Johnny Gargano

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You sprinted down the white hall to the ICU as fast as you could, why you weren't back at the arena still beating Adam’s face in was beyond you. But right now all that mattered was that Johnny was okay. You rounded the corner and came to a stop at the desk of the ICU, a nurse turned her head from her computer and gave you a small smile.

“You must be miss l/n.” She asks you as she stands. “That nice boy in room 134, Johnny told me to look out for a fuming h/c girl.” She stands and comes around the corner to your side.

“Yeah that’s me, is Johnny alright?” You ask her concern laced in your voice for your fiance.

“He’s fine dear.” The nurse tells you making you relax a little. “Follow me, he can see you now.” You nod and follow the older woman down a few rooms down.

She comes to a stop at room 134 and slides the door open and the curtain back, you stand behind her and peer in. Johnny sits up in the bed poking at the bandage on his arm holding a small saline drip in place.

“Mr. Gargano, i believe i've found your fiance.” The nurse smiles as she catches Johnny’s attention.

Johnny’s head raises at the sound of the nurse’s voice, he spots you behind her and a smile spreads wide on his face. You step into the room without a word and immediately walk to the side of the bed and hug him.

“Glad you could make it baby, what took you so long?” He asks wondering why he had been here over an hour with you nowhere in sight.

“Trust me i would have come sooner, but i kind of had some business to take care of.” You quietly reply as you take a seat in a chair by Johnny’s bed.

Johnny looks at you with furrowed brows, he knew you better than anyone. You smile innocently as you attempt to slide your right hand in your pocket. Johnny catches you and frowns.

“Hand.” He commands as he holds his hand out.

You hold your left hand out to him making him give you an annoyed look, then with a sigh you pull your right hand from your pocket and let him see it. The knuckles are beginning to turn a deep shade of purple and the skin of your fingers and backhand are lightly stained by blood that had been washed to someone best ability. Johnny drops your hand and you  move it back to your side.

“What did you do?” He asks you as he averts his gaze to your face.

“I ummm may have… a way.” You drag it out not wanting to answer the question. “Beat Adam’s face in?” You finally spit it out more as a question than an answer.

You scan Johnny’s face as he shakes his head, you know he hates it when you put yourself in danger like that. You watch as he takes a breath in and sighs heavily.

“How much damage did you do?” He asks you with a calm voice.

“I may have broke his nose, don't know for sure but it was bleeding pretty bad when i was done.” You kind of half smile at your work.

“y/n.” Johnny shakes his head again. “Just……..just no more hitting people okay?” He tells you unable to scold you for your actions.

You nod glad you where off the hook for now and stand to your feet, while Johnny was talking you'd gotten a text asking you to meet with Regal in an hour.

“Alright babe i've gotta bounce for a bit, Regal wants to see me.” You turn to Johnny to give him a kiss. “Finn is on his way to keep you company and give you a ride to the hotel if i dont get back in time.” You tell him.

“Okay.” Johnny nods. “I'll see you later baby, and hey be careful.” He warns you.

You nod and smile warmly before you exit the room and make your way back out to your car, on your way out you stop off at the nurse station.

“A good friend of mine is coming to watch him for me, his names Finn. I've got a meeting i can't miss, so expect him to be here soon.” You tell her with a smile.

“Will do sweetie, have a good night now.” The nurse smiles at you.

With that you make the trip back to the arena with your heart pounding the whole way.

When you get to the arena you hurry to Regals office, he's waiting when you get there.

"Sit down." He tells you.

"Yes sir." You nod and take a seat.

"Hows Gargano?" He asks you softly.

"He's fine sir, no permanent damage done." You inform him with a small smile.

"Good. Speaking of damage." He nods to you.

The back door opens and Adam steps through the door, you roll your eyes at him.

"Adam here says that you attacked him. This true?" Regal asks you.

"Yes sir." You nod as you glare at Adam. "But with all do respect sir he deserved it, he broke Johnny's arm intentionally." You tell Regal as you stare Adam down.

Regal looks behind him at Adam, Adam has a bandage on his nose from your attack.

"This true Adam?" He asks Adam seriously.

Adam stays silent, the look he's giving you say a it all. Regal sighs and turns back to you.

"I hear you do this again your fired." He tells you. "And Adam, watch yourself." He turns to Adam.

You both nod and you leave, you don't get far down the hall when Adam pulls up next to you.

"You hit pretty hard gorgeous." He smirks at you.

You roll your eyes and keep walking, his hand finds its way to your back.

"Cole in swear." You snarl at him. "That hand isn't off me in ten seconds it's not the only thing I'll break." You warn him.

Adam removes his hand and slides closer to you.

"When your done with Johnny I'd love to spend a night with you screaming my name." He whispers in your ear.

Your elbow goes up and connects with his nose hard, Adam stumbles back and hollers in pain.

"Oh Adam." You moan mockingly before you leave the hall.

Outside you check your phone, Finn had picked up Johnny and dropped him off at the hotel. So you hurried back to the hotel eager to spend some time with your finance.

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