Cien Almas

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You walked next to Paige as she made her way to the office of SmackDown Live, as her best friend since the two of you were little she thought of you as a little sister. And after you managed to break your leg and were reduced to using crutches she was being just a little bit to overprotective.

"So why exactly did you have to bring me along to work with you?" You ask her as the two of you walk slowly down the hall.

"Because i left you alone to go rock climbing and look what happened to you." She replies. "I'll be damned if i let you out of my sight again." You shake your head at her.

"Paige." She cuts you off before you can say anything more.

The two of you get to her office and settle in for a while, but soon Paige gets called to go take care of something. This leaves you all alone in her office, so naturally you get up and begin snooping through things. After snooping for a while you come to a drawer and go to open it, then you hear the doorknob turn and rush back to the open seat.

On the way back to your seat one of your crutches slips and you begin to fall, luckily for you whoever came through the door is quick and strong enough to grab you before you fall.

"Hello." You look up at your savior when the sweet sound of a thick spanish accent hits your ears.

You find one of the male superstars working for Paige had come in and saved you, and man was he a sight to behold. Tall from what you could tell, not to mention strong with a handsome face and soft yet intriguing smile.

"Hi." You greet the man back. "Thank you for catching me." You thank him as he pushes on your back so you are upright again.

"Of course." The man replies. "But i am wondering why you are in Paige's office?" He looks down at you with a curious smile.

"Oh i'm her, friend more like sister. I've got a broken leg." You shake the cast on your leg slightly. "So she's being a little overprotective of me right now." The man nods his head satisfied with your answer. "I'm Y/N by the way." You finish speaking and wait for the man to reply.

"Cien Almas." He grins down at you. "Pleasure to meet you hermoso." You raise a brow.

"Did you just call me beautiful?" You ask Cien, he looks a little shocked that you understood him. "I took Spanish in high school and college." You grin liking that you managed to surprise this gorgeous man in front of you.

"Impressive." Cien nods his head. "Do you know when Paige will be back?" He asks you. "If it's sooner than later, i just might have a reason to stick around for a bit." He smirks at you.

"Oh she's back." The door opens back up making your break your gaze from Cien. Your eyes snap to Paige, and she doesn't look happy. "Cien what are you doing here?" She asks him in a firm tone.

"Just looking for you Senora." Ciens also snaps to Paige.

She may not show it, but you can tell Paige doesn't like the way Cien was looking at you, at all. You on the other hand, you welcomed the way that he was looking down at you, helpless in your chair.

"Well whatever it is i'm sure it can wait." She dismisses him from the room.

Being polite Cien nods and leaves the room, but not before smirking at you as he walks out the door. You crack a smile of your own then prepare to have a talk with your best friend about boys.

"Y/N." Paige starts out as soon as Cien is gone.

"Paige." You reply right back in a mocking tone. "You can't keep me away from boys Paige, especially when they look like that." You grin at her.

"No no no." Paige shakes her head. "Definitely not Cien Almas." You roll your eyes playfully at her.

"I'm a big girl Paige." You remind her. "If i say that i'm interested in the fine man that was just in here, then i'm going to be into him." It's Paige's turn to roll her eyes at you.

"Not if i can't help it you aren't." She informs you with a small grin of her own.

You sigh, boys was always a conflict with the two of you. Whether it was poor judgement or liking the same one. It seemed the two of you could never agree on the topic.

You leave the subject for the time being, but when Paige gets called out again you take the chance to see if you can't find your handsome friend again. You aren't out in the hall for long when you spot him probably walking to his locker room.

"Hey Cien." You call him and wave a little.

Cien's head snaps at the sound of his name, and the look on his face when he sees that you're the one that called him makes you a little weak in the knees.

"Ah Y/N." He strolls over to you.

You grin and take a step forward intending to meet Cien in the middle. Your crutches fail you again and slip out from under you. Luckily again, Cien is there to catch you.

"We really need to stop meeting like this." You giggle a little as he helps you upright again.

"Oh but i love a damsel in distress sweetheart." Cien smirks.

"Well then maybe i'll have to make a habit out of falling then." You grin right back.

All of a sudden you hear the clicking of heels and your name being called, not really wanting to deal with Paige again you look a little distressed. Then Cien grabs you and pulls you up into his arms bridal style and slips into one of the empty dressing rooms.

"Well thank you for that." You blush a little. "Sorry about Paige." You apologize for your friends antics.

"No worries, that's what makes this all the more fun, Mi Amore." You blush hard at Cien's words as he looks at you intently.

Shutting your impulse control down for a second, you go ahead and lean in for a kiss. Closing your eyes your lips are met with a pair of warm ones. And Cien was right, hearing Paige outside in the hall made it all the more exciting.

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