Marty Scurll

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"Sorry i'm late guys." You stumble into the locker room in a huff, almost an hour late to the annual Bullet Club meeting.

"Finally Y/N." Matt shakes his head to your left. "What did you get lost?" He asks you in a smug tone.

"Yeah, what were you even doing?" Nick joins in with his brother.

"Hey, ley off guys." All of a sudden Marty speaks up to your right, giving you a small smile. "Everyone shows up late once in a while, even you blokes." He glares at the Jackson brothers, making both of them roll their eyes.

"Thanks Marty." You nod to Marty and take a seat in the empty chair next to him. "And for your guy's information, i was busy making sure that Page was going to be alright at the house alone." You refer to your injured big brother at home with a broken leg.

The meeting finally kicks off and you all go over ideas for a new, being the elite video. Idea's bounce around the room, as well as some jokes. The overall mood of the room turning light and fun once again.

"Hey i was thinking we do matching halloween costumes this year." You suggest, since the holiday was just a week away. "Like maybe in twos or threes, pairs ya know?" You explain your idea a little further.

Matt and Nick share a look, one of those looks that you knew meant they liked the idea. They then shoot a look to Kenny who nods his head at them.

"Sounds like a great idea Y/N." Matt is the one to speak up. "I say we split up in pairs and get to deciding what matching costumes were doing." He makes the final decision to go with the idea.

"I call Cody." Kenny speaks up next.

"I call Nick." Matt immediately claims stake to his older brother.

"Guess that leaves you and me Marty." You turn to Marty with a grin. "Looking forward to it." You stand up to your feet, ready to get going back to your brother.

"Yeah, for sure." Marty nods his head and stands up as well. "I'll come by later to brainstorm some ideas then?" He suggests.

"Sure." You nod your head and fish your keys from your pocket.

You go ahead and leave back to your place, Marty stays behind for the time being. As soon as you're gone he walks over to Kenny, shooting the man a glare.

"You did that on purpose mate." He scolds Kenny with a sour expression.

"Did what?" Kenny replies, trying his best to hide the smile on his face.

"Made sure to call Cody so i'd have to pair with Adam's sister." Marty shakes his head. "You know i have a thing for her man." He sighs.

"Me? Sabotage you?" Kenny replies, pointing a finger at himself. "Never." He grins.

"Whatever mate." Marty waves Kenny off and walks away.

Marty knew what Kenny was doing, he was trying to get Marty to spend more time with you. Something that Marty was afraid of doing. The last thing Marty needed was for you to find out he liked you and then for things to get weird between the two of you.

You walk back into your home and are immediately greeted with the sound of your brother yelling for you from further in the house.

"Y/N, you're back. Great. Come here." He calls after you.

You sigh and throw your keys down before heading into the living room to see what your demanding older brother needed from you now. You turn the corner to find Adam sprawled out on the couch, food crumbs everywhere.

"What did you do to my couch Page?" You look at the mess that you now had to clean up.

"Sorry sis." Adam shrugs his shoulder. "Hey can you maybe help me get to the bathroom?" He asks you, a sorry grin on his face.

"Yeah sure." You shake your head and help hoist Adam to his feet. "Oh Marty will be by later, we're brainstorming halloween costumes together." You let him know that Marty would be by later.

"So Matt and Nick went for your idea then?" Adam nods his head. "And you're dressing up with Marty?" He chuckles to himself.

"Yeah. What was the laugh for?" You furrow your brows at your brother.

"You know Marty has like the biggest crush on you right." Adam replies.

"He does?" You look a little surprised at this info. "Since when?" You look at Adam for answers.

"Since like the day he met you." Adam replies in a monotone manner.

"And you're okay with that?" You are even more surprised that Adam seems okay with that fact.

"Well yeah." Adam nods his head. "You're a grown woman, and Marty is a nice guy." You scoff at this answer.

"So you punch Tama in the face for so much as looking at me with a flirty face, but with Marty i'm free game?" You recall the time that Page got into it with Tama over you.

"That's because Tama is....well Tama." Adam replies. "Marty is a nice guy, nothing like Tonga." He reminds you. "Plus, don't you kind of at least like Marty a little bit?" He looks at you with a judgy smile.

"Marty's nice, and cute yeah." You nod your head, a little bit of blush rushing to your cheeks.

"Well there you go, set it up when he comes over." Adam nods his head at you.

"Maybe i will." You nod your head.

A little while later you answer the door to the house to find Marty on the other side of it, a smile on his handsome face.

"Come in." You let him in and shut the door behind you. "I'm hanging out in the kitchen, baking." You gesture to the kitchen.

"You bake?" Marty asks, as he follows behind you.

"Yeah sometimes." You peak in the oven at your cookies then turn back to Marty sitting on a stool. "So any idea for costumes then?" You ask.

"Umm, i'm not sure." Marty shrugs.

"Oh, well i was maybe thinking. What about like Aladdin?" You suggest the first idea that comes to mind. "Like you be aladdin and i can be princess jasmine." You find the idea to be rather cute.

"Umm." Marty nods his head a little, the only thing on his mind being you in a princess jasmine costume. "That could work, yeah." He nods his head.

"I think you'd make a pretty damn sexy Aladdin." You giggle at Marty's awkward stance.

"I....what? Y-you think so?" Marty looks at you. "We all know you'd look good in any costume." He chuckles to himself.

"It's a date then." You nod your head, set on the idea. "Me and you, tomorrow at lunch. We can pick up the costumes and then maybe go to lunch." You suggest as you look at your cookies again.

"A date?" Marty replies. "Like an actual date?" He sounds a bit in disbelief.

"That's what i said wasn't it?" You reply as you take your cookies out of the oven. "So you in?" You set them down and look at Marty.

"Yeah, of course." Marty nods his head. "I'd love that." He can't help but smile.

"Like i said, it's a date then." You nod.

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