Johnny Gargano

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Caution was key as you walked through the hall, being as quiet as possible. You were on a mission to get to see your boyfriend at last once during the night. After all, he had a huge match for the NXT title belt that. And he just so happened to be going up against your older brother for said belt.

"Knock knock." You quietly chime at the locker room door, hoping that Johnny can't hear you.

Sure enough the door clicks unlocked and you slip into the room undetected. You close and lock the door behind you before you turn around to find Johnny looking over his custom gear for the night.

"I still say the Captain America one would have looked cooler." You glance down at the red iron man inspired gear.

"Well i think it looks perfect." Johnny beams down at the gear with pride.

"That's all that matters then." You nod your head, happy to see Johnny so relaxed.

You take a seat in one of the wooden chairs in the room to relax a bit, knowing that you were going to have to sit by and watch your brother and the man you loved beat each other senseless in less in an hour was getting to you.

"You look more nervous then i do." Johnny sits down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "And i'm the one thats in the match." He tries to lighten the mood with a joke as per usual.

"i just don't want either of you to get hurt is all." You sigh, feeling a little bit better with Johnny at your side.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, we'll have our match and both come out alright. I promise." He assures you with a soft smile.

You nod your head and pull your boyfriend into a hug, burying your face in his chest. The sweet scent of his cologne that you loves wafting into your nose, making you relax further.

In your back pocket your phone buzzes, you let Johnny go and check to see what is was. You find that Roderick had texted you that Adam was looking for you. You sigh and silently thank god for Roderick being such a good friend. When you and Johnny first got together he had promised to help the two of you keep the relationship a secret. The only other person that knew was one of Johnny's good friends, Matt Riddle.

"I've gotta go." You pocket your phone in your jeans and stand to your feet. "Adam is looking for me." You explain your need to leave so soon. "Good luck tonight babe, and good luck." You kiss Johnny's cheek before you head back to your brothers locker room.

You arrive at the locker room of Undisputed Era and walk into the room to look for your brother.

"There you are." Adam grins when he sees you walk through the door. "I've been looking for you." He raises an eyebrow at you, suspicious of where you've been.

"Sorry Adam." You apologize lightheartedly. "Went out to get some fresh air, it smells like sweaty man in here." You complain about the musty odor of sweat wafting through the room.

"Whatever, you're coming out with us for my match right?" He asks you about his match with Johnny. "I've seen Gargano eyeing you up lately." Adam wears a look of mischief in his eye as usual.

"Yeah if you want me to." You agree to go out to the match, hoping that you won't distract Johnny to bad. "I'm surprised that Gargano eyeing me up doesn't piss you off." You lightly comment on the subject.

You knew that you were going to have to tell Adam you and Johnny were a thing eventually. Sure today wasn't the best day to get it done, but eventually you would.

Adam finishes getting ready for his match and the two of you head out to the ring. The rest of Undisputed Era stay behind for the time being, the didn't wanna cost Adam his match after all.

"Alright Y/N, look pretty and knock em dead." Adam smiles down at you as his music blasts through the arena.

You nod your head and turn your attention to the ring as the music switches up. Johnny walks down to the ring and glances at you with a grin. You grin back at him as he steps into the ring.

The bell rings and the match gets underway, you of course hang by and watch from the sidelines. The match starts to get a bit violent as Adam gets more and more desperate for a win. This of course makes you nervous as hell for Johnny.

"Come on Johnny." You cheer under your breath so Adam can't hear you.

Adam ends up going for a low blow while the refs back is turned to the ramp at Bobby and Kyle. With the leverage he ends up getting the pin. The bell rings and your brother looks to you for a celebration.

"Johnny." Concern escapes your lips as you slide past your brother to Johnny still on the floor in pain.

"Y/N?" Adam wears a confused look as you console Johnny on the floor.

"Johnny, sweety are you okay?" You ask Johnny, a hand on his chest.

"Y-yeah." Johnny lets out a pained breath.

"Y/N, what the hell?" You hear Adam above you from a few feet away.

"Looks like the secrets out." Roderick muses behind you with a grin, happy he could finally stop keeping secrets from the rest of his friends.

"Secrets?" Adam's head snaps over to Roderick at his side. "What secrets?" He looks to one of his closest friends for answers.

"Me and Johnny have kind of being dating." You stop Roderick from answering and answer yourself. "Like for a while now." You chuckle a little bit in an attempt to lighten the tense mood in the air.

You help Johnny to his feet and let him lean on you for support while he takes some more time to catch his breath.

"You've been dating and you didn't tell me?" Adam looks at you, a little hurt by your actions.

"You and Johnny have been going at it for the belt, i just didn't think that it was the right time to tell you about it." You explain why you were keeping the secret.

"It was my fault." Johnny speaks up as he stands up straight, his strength back. "I was afraid that if you found out you'd be pissed and do something about it, like break us up." He explains. 'And i love her too much to let her go like that." Johnny sets a light arm around your neck.

"Aww." You coo with a smile. "I love you to babe." You kiss Johnny lightly on the cheek.

"Okay this is weird." Adam shakes his head. "But, you look happy. So i guess if i have the belt the least i can do is let you date my sister." He speaks like he's going to regret his decision.

"Thanks Adam." You nod your head. "But in all honesty big brother, i still woulda been dating him. regardless of what you had to say."

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