Kenny Omega

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"Come on guys, you don't need to make that big of a deal out of this." You sigh as two of your best friends bombard you with different outfit ideas

"Are you kidding me?" Britt replies. "This is so a huge deal, he finally asked you out on a date." She squeals with glee.

"Come on Y/N, you've had a crush on the guy like forever." Brandi adds. "You have to at least be a little excited right?" She questions you with a raised brow.

"Of course i'm excited, i've been trying to get a date with Kenny since i joined the freaking company." You throw your hands up in emphasis. "I just don't think i need to get this dressed up is all, it's just dinner and a movie." You look at the many different dresses and other fancy stuff that Brandi and Britt brought with them.

You had been trying to get a date with the one and only Kenny Omega since you joined Woman of Honor a few months back. At first it seemed like the task was going to be impossible, then you remembered that your friend, Britt Baker. Her boyfriend was a former member of Bullet Club, before he moved to WWE.

With some help from Britt you met Brandi, Cody's wife. And with the two of them at your side you managed to squeeze your way into the friends list of Bullet Club. This of course earned you a little unwanted attention from Guillera's of Destiny,m specifically Tama Tonga. But you learned to ignore him whenever he came around with is extreme flirting tactics.

"What movie are the two of you going to see again?" Brandi asks you as she shamelessly rummages through your luggage.

"Captain Marvel." You reply excitedly, you'd been waiting for the newest Marvel movie to finally come out for a few months now.

"Nerd." Britt teases you as she shows you a pair of heels that she brought with you. "These would look killer with that red dress i know you have." She comments as she shows them to you.

"You're one to talk Britt." You playfully roll your eyes. "And i left that dress at home, it's to fancy for this anyway." You shake your head and push the heels away.

You turn your body to Brandi, silently looking through your luggage, she sighs and turns around to you.

"Did you really not pack any dresses?" She huffs at you.

"No i didn't." You reply sternly. "You two know that i hate wearing dresses when i don't have to." You remind them of your strong dislike of the garment.

"Ugh." Britt sighs. "Fine, we'll find something else for you then." She pouts and replaces Brandi in your luggage.

You sigh in relief and let the ladies go to work on making it look like you didn't spend your free time playing video games and eating cheetos, or reading books. Basically they had to make you not look like a dumpster fire of a person.

On the other side of the hotel, in Kenny's room that he was sharing with Marty he digs through his own luggage for a shirt that didn't have a stain on it.

"You seem right nervous mate." Marty chuckles as he watches his friend rummage fiercely through his things.

"I haven't done laundry in like a week." Kenny groans as he continues to riffle through clothes.

"You sure that's the problem mate?" Marty asks with a raised brow. "Could the problem be you're trying way too hard to impress Y/N?" He asks the disaster of a man in front of him.

"Oh be quiet Marty." Kenny shakes his head as he pulls a clean shirt from the bottom of his bag. "Yes finally." He gives the shirt a once over to make sure that it was in fact clean.

Now prepared with a clean shirt to match the decent pair of dress pants that he had managed to find, Kenny changes out of his sweats and stained shirt. Marty watches in amusement as his friend tries to makes himself look as presentable as possible.

"Man you really wanna impress her dont you mate?" He chuckles.

"Yes, i do." Kenny nods his head and runs a hand through his hair. "She's a kickass girl, i'm surprised she even said yes to the date." He admits as he throws on his good shoes.

"What why?" Marty replies. "She seems like she likes you, and the two of you seem to get along." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know man." Kenny replies. "She's way to hot for me, for one. And i see her talking to Tama all the time, and you know how he is with gorgeous women." Kenny pulls his jacket from his bed. "Just wish me luck man." He pulls on the jacket and walks to the door.

"Good luck mate." Marty wishes his friend luck and sends him on his way.

Back in your hotel room, Brandi finishes the last touch on your hair. She insisted that she curl it for the date. And Britt hands you a pair of sensible shoes to go with the ash blouse and black skirt that her and Brandi somehow managed to get you to wear.

"Well, how do i look?" You ask both girls when they are finished dolling you up.

"Great!" Brandi nods her head, admiring her work.

"You'll knock him dead." Britt agree's and hands you a purse that she so eagerly lent you.

You take the purse and set your phone in it just as someone knocks on the door. Brandi runs over to get it while you grab your jacket from Britt.

"Kenny." Brandi opens the door and stares down the man in front of her. "You better show her a good time, or else." She warns him causing Kenny to vigorously nod his head.

You roll your eyes and push Brandi away from the door lightly, she moves out of the way and you smile and Kenny, who smiles right back.

"You look beautiful." He compliments you.

"Thanks." You blush a little. "You look great to." You return the compliment.

"Thank you." Kenny nods his head. "Well shall we then?" He asks you with a grin.

You nod and take his arm, Brandi and Britt see you off both with huge smiles. Wishing you well on this date.

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