Dean Ambrose

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Life couldn't be better for you, you had a kickass job an a broadcast correspondent for WWE, and a beneficial relationship with WWE's most dominant faction leader, Dean Ambrose. In your opinion, it couldn't get any better than this.

That was 2012, over 5 years ago. In those years things had changed more times than you could count. You were promoted to Raw commentator in 2014, as well as gotten into a committed relationship with Dean. That relationship ended in 2016, when Dean moved to SmackDown and was focused on nothing but getting revenge on his brother for stabbing him in the back.

A year later things died down and Dean of course gravitate back to you, and you learned that you could never tire of the man. Things patched up with Seth and things seemed good for a while, until Dean got injured again. You couldn't see him much then, your job was just to damn demanding. He was different when he came back, angrier. But you still loved him nonetheless. 2018 was a wild year also, Dean pulled the same crap Seth did years ago, and you forgave him for it. You loved him after all.

Now it's 2019, and you can't believe what you're hearing. He was planning on leaving for good. Dean was leaving, and he never even told you about it.

"Is it true?" You barge into Dean's locker room, hurt in your voice.

"Is what true babe, what's wrong?" Dean stands to his feet, seeing how upset you are.

"You're leaving?" You ask, voice cracking a bit.

Dean's face drops a little, he hadn't planned on you finding out yet.

"Well?" You ask again, voice still shaky.

"Yeah." Dean rubs the back of his neck. "After Wrestlemania." He nods his head, confirming your fear.

You shake your head, tears daring to brim your eyes. Dean takes a step forward, intent on giving you a hug. You put a hand out and stop him.

"Don't." You warn him. "I-I can't right now." You shake your head again and turn around.

You walk back out the door, Dean hot on your tail. You feel a pit in your stomach, all the shit you'd been through with Dean welling up again.

"Y/N, wait." Dean calls after you.

You swivel around harshly and come face to face with the one man you thought you'd finally managed to tie down for life.

"Don't Dean, just Don't." You shake your head once again. "You know i thought that we were done with all this! With all the secrets, the shitty idea's? God Dean, i thought you were happy here!" You almost dare scream in the hallway, not caring who hears you.

"Y/N, i am happy. You make me happy." Dean holds his hand out in front of him.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" You look hurt at Dean, his arm still outstretched to you.

"I-i don't know." Dean shakes his head. "Baby you've got it so good here, i-i didn't want me leaving make you leave to." Dean's voice becomes shaky also.

"Bullshit Dean." You fume. "You didn't tell me because you thought you could get away with leaving without ever telling me your plan, just disappearing." You clench your fist till your knuckles turn white.

"I don't wanna be the reason that you leave all this!" Dean practically yells at you. "You have to much going on here to just up and leave, especially for me." He shakes his head.

"Yeah well, it's not your decision to make Dean." Your voice becomes quieter.

"You can do so much better than me Y/N." Dean blurts out after a second of silence. "You deserve so much better than me, all i do is get in your way." He sighs.

You let your fist unclench, heartbeat coming down from it's high. There is no longer tears brimming your eyes, and you don't feel that void in the back of your throat.

"I don't want to do better than you Dean." You look at him with a calm face and tone. "Dean i've been in love with you since the moment i met you, why do you think i've put up with it all? For me? There is no better than you. You are the one man in this world that i just can't seem to get out of my head, and i'll be damned if i just let you walk away from me." You confess your love for the stubborn man right then and there.

You stand still and expect Dean to say something, argue with you or something along those lines. You don't see it coming when he steps to you, hands set softly on your cheeks as his lips collide with you. A kiss like no other one's that you'd shared with Dean. It had always been kisses filled with lust, with pure want and no emotion, just desire. But this was different. It was a kiss of pure need, like he was going to die that very moment if it didn't happen.

"I'm sorry." Is whispered in your ear, in that raspy voice that you couldn't resist. "I thought leaving without facing you would be easiest for me, because i love you." Dean's arms drop down to his sides as he looks at you.

"I love you to Dean." You smile softly, trapping the larger man in a soft hug. "If you are leaving, i'm leaving to." Your face turns firm as you look up at him. "No debating, this is my choice. I choose you." You don't break eye contact, getting your point set in stone.

"Okay." Dean nods his head softly. "If that's what you want, then i won't stop you." He cracks a small smile.

"You couldn't stop me even if you tried." You laugh lightly and entwine your fingers with his.

"I'm starting to see that now." Dean chuckles.

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