Buddy Murphy

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"Why am i hearing from Drake that you're going an open challenge a week from your fatal 4-way match?" You barge into Murphy's locker room with a sour expression.

Murphy looks up from lacing his boots up and his face whitens a little bit, he of all people knew that you were a force to be reckoned with when you were pissed off.

"Okay calm down love." Murphy puts his hands up as he drops his laces back down from his fingertips. "I was planning on telling you, i promise. I was just gonna wait until right before the match." He chuckles a little bit, hoping to lighten the mood a little.

"I am calm." You grit your teeth and look at your fiance. "We both know i love it when you keep things like this from me." You can tell that your stare is wearing Buddy down.

"Look Y/N, doll. I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner, but it's just a little warm up match before the championship match next week." He explains as he walks over to you. "Nothing to worry about, Drake's even giving me some new prospect from NXT." He grabs you by the arm and pulls you flush to his side.

"Fine." You mumble and let him hug you. "But i'm still mad that you didn't tell me." You complain.

"Well i think i can fix that." Murphy replies as he leans down and presses his lips to yours.

You giggle under his touch and push him away, you still had work to do for the night. Unfortuniatly.

"Better?" Murphy looks down at you with a cocky grin.

"Maybe." You grin right back at him. "Good luck on your match tonight babe, i'll be in Drake's office talking about the new guys he's getting from NXT." You kiss Murphy on the cheek before you walk back to the bosses office.

On the way back to Drake's office you run into a younger looking guy, the first thing you notice is that he looks a little lost.

"Lost?" You walk up to the him and ask with a friendly smile.

"Uh.....yeah." The guy rubs the back of his neck. "I'm kind of new here, as you can probably tell." He chuckles lightly. "Oh i'm Humberto Carrillo by the way." He shakes your hand with a cute smile.

"Y/N L/N." You reply as you shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you Humberto, if you're looking for the locker room it's down the hall to the right." You point him in the direction you assume that he's going.

"Ah, thank you Y/N." Humberto nods.

"No problem, good luck tonight kid." You wish the fresh talent good luck and send him on his way.

After that little distraction you start on your journey to Drake's office and smile to yourself, Humberto, if he was the newbie that Drake had wrestling Buddy for the night. Didn't seem like much of a threat to your fiance, which made you feel better.

"Hope you didn't kick our champions ass." Drake nods to you when you step back into the office. "We still need him for tonight, and for our championship match." He reminds you in a slight joking tone.

"I didn't kick his ass." You shake your head. "Just chewed him out." You smile to yourself.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Drake replies with a chuckle.

"Well you know me." You shrug. "And i think i ran into your newbie from NXT in the hall, Humberto Carrillo?" You repeat the kids name to Drake.

"Yes, that would be him." Drake nods his head. "What do you think of him?" He asks you curiously as he peers out from behind a stack of paperwork.

"Eh." You shrug again, recalling what the kid looked like in your mind. "He's definitely under the 205 weight limit, looks like he could use a meal or two. Kind of young to." You study Drake's face for a reaction to your critique.

Drake sets his papers down and nods his head, you furrow your brows. Knowing Drake, he had a snarky comment to make.

"I see why you'd think that." Sure enough Drake speaks up as he looks at you from his desk. "You are engaged to the largest man on this roster, not to mention one of the meaner looking ones." You watch as Drake's eyes flick down to the ring on your finger.

"So?" You reply, not really seeing the correlation.

"Nevermind." Drake drops the subject. "Lets try and get some work done then, shall we?" He hands you a pen and some of the papers from his desk.

You sigh and take both items and get to work. Thoughts of Murphy beating the poor new kid to a pulp in his match.

After about an hour of work you decide to take a break for a bit, Drake doesn't protest when you get up and leave. You tell him that you'll be back soon and leave the room. You find yourself drawn to one of the monitors on the wall displaying the ongoing show, catching a glimpse of red hair and instantly pegging it as your fiance.

"Yeah get him babe." You smile to yourself as Murphy and Carrillo go at it in the ring.

You watch for a few minutes, and you had to give the kid credit. He was decent in the ring, especially against Murphy. Drake had good taste in his new talent. But your on high alert when all of a sudden Murphy comes down from an attempted powerbomb from Humberto. You don't hesitate to run down to the ring.

"Oh and it looks like the assistant GM, Y/N L/N is coming down to asses the situation." Percy comments as you rush down to the ring.

"Yes, but is she here as a GM, or because she recently got engaged to the champion, Buddy Murphy." Nigel replies as he to watches as you slide into the corner where the referee talks to Buddy.

You get to the corner and tune into what the official had to say, his attention turns to you when you stop.

"What's the problem?" You ask the official, trying to seem like you were doing your job.

"It's his knee." The official replies.

Your attention turns to your fiance, your hand lightly touching his side for support incase he was really hurt.

"Buddy, are you seriously hurt?" You ask him, again trying to be professional.

"I dont know." Murphy replies calmly.

Before you can offer to go grab the medical staff and stop the match, the official is helping Buddy to his feet. You go to hop onto the apron when all of a sudden your fiance is fine and applying his signature move on an unsuspecting Humberto.

"Oh you dick." You mumble under your breath as the bell rings and you watch your fiance slide down to the floor. "Real sly of you Buddy." You walk over to his side were he puts his arm around you.

"The kids good." Murphy huffs as he catches his breath. "But i'm better." He grins happily to himself.

"Cheater." You giggle up at him.

"Maybe, but i know you love a good rule breaker." Murphy stops walking and leans down to pull you into a kiss.

"Guilty." You giggle at him.

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