Seth Rollins

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You sit on your couch, casted leg up and sitting on a pillow comfortably. Wrestlemania 35 is about to kick off and you can't be anymore excited about it.

"Come on Kevin, it's starting." You pat your side as your boyfriends dog jumps up next to you.

You watch with eager eye's as Seth makes his way down to the ring, you stare in awe at the entrance that you had a hand in coming up with.

"Look, there he is boy." You glance down at Kevin resting by your unbroken leg.

You wished to god that you could be there for Seth, this was one of the biggest matches of his career after all. But you suffered a nastly fall a few days prior and broke your leg. The doctor then made you keep off your foot for a week or two, meaning you were stuck at home watching your fiancee on TV rather than being there for him.

"Oh come on!" You yell out when Seth manages to get down the ramp, only to be attacked by Brock. "This is bullshit!" You rant aloud, knowing that there is nothing you can do about it at the moment.

Kevin gets up from his laying posistion and barks sharply at the tv a few times. You grin at the little dog and pat his head.

"Yeah, good bot Kev." The little dog lays back down for the time being.

You watch in anticipation and fear when the bell actually rings and the match gets started for real. You are almost on your feet a minute later when Seth manages to get a low blow in and stomps Brocks head into the canvas a few times.

"Yes!" You cheer loudly. "Get him babe! Yes yes yes yes, pin him! Yes!" You cheer as loud as you can as the bell rings and Seth pulls the win.

Kevin once again gets up and barks again next to you. You laugh and pick the little dog up in your arms to give him a kiss on the head.

"I knew you could do it babe." You sigh to yourself, desperetly wishing that you could be there right now.

After you settle down a little bit you get a call on your phone, you answer it and crack a grin when you hear Seth on the other end.

"Did you see me out there sweetheart?" Seth asks, his breathing a little shallow over the phone.

"I did." You almost squeal. "I'm so proud of you baby, i just wish i could be there." You congradulate your boyfriend grinning the whole time.

"I know baby." Seth replies. "I wish you could be here to." You can hear his sigh through the phone.

The two of you talk for a few more minutes and you tell Seth to wish Roman good luck before you hang up the phone. Once that's done you watch the rest of the show with Kevin at your side, a little sad that you don't get to see Seth for another few days.

It's much later in the night and you are heating up some cold pizza in the microwave when someone knocks on the door.

"Who?" You think aloud when you hear the doorbell ring again.

You grab your crutches leaning on the counter and hobble out to the front door, Kevin stands at your side and growls lightly. You open the door up slowly to see who it is.

"Seth?" You don't believe your eyes when you see who is standing at your door at like one in the morning.

"Hey sweetheart." Seth grins. "Can i come in?" He asks in a chuckle at your speechlessness.

"'re suppose to be in New York right now." You let Seth come in and shut the door behind him.

"I know." Seth nods his head. "Hey Kev." He leans down and pats his dogs head. "But there is something i needed to do." He turns back around to you. "Something that i promised myself i'd do if i won tonight." He smiles wide and digs in his front pocket for something.

You're heart pounds harder than it's ever had before when you see Seth pull a black box from his front pocket and sinks down to one knee.

"Y/N L/N, we've been together for over two years now. I don't know what i'd do if i didnt have you." You put a hand to your mouth, unable to speak. "Tonight has been a great night, but it be the best night of my life if you'd marry me." He opens the box to reveal a brilliant shining diamond ring.

"Yes." You responds imediatly, vigorious;y noddng your head. "God Seth, yes." You speak again, unable to come up with anything else.

Seth stands to his feet from his knee's and slips the ring on your finger, a perfect fit. You still can't seem to form words when he pulls you in lightly for a kiss.

"You know you've got a strange idea of romance." You laugh to yourself after a minute or two of silence. "Most men would do it at a resteraunt, or like the beach. But not you." You laugh happily again. "You kick the shit out of some guy on television then rush back to your house to marry me in front of your dog." You look down at Kevin at your feet.

"Yeah well, i love you to much to wait any longer than now." Seth chuckles himself.

"And i wouldnt have it any other way you dork." You shake your head.

Seth grins and picks you bridal style, so you don't have to stand in the hall with your crutches anymore. When you get to the living room the TV happens to display Roman winning his wrestlemania match as well.

"Good for Roman." You grin as Seth sets you down.

"Looks like we all win tonight." Seth chuckles.

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