Cedric Alexander/ Buddy Murphy

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You sighed and settled down in between Nigel and Percy a little before the show started and slipped your headset on. Soon Percy walks down the ramp and joins you in his seat to the right of you.

"Hey Y/N." He greets you with a smile as he sits down.

"Hey Percy." You nod to him with a small smile as you shuffle some papers around. "Nigel on his way down yet?" You ask noticing that the brit wasn't present and the show was about to begin.

"He's coming." Percy nods his head to the ramp were Nigel shows up and hurries down at fast as he can.

You nod to Nigel as he takes his seat and the show begins, you turn to the camera in front of you and smile as the light turns red.

"Hello and welcome to the most exciting hour here on the WWE Network, welcome to 205 live." You recite the tagline and Percy begins to read off some of the matches scheduled for the night.

You watch the camera intently until it turns away from you and to the ring, your gaze then goes to the ramp as music begins booming through the speakers.

"And tonight 205 lives own cruiserweight champion, Buddy Murphy is currently making his way down to the ring to support his workout partner and close friend Tony Nese. Nese will be in action after this short break against Lince Dorado of Lucha House Party." The show goes to commercial giving and the boys a small break.

You sigh a little and take a sip of water as you watch Murphy nod to Tony as his side then walk over to the commentary table. He takes a seat next to Nigel and slips a headset on. The camera pans back to you as the commercial break ends.

"Welcome back to 205 Live, as we get started on Tony Nese and Lince Dorado of Lucha House Party in the ring. And we also have cruiserweight champion, Buddy Murphy joining us on commentary." You look at Murphy as you speak.

Percy picks up the slack and asks Murphy a few questions, you but in every once in a while and comment or ask questions of your own.

"So tell us Buddy, how do you feel about your title match against Cedric Alexander for the title belt this sunday at Royal Rumble?" You ask hi curiously.

This earns a small smirk from the champ as he fiddles with the title a little on his shoulder, then he turns and looks past NIgel at you.

"Well Y/N, if i'm being honest i'm not worried about old Cedric at all." He tells you with a confident grin. "He's no match for me, especially since Drake has so kindly made this title match a street fight." He reminds you of the stipulation that Drake had set just a week prior.

"Yes, but don't you think that making the match a street fight gives Cedric an advantage since he can't be disqualified?" You ask trying to make a point and defend Cedric's credibility a little bit at the same time.

"Y/N sweetheart." Murphy replies which catches you off guard a little. "You don't have to worry about Cedric taking this belt from me. It's gonna stay where it belongs, around my waist babe." He winks at you with a grin.

You swallow hard, flirting wasn't something you encountered on the job, usually Percy and Nigel were like man . Guys didn't bother trying to flirt with you with the two of them right there to back you up. You internally sigh in relief when Percy changes the topic of conversation back to the match, you were too flustered to give a reply to the champ.

"Oh, looks who's decided to come down to commentary." Nigel gestures to the ramp where Cedric makes his way down to the comentaty table. You watch him as he takes a seat next to Percy on the other side of the table.

"Welcome Cedric." You nod to him and greet the challenger to the man sitting to your left. "What brings you down here?" You ask him curiously.

Cedric lick his lips and shifts in his seat before turning to look at you then Murphy, then back to you with a grin.

"Well i heard that Buddy was out here talking about how he was going to so easily beat me this sunday, and i couldn't just let him get away with that now could i?" He explains. "I also heard that he was attempting to spit some game at you Y/N, guess Murphy here needs to learn how to flirt as well." You get a little flustered again.

You feel Percy nudge you on the side as a signal that he was down to help you out if one of the men either side of you was going to far. You remain still signaling back that you were okay for the time being.

"Oh trust me mate, i don't need any lessons on how to flirt with beautiful women." Murphy replies sharply as he glares across the table to Cedric.

You feel heat rising to your cheeks at the situation, what you had done to deserve special treatment and attention from either of the men currently flirting with you, you had no clue. But it would be dumb to say that you didn't like what was going on.

Before either man can get another word in the bell rings and Murph is forced to intervene with Tony and Lince. Cedric also decides to but in for some reason leaving you in peace with Nigel and Percy. The show goes off the air and you slip off your headset.

"Man what have you been up to Y/N?" Percy teases you as he turns his chair your way.

"Not a clue." You shrug. "I haven't even talked to either of them lately, except for when they come down here that is." Nigel nods his head with a grin to your right.

"Well to be fair, you are an attractive woman." Nigel points out. "And you do have a habit of talking about both of them quite a lot when they are out here." Percy nods agreeing with his friend.

"Yeah because that's my job." You reply, trying to defend yourself.

"Mhm." Percy grins.

You shrug off both Percy and Nigel and head backstage to gather your things so you can head out for the night. On the way to the backstage area for the commentary team to grab your jacket you run into Cedric.

"Hey Cedric." You grin at him as he walks over to you.

"Hey Y/N." Cedric grins right back. "Sorry if i maybe made you uncomfortable back there." He apologizes.

"Nah." You shake your head with a grin. "It was all in good fun, flirting doesn't bother me. Especially when its from the future cruiserweight champion." You tease with a smile.

"Oh so you're rooting for me to win then." Cedric raises a brow with a smirk.

"Maybe so." You shrug with a smile of your own. "Depends on just how nice to me you are." You chuckle a little.

"Is that so?" Cedric replies his voice dropping a little. "Well then maybe i'll just have to be a little nicer to 205 leading lady." He grins.

"Maybe so." You nod and continue down the hall, satisfied by the conversation.

You get to the backstage area and grab your jacket, not that you need it. You could feel heat rising in your body from the encounter with Cedric. The man was to charming and cute for his own good. None the less you make your way to the back parking lot to get to your rental car. On the way there as fate would have it, you run into Buddy.

"There she is." Murphy flags you down as you step into the parking lot. "Y/N, how are you sweetheart?" He asks you with a grin.

"Fine." You reply with a nod. "How's the champ doing this fine evening?" You ask right back with a grin.

"Mmmm, perfect now that you're here doll." Murphy replies. "I have to say, you've been catching my eye lately Y/N." He purrs. "And i mean that in the best way possible." You nod with an amused look.

"Well lucky me." You reply. "I must be doing something right then." Murphy grins at your reply. "Having the big bad cruiserweight champion interested in little old me? What more could a girl ask for?" You ask with a smile.

"How about a date with that big bad champion?" Murphy replies.

"A date huh?" You reply and tap your chin lightly. "Maybe if you beat Cedric this sunday, i'll consider your offer." You suggest with a grin.

"Beat Cedric huh?" Murphy replies. "Alright then sweetheart, better get ready for the night of your life then, because come Sunday night. You're mine." He leans down to your level with a shit eating grin.

You smile right back and nod your head before turning in the direction of your car.

"Well see about that Murphy." You call back to him. "Good luck."

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