with a smile of your own.

"Umm yeah." She replies. "I'm in a relationship with Drew so i can drool all i want." She reminds you. "Not my fault you never talk to Perkins." She smiles at you crush.

You are about to reply when the curtain from the ramp opens and the men you're talking about step into the room sweaty and fresh off a victory. Becky jumps up and greets Drew while you stay in place, being new to Raw you didn't know many people on the roster.

"Good job out there." You hear Becky compliment Drew and TJ. All of a sudden you see her eyes light up as she whispers something to Drew and he looks your way. "y/n come here." She all of a sudden calls you.

You swallow wondering what she's up to and walk over to her and the boys, she grabs your arm and pulls you to her side with a smile.

"y/n, this is Drew and TJ. Guys this is y/n she's new here to Raw." She introduces you.

"Nice to meet you y/n." Drew nods to you. "This one talks about you all the time." He smiles at Becky.

"Yeah nice to meet you y/n." TJ also nods. "Love your work in New Japan." He tells you.

You smile not thinking anyone knew who you where or where you where from.

"Thanks Perkins, not many people here watch NJPW." You grin happy to have someone to talk to a little bit.

"Yeah for sure." TJ nods.

"Anyway." Becky interrupts your moment. "Me and Drew where going to catch a movie then get some food if you two wanna join?" She asks the both of you.

"Yeah sure i'll go." You nod at her not having anything else to do.

TJ also nods and you all head out to the movies, you and TJ get there a bit late due to traffic and find Becky and Drew arguing mildly.

"Whats up guys?" You ask them as you walk up TJ behind you a few feet.

"We can't decide what movie to watch." Becky tells you. "This guy wants to see Solo." She starts.

"The new Star wars movie." You ask all of a sudden hearing a voice say the same thing, you look over to see TJ had said the same thing.

"See babe they both like Star Wars." Drew points out. "Right guys?" He asks you.

"Are you kidding?" You reply. "I'm a huge star wars geek." You tell him with a proud smile.

"Yeah same." TJ nods.

Becky sighs and you all settle for Solo, Becky and Drew get seats while you and TJ are tasked with food. You stand side by side in the long line and wait for your turn.

"So." TJ Smiles. "A huge star wars fan huh?" He asks you.

"Huge." You reply. "Yo to huh?" You smile at him.

"You better fucking believe it." TJ beams with pride of his own.

You giggle and step up to the clerk and order some popcorn and drinks, after looking over the vast menu of movie items you turn to TJ who stands at your side.

"Wanna go two poporns and two drinks?" You ask him, he nods and you order it.

After you fork over some money the girl hands you your stuff and TJ grabs half of it to you and you both head into the viewing room. You are the first to spot Becky and Drew sitting side by side in the middle of the top row, you slide next to Becky and TJ takes the empty seat next to you.

"Here you guys go." You hand Becky a drink and popcorn bowl. "We just got two of each t share." You tell her.

Becky nods and takes the horderves just as the previews stop and the infamous star wars title screen starts. You giggle a little fangirling a bit since your such a huge fan of the franchise as the movie starts.

Around the middle of the movie one of your favorite characters is looking like their about to die, you unconsciously smack the arm of the person next to you only to realize what you've done and look over at TJ.

"Sorry." You whisper under your breath.

"It's cool." TJ whispers back waving his arm. "Theyre my favorite to." He tells you making you beam.

Said character makes a daring escape and you and TJ silently cheer with each other, and before you know it the movie ends. You sigh contently once the credits roll and stand to your feet, being the first one in the aisle you lead the way to the stairs. Becky says something to you and you turn your head to her and miss a step on the stairs. Luckily for you TJ is right behind you and manages to grab your arm and pull you to his side to safety.

"Whew, thanks Perkins." You pat his arm as you heart calms a little from that scare.

"Sure, just be careful." TJ chuckles as he gestures to the steps. "These can be dangerous you know." You blush and nod your head.

When you get outside the wind had picked up and Becky snuggles up to Drew for warmth, the four of you walk out to the parking lot and you shiver a little.

"You can have my jacket if you want it." TJ tells you as he starts to slip it off his own shoulders.

You put a hand out to stop him and can't help but grin.

"As nice and gentlemanly that would be, ill just warm up in the car." You tell him.

TJ nods reluctantly not wanting to see you cold when he knows he can help and slips his jacket off anyway but keeps it with him.

"Hey if you don't take it then i don't need it either." He smiles. You shake your head at this adorable dork as he shivers a little to.

You all end up at Becky and Drew's car to say your goodbyes and part ways for the night.

"Well thanks for having me tonight guys, i'll see you in the morning Becks. Oh and it was nice to meet you Drew." You nod to Drew and Becky.

"Yeah no problem, it's always good to meet Becky's friends, and hey Perkins i'll see you at the gym tomorrow morning." Drew nods to TJ standing a few feet away from you.

"Yeah yeah." TJ nods to Drew. "Hey i'll be seeing you Becky." He waves to Becky as she climbs in the car.

Left alone you turn to TJ, he smiles and you walk to your car.

"So where are you off to this time of night?" He asks you with that dorky smile.

"Well i was heading back to my hotel to play some mario brothers." You tell him. "You're welcome to continue this little date if you want." You smile.

"Oh so this is a date then?" TJ asks you.

You shrug and slide in next to him feeling that if you re close you might steal some of his body heat since you are now freezing to death.

"Depends on if you'd like it to be or not." You tell him.

"And if i do?" TJ replies.

You giggle and snuggle into his side as you walk.

Back at Becky's car she giggles and points to you and TJ at the other ends of the lot.

"Told ya they'd like each other Drew." She smiles to yourself. "You should know by now that im always right." Drew chuckles and nods as he turns the key in the ignition.

"Guess i should."

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