Cien Almas

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"Ahh Cien no." You protest through a fit of giggles as Cien picks you up from behind. "Cien." You hear his hearty chuckle as he releases you from his grip. But not before placing a kiss to your neck.

You are placed back on flat ground and you turn around to face Cien with a grin. He grins back at you with open arms.

"You know you love me." He cooes.

You roll your eyes and give into his charm. He engulfs you with his arms and your pulled into his chest.

"Cien." You hear a voice call your boyfriend while you're still pressed to his chest.

You push off Cien and turn around to see Zelina looking sternly at your boyfriend.

"Hey Zelina." You greet her with a small smile.

"Y/n." She nods at you before she turns her attention back to Cien. "Cien Paige said that she wanted to talk to us." She tells Cien.

Cien nods and says goodbye to you, you give him a small hug and you both part ways for what was probably going to be the rest of the night. You make your way to the women's locker room and find Charlotte.

"Hey." You greet her with a wave and take a seat next to her.

"Hey Y/N." The blonde grins as she pulls her boots from the shelf in front of her. "You just get back from seeing that boyfriend of yours?" She asks you.

You nod and shift to your left where your own shelf is, you find that your ring gear is all there, with the exception of your boots.

"Hmm that's strange." You comment aloud as you do a double take for your boots.

"What is?" Charlotte asks as she turns to you.

"I could have sworn that i left my boots here." You lift a few things to see if they were hiding.

After double checking to make sure you just didn't see them you confirm that your ring boots are nowhere to be found.

"Where's your gym bag?" Charlotte asks you offering to help you figure out where you left them. "They're probably in there." You nod and think about it for a moment.

"Ah." You all of a sudden remember where you left your bags. "I left it in Men's locker room." Charlotte nods seeing that you've now solved your problem. "Eh i'll go pick them up in a bit." You shrug it off for now.

You begin getting ready for the night figuring that you can change shoes last, you wanted to wait for Cien to get back from his meeting.

"So about you and Cien." Charlotte starts up.

"Yeah?" You reply, you'd had this conversation with her before.

"It doesn't bother you that he's with Zelina all the time?" She asks you. "I mean if my man was that hot and hung out with a women that close to him i'd be concerned." You roll your eyes, you had the utmost faith in Cien staying true to only you.

In the back of your mind you think about it a little, Cien was very close with Zelina. And yeah it was true, sometimes you didn't like how she looked at your boyfriend, or dismissed you when you were there.

"I trust Cien, that should be enough." You state with confidence.

"Okay." Charlotte shrugs it off.

"I'm gonna go grab my boots." You stand up and dismiss yourself from the locker room.

Charlotte nods and you head out back to Ciens locker room. When you get there you knock to be polite then all of a sudden you hear something. Curious you crack the door and quietly peer in.

"What are you doing Zelina?" You hear Cien ask.

You crack the door a little more and see Zelina backing your boyfriend into a corner, Cien looks distressed in nothing but his ring pants.

"What the hell Vega!?" You swing the door open in a rage at Zelina.

Zelina and Cien freeze on the spot, she turns around and Cien looks relieved that you showed up.

"Oh.......Y/N" Zelina smiles at you and placed her hands behind her back. "What are you doing back here?" She asks you trying to play off what you had just witnessed.

"Apparently stopping some slut from trying to make my boyfriend cheat on me." You snap. "Now get out of my mans locker room before i make you." You snarl at her.

Zelina scoffs and flips her hair and turns back to Cien, Cien just keeps making eye contact with you.

"You should be with me." She looks up at Cien with wide eyes.

Not about to let her harass Cien anymore you step fully into the room and walk right up to her. You grab her arm and turn her around to face you.

"I believe i said that i told you to leave." You tell her again with a firm grip on her arm.

"Ugh, Cien do something." Zelina beggs Cien as she looks back at him.

Cien doesn't say a word and looks past her at you, you grin and drag Zelina to the door and kick her out. You hear her groan and stomp down the hall as you shut the door. Once she's out of the way and gone you turn to a flustered Cien.

"Well that was..uneventful." He grins a little.

"Mhm." You look at him sternly. "man you are lucky that i walked in when i did, a few more seconds i would have walked in on a cheating boyfriend." You place a hand to your hip and look at Cien.

"I wouldn't let that happen." Cien replies. "Especially with Zelina, she's not my type." He waves his hand in a dismisive motion.

"Oh yeah?" You reply. "Well then what exactly is your type?" You ask him.

"Well." Cien begins. "My ideal girl has h/c hair, e/c eyes, and most importantly isn't afraid to get in another girls face." He grins down at you.

"Hmm, those girls sound pretty rare." You giggle. "Maybe even one of a kind." You let Cien pull you into another hug.

"That's the point." Cien chuckles.

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