Johnny Gargano

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You plop down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and two beers in the other, Johnny sits on the other side of the couch fiddling with the remote to your tv.

"Your beverage sir." You grin and hand him one of the beers. "Have you finally decided what we're watching, or do you still need another month?" This comment makes Johnny look at you with a small harmless glare. "I'm just teasing." You retort to his look.

"As a matter of fact, i have chosen a movie for us to watch." Johnny sticks his tongue out at you. "We're watching Phantom Menace tonight, since it's your favorite." You give Johnny a weird look when he says this.

"I'm hurt babe." You clutch at your chest. "My favorite Star Wars Movie is Clone Wars." You correct him a little surprised that he forgot.

Johnny almost looks hurt himself when you say this, he could have sworn that your favorite Star Wars movie was Phantom Menace. You giggle a little and pull the blanket from the edge of the couch and snuggle up to Johnny.

"Don't worry, i forgive you." You lighty kiss his cheek and settle in under the warm blanket.

"Thanks babe, now share the popcorn." Johnny replies as his hand snakes over your lap to the bowl of popcorn sitting on the other side of you.

The infamous rolling yellow letter to start the movie appear and Johnny immediately starts reading them like they were his middle name. You smile to yourself and glance up at him, looking so happy and content as the movie rolls. The look reminds you of the night that you and Johnny met.


"How do i look Candace?" You ask your best friend in the world as you twirl around a little to show off your outfit.

"I love it." Candace nods her head approving of your Han Solo costume. "What about mine?" She asks about her own costume and also proceeds to do a little twirl.

"It's great, i love the hair buns." You give her Leia Organa costume with a thumbs up.

The two of you had been invited to a Halloween party by a mutual friend, Alexa Bliss. She wanted a way for all the resident wrestlers of NXT to unwind and have fun for a night.

"Well i'm ready to go, what about you Candace?" You pocket your phone and look to Candace to see if she's also ready.

"Yep i'm good." She nods.

The two of you head out to the party being held on the other side of town. When you get there you look through the room at all the costumes. People dressed as the usual cats and bunnies, as well as some zombies and other monsters scattered around. As you are scanning the room you spot a man in a costume that peaks your interest. Someone was looking sharp in an Indiana Jones costume.

"Hi." You walk up to the man and greet him with a smile. "I love your Indiana Jones costume." You compliment him.

The man turns around to reveal a charming face and cheesy smile, he takes one look at you and cracks a huge fanboy grin.

"Thanks, your Han Solo costume is kick ass by the way." He tells you. "I'm Johnny." You shake his hand firmly and nod.

"Thanks, i'm Y/N." Johnny nods his head at this and the two of you decide to mingle for a little while.

Over the course of the next half hour or so you and Johnny talk and find that the two of you share a lot of similar interests.

"So who did you come to the party with?" Johnny all of sudden asks as the two of you finish up a conversation on George Lucas.

"Umm Candice LeRae." You reply as you glance around the room for her. "Me and her are roomates, and best friends." You explain as your eyes land on her chatting up someone across the room.

"Oh Candace." Johnny nods. "Yeah i know her." You turn your attention back to Johnny since it seems to you like Candace is a little busy.

"Anyway, i was wondering if maybe you'd wanna dance with me?" You ask Johnny with a hopeful smile.

The music in the room was changing from traditional spooky music to dance music and people were making their way to the middle of the room. Johnny seems to hesitate a little at your answer as you look at him.

"Sure." He nods his head. "But i'm not a great dancer i'm afraid." He warns you.

"That's okay." You giggle and grab his hand before pulling him to the middle of the room.

End of Flashback

You sigh contently as the movie rolls on, with Qui Gon currently betting on little Anikan winning the race. You reach over to pull a handful of popcorn from the bowl at your side but end up grabbing a hand instead. This makes Johnny's eyes move from the movie down to your now intertwined hands. You look up at him with a soft smile as he pulls both your hands up and places a kiss to yours.

"Dork." You shake your head at him and take your hand back.

"Yeah i know." Johnny nods his head and goes back to the movie.

A little while later you look up and giggle to yourself at Johnny's intense and focused expression as the fight between Qui Gon and Darth Maul flashes on the screen. Sometimes it amazed you just how much you were in love with this extremely dorky man.

"Getting a little to into it dont you think Jon?" You smack Johnny's arm when he all of sudden jerks and accidentally smacks you in the side of the face.

"Sorry baby." Johnny mumbles and quickly leans in and pecks your cheek, his eyes never leaving the tv screen.

You roll your eyes trying to seem annoyed, but you end up laughing lightly to yourself. It truly made you love the man even more than you already did seeing him geek out like this. And truth be told, you wouldn't have it any other way.

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