Elias Samson

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"Come on Maria." You call your niece as you walk through the parking lot, the teen rolls her eyes as she pockets her phone and jogs to you.

"Remind me why I have to be here again aunt y/n?" She asks you as she reaches your side. You chuckle and ruffle the girls hair.

"Because I'm watching while your dad is in Russia and I'm not leaving a 14 year old in a hotel room alone for the nights, that's why." You tell her. "Now come on it's not that boring." You open the door to the arena and slip inside with her.

"Whatever you say aunt y/n." Maria shrugs as she follows you inside.

You speed down the hallway and down to kurts office before he notices your late by about a half hour.

"Alright Maria, be nice and stay quiet for a moment." You tell her as you open the door. "Hey boss." You smile as you step inside.

"Y/n." Kurt raises a brow. "Care to explain why you're late?" He asks you.

"Sorry boss." You apologize. "I'm taking care of my niece Maria for about a month." You move a bit to reveal Maria on her phone, you nudge her and she waves to Kurt.

"Hi." She smiles at your boss then goes back to her phone.

"Teenager?" Kurt asks you, you nod and he also does. "Huh well have fun with that, oh and I need you to get this done for the night." Kurt hands over a list of things for you to do for the night.

You nod and take the list happy he isn't angry about you being late, slipping out the door you stop and look at the list.

"Fuck." You breath as you look at the list. "Alright let's go, time to see what my life is like every night." You turn to your niece.

You lead Maria across the arena to the locker rooms and come to Seth Rollins, knocking on the door you turn to Maria.

"So opinion on Seth Rollins?" You ask her with a smile.

"Eh." She shrugs. "Not my type." She tells you. You look at her as the door opens.

"What's up y/n?" Seth asks as he opens the door.

"Angle wants to see you and roman in ten." You tell him. "And don't be late." You warn him. Seth nods and closes the door.

Once he's gone you turn to your niece as you start walking again.

"What do you mean by not much type?" You ask her. "You're 14." She looks up from her phone and smiles.

"Come on aunt y/n." She replies. "He's a face." She tells you.

"So?" You reply. "Have you seen him?" You ask her. "He's fine as hell." You shake your head.

Maria shrugs and you scoff at your nieces taste in men, next you make your way down the hall and catch Braun Strowman as he's heading to his match. Maria instantly grabs your arm.

"Dude you have to introduce me." She tells you. "He's like my fav." She smiles brightly.

You mumble something about needing to teach this girl who the real og wrestlers where and flag down the giant.

"Hey Stroman." You call him making him stop. "Can my niece get a picture? She's a huge fan." You ask him.

"Sure." Braun nods, you watch your niece skip over to the monster and snap a pic with him as well as get a hug. "Take care kid." He tells her.

Maria walks back over to you and squeals a bit.

"Omg I can't believe I met him, thanks aunt y/n." She hugs you. "But real talk now." Her expression changes. "Who do you like here?" She asks you.

You knew the question was bound to come up sometime, and you personally wishes you'd liked a face in the company, alas you were stuck in a flirty stalemate with Elias Samson.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" You ask her.

"No." She replies sweetly.

Before you can reply you hear the sweet sultry voice of your bad habits.

"There she is, Angles own personal babe." You turn to see Elias walk your way with that fucking smirk. "Hows my favorite little assistant doing?" He asks.

You see your nieces judgy look behind you as you look at the man before you, knowing him he won't care Maria is listening.

"Elias." You nod at him. "What can I do for you?" You ask immediately regretting the decision.

"Oh I think you know what." He smirks. You roll your eyes at him.

"I do but the thing is there is a child present so no." You whisper to him so Maria can't hear. Elias looks at Maria behind you and leans back.

"And who might this lovely lady be?" He asks harmlessly turning his attention to her.

"I- I'm Maria." She stutters. Elias kisses her hand gently making her blush hard.

"Nice to meet you Maria, well as much as i'd like to stay with you lovely ladies I've got places to be." Elias turns to leave and your pager goes off. You look at it and stop him.

"Samson wait." You call him. "Can you watch her for a minute? There's an emergency I need to get to." You ask him.

"Yeah sure thing, but you owe me one." He grins.

You roll your eyes and take off.
After taking care of the emergency you collect your niece and thank Elias for watching her.

"Thanks." You nod at him. "What's my price?" You ask him.

Maria watches and your pulled in close and get something whispered in your ear, she grins ear to ear as your eyes go wide and your hand instinctively moves downward.

"Come on Maria." You call her as you slip away from Elias who wears a grin.

"Yeah sure." She nods.

When you get out to the parking lot she turns to you with a curious look.

"What he offer you?" She asks with a grin.

"None of your business young lady." You reply as you climb in the car.

"Mhm. But I won't ask anything when you come back to the hotel with trouble walking." She giggles as she climbs in.

You shoot your niece a look for her dirty thoughts, was she right? Yes. You'd definitely have walking problems in the future days, but she didn't need to know that.

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