Aleister Black

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You stood backstage Royal Rumble night and congratulated candice for getting a chance to show her talents on the big stage of WWE at the Rumble. Since you got called up from NXT yourself almost a year ago you didn't see much of anyone you knew from NXT that often.

"You did great out there man, and the crowd loved you." You grin and pat your old friend on the back.

"I know, i didn't expect to get that much of a POP from the crowd. It's awesome." candice grins wide, adrenaline still pumping from the match.

"Well of course, everyone in NXT loves you and Johnny." You nod, remembering when you and candice were in a tag team together.

The two of you mingle for a bit and reminisce about your tag team days and all the trouble the two of you used to get into. It was more you getting into trouble, but that never stopped candice from helping out when you needed someone to watch your back.

"You know i think Tomasso kinds of misses you running around like a wild child." candice all of a sudden comments. "Especially back when DIY was still a thing." You nod, remembering the fun times you had with DIY.

"Yeah." You smile a little. "Those were fun times, though to tell you the truth. Tomasso wasn't really the one that i was aiming to catch the attention of, he just happened to be the one to notice all my actions." candice furrows her brows in confusion as she looks at you.

"Well if you weren't trying to catch Ciampa's attention, then who?" She asks you curiously.

candice knew that you'd never try and take Johnny from you, he wasn't really your type anyway. You giggle as you can see the wheels turning in her mind as she tries to think of who else you could have had a crush on back in NXT. You giggle and watch as candice tries her best to figure this out when you see him coming down the hall.

Aleister Black. He was the one that you had a desperate crush on. You couldn't help but find his demeanor and attitude to be both enticing and irresistible. candice of course notices you staring past her, and carefully looks to see what you're looking at.

"Aleister Black?" She all of a sudden turns back to you wide eyed and in a hushed tone. "Thats who you've had a huge crush on?" She questions you again just as Black walks by the two of you.

You ignore candice's question and look at Aleister, confidence had never been a problem for you.

"Long time no see Aleister." You smirk his way, making him stop in his tracks.

"Y/N." Your name rolls of his tongue in an oh so satisfying tone. "It has been a while hasn't it?" His eyes snake over your body as his face remains set in stone. "Heard you've been doing well for yourself here, a kind of big girl on campus." He comments as he completely ignores candice grinning like an idiot behind you.

"Well you know me." You reply with a confident grin playing at your lips. "I've never been a pushover, especially when it comes to things that i want." You look Aleister straight in the eye's, showing no fear.

"Mhm." Aleister agree's with you. "I always admired that about you." A grin plays at lips, something that was a rare right to see on the likes of him. "Guess i'll be seeing you later then." He dismisses himself as swift as he showed up.

You nod and watch as he continues on his route down the hall to the entrance of the ramp, you can hear the arena loudspeakers counting down to the next men's rumble entrant. It takes a second but candice pulls you by the arm back her way.

"Oh my god, that was smooth Y/N." She gleefully punches your arm. "You're just a regular flirt aren't you?" You chuckle a little and shrug.

"Nah. I just usually know what to say when it comes to getting things i want." You grin. "It's a gift." candice shakes her head at this comment, which makes you giggle again.

"So he said see you later, that's a good sign right?" candice suggests in a hopeful tone.

"That's the hope." You reply with a nod. "I think i'll wait around and catch him after the rumble match is over." You find this to be your best option in catching Black again.

"Sounds like a good plan to me." candice agree with you. "I wish you luck then." She pats your back and heads back to the locker room.

You hang around and watch the mens rumble match, scoffing at Nia Jax coming out at the last second. An obvious attempt to outdo Becky Lynch from earlier that night. The match ends with Seth Rollins winning it all, so you leave to go see if you couldn't go find out where Aleister went off to.

You end up finding him on his way out of the men's locker room, you catch his attention coming down the hall and saunter over to him.

"You put up a good fight." You comment in his in ring performance as you come to a stop by his side.

"Thanks." Aleister nods with a small smirk. "Have you been looking for me?" He asks you with a suspicious smile.

"Maybe." You shrug your shoulders, neither confirming or denying it. "Why? Were you planning on coming looking for me?" You ask him your own question matching his up to no good smile.

"Maybe so." Aleister nods his head as he looks down at you. "Depends on if miss high and mighty can spare some time for coffee with an old friend." He asks you in a smooth tone of voice.

"An old friend huh?" You reply with a raised brow. "I suppose i can make some time, if you're so interested in me that is." You ask.

"Maybe i am." Aleister replies, using your tactics against you. "So what do you say then?" He asks you.

"Why not?" You shrug, hiding a grin. "Sounds like a date i'd be happy to get in on." You both chuckle and start walking down the hall side by side.

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