Finn Balor

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"That would be our cue." You wink at Dash and Scott as Finn's music starts up.

Finn grins that signature smile and walks out to do his pose, you come up behind him and copy his freeze. Seconds later Seth's music hits and he walks out to join you and Finn on the ramp.

"Pleasure to be teaming with you again Rollins." You comment as the three of you walk down to the ring.

"Pleasures all mine y/n, working with you is always fun." Seth winks at you.

You grin and roll your eyes at Seth's flirty demeanor. With Dean gone on injury leave and Roman stuck beefing with Bobby Lashley Seth found himself working in tag matches often lately. Of course when he got the pleasure of working with Finn, who was a good friend of his, and of course his manager you. He didn't mind tagging at all.

"Alright lass watch yourself." Finn warns you as Dash and Scott take their places opposite of you. "I don't trust these to weasels one bit." He shakes his head at Scott who grins in your direction.

"Don't worry about me Finn." You shake your head in protest. "Just worry about knocking these two down a pet, I can handle anything they throw at me." Finn nods his head and steps into the ring.

You hang back on the floor and turn your attention to the match as the bell rings. After a while Finn switches with Seth for a break and slides down to the floor.

"Hey, you alright Finn?" You ask in worry as Finn slides to the floor.

"Yeah lass I'm just dandy." Finn clutches his knee in pain as he looks up at you.

You tuck a strand of hair away and turn your attention to the ring, Seth could pick up a win if Dash wasn't stalking him from the floor.

"I'll be right back." You put Finn's arm and take off to the opposite side of the ring.

It doesn't take much effort to catch Dash's attention, his eyes flit to you as soon as you round the corner.

"Ohhh Dash." You sing songs as you walk his way.

"Well hello y/n." Dash grins as his eyes fix on you. "What can i do for you gorgeous?" He asks you.

"Welllll." You bat your eyes and pop the gum in your mouth. "For starters you could keep your eyes on me for just a second... " All of a sudden the bell rings and Dash's head snaps back to the ring.

You slink back to Finn and Seth's side where Seth now helps Finn up.

"What in the world did you do lass?" Finn asks as Seth helps him to his feet.

"Helped me get a win that's what she did." Seth beams as he uses his free hand to high five you.

"She could have gotten hurt." Finn is quick to protest. "Lass you don't have to put yourself in danger like that for me and Seth." You look at Seth and then back at Finn.

"Finn I can handle myself, especially against Dash and Scott." You repeat what you had said earlier. "Those two couldn't hurt me if I let them." Finn sighs heavily.

"Just stop putting yourself in danger like that would ya lass?" Finn asks you. "For me?" You roll your eyes a little and sigh.

Finn's smile could end all the world's problems, at least that was your opinion.

"Fine." You sigh. "I'll try at least. But no promises." You add quickly.

You come to the men's locker room door and drop Seth and Finn both off. Finn goes in first but Seth lingers in the door for a bit.

"Hey n/n wait up." He calls you before you have a chance to leave.

"Yeah what's up?" You ask as you turn back around to Seth.

"So you and Balor huh?" He asks you with a grin.

"Me and Finn what?" You ask not knowing what Seth was getting at.

"Haha." Seth chuckles. "Nevermind, I'll get more fun out of letting you figure it out." And with that he disappears behind the door.

Confused you make your way to the women's locker room and change into your own ring gear. There you run into one of your best friends, Dana Brooke.

"Hey Dana." You smile and wave to her as she sits down next to you. "What's up?" You ask her as you pull on a boot.

"What's up with me?" Dana repeats. "Nah, girl let's talk about you and all that arm candy you've been toting around." She grins.

"Arm candy?" You reply as you pull on the other boot. "Oh you mean Finn and Seth." You nod realizing what she means. "What about them?" You ask her.

"Umm hello?" Dana replies. "Maybe about the fact that Finn Balor, aka the hottest guy on this roster was totally all up on you earlier." She reminds you.

"No he wasn't." You deny and grab your jacket.

"Umm he was." Dana replies. "When have you ever known Finn to actually be concerned with others personal safety?" She make her solid point.

You roll your eyes and throw your jacket on.

"Whatever you say Dana, I'll believe it when he comes and physically tell me he's into me." You state as you walk to the door.

Back in the men's locker room Finn ices his knee as Seth drills into him about you.

"She's nothing more than a close friend." He claims as Seth paces next to him.

"Uh huh." Seth nods not believing it. "That's a lie but okay." Finn rolls his eyes at his friend.

"I'm telling the truth mate, the lass is just a friend." He states again.

"Yeah sure." Seth nods his head. "Again a lie but whatever." Finn sighs.

Seth grins knowing he's got his friend to crack as Finn takes the ice off of his knee.

"So what if I do like her?" He asks. "She doesn't see me as anything but a friend." He sighs heavily.

"Ha." Seth laughs aloud.

"Oh yeah so laugh at me why don't you?" Finn scoffs.

"I'm laughing because you to are so cute together." Seth grins. "She likes you man, trust me." Seth grabs Finn's shoulder and hoists him to his feet.

"Where are we going mate?" Finn asks as Seth pulls him down the Hall.

You make your way up the ramp fresh off of a win over Ruby Riot. When you get behind the curtain you find Seth and Finn waiting for you.

"Can I help you two?" You ask as you wipe some sweat away with a towel.

"Yeah Finn here has something to ask you." Seth pats Finn on the back and grins.

"I-i ummm..... " Finn stutters a bit making you grin. "I just wanted to say sorry for seeming like you can't handle yourself." He blurts out. "You are more than capable of handling yourself I know that." Seth rolls his eyes.

"Well thanks I guess, I really don't mind you worrying though." You wave your hand. "Makes me feel special in a way." You smile.

Seth cracks a smile as he sees Finn's ears redden a little.

"Anything else Finn?" He nudges Finn on the shoulder.

"Hey Finn." You interrupt Seth's rambling. "I'm gonna catch some dinner after I change, you can come with me if you want." You suggest to him with a smile.

"Y-yeah sure." Finn nods his head rapidly. "I'd love to lass." You nod yourself.

"Cool, meet me in the parking lot in ten then." Finn nods and you quickly go change.

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