Pete Dunne

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"Why do I have to be the one to do the interview?" You while to Tom.

"Because no one else will do it." Tim replies ignoring your cries and protest. "Plus you're the newest so you'll do whatever I say." He grins at your pouty face.

"Ugh fine." You cross your arms in defeat, you hadnt had this job long enough to protest.

"Good." Tom nods happy that you finally gave in. "He'll be waiting for you in fifteen." He tells you. "Oh and make sure you look cute." He winks as he walks off.

You Huff and grab a mic and head out with the camera crew, god sometimes you hated your job.

You had always had a problem working with Pete, he was the type of guy that was fine as hell and knew it to. And it didn't help that you both knew that you had a huge thing for the biggest ass of UK talent.

"Alright we'll see up here." You stop at a good spot that has a lot of natural lighting.

"Well well well." You hear a voice call out, you roll your eyes. You can't see him but you can hear the smirk on Pete's face. "Look who's back for more." You turn around to face Pete who strides to your side with a grin.

"Pete." You grit your teeth. "How are you?" You ask trying to be polite and professional.

"Fine now that you're here." Pete replies with a gorgeous smile.

You nod and attempt to ignore him and turn back to the camera crew as they finish setting stuff up.

"Looks good guys." You nod to them and turn back to Pete. "Try to keep your comments to a minimum please." You ask him as you take a step back away from him and turn to the camera. "Y/n here, I'm joined by UK champion Pete Dunne." You smile at the camera and turn slightly to the left at Pete. "Pete what do you have to say about Tyler Bate challenging you for your championship earlier tonight?" You ask and move the mic his way.

"Well." Pete draws out his words. "I say if Bate wants to get his ass kicked then by all means I'm ready for him." He speaks fluently like he means it.

"Okay, and what of Tyler's advantage in tag partner Trent Seven?" You ask again.

Pete answers the question but you don't hear it, all you see is two blondes sneaking up behind a few boxes ready to attack Pete. A small smrik plays on your lips for a split second, the thought of Pete getting pummeled slightly amusimg.

"Mhm interesting." You almost giggle as you all of a sudden take a huge step back out of the line of fire. "Oh no." You fake a suprised look as the cameras pan down to your feet.

After the onslaught by Tyler and Trent the crew dissipate and your greeted by to smiles and a firm tip of a hat.

"Y/n." Tyler grins at you as he walks off.

"Y/n." Trent copies his friend as he to walks off.

You nod to both men before looking at the heap of man at your feet, feeling a little bad you reach down and help him to his feet.

"Well that was fun." You smile. Pete sneers at you as you hoist him up by his arm.

Once he's at eye level again you feel worse about letting him get pummeled, he seems to have procured a cut above his eye in the scwabble.

"Oof they did a number on you didn't they?" You muse as your hand hovers above the cut. "Come on let's get that cleaned." You grab the stubborn man's arm knowing if you don't take him then he won't go.

"And why do you care all of a sudden?" Pete asks as you drag him along.

"I can leave if you want." You reply. "Not my fault Tyler and Trent hate you." You shrug your shoulders as you come to the infirmary. "Come on I can fix that cut." You pull him inside.

"Do I get the special nurse treatment?" Pete smirks as hard slides onto a table.

You roll your eyes and grab a med kit and pop it open, Pete sits patiently.

"So why are you helping me again?" He asks you. "Thought you couldn't stand me?" You dab a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and clean his cut.

"Well excuse me for caring about whether or not you get an infected cut." You Huff as you dab it clean. "Next time I'll just leave you to rot on the floor." You throw the cloth behind you and grab a stint to keep the cut closed.

"Ha." Pete chuckles. "I knew you had it bad but this is something." Have grins making the muscles in his forehead move.

"For the love of.... Just hold still for five seconds." You scold him changing the subject. "Just appreciate that I'm willing to help you out." You push down on the stint to make sure it won't fall off.

"Oh I do." Pete replies all of a sudden grabbing your hands and pulling them down.

"Umm can I have my hands back?" You ask Pete a little nervous of the way hes now looking at you.

"You've been avoiding something y/n." Pete purrs still holding your hands. "I I know what it is." His lips inch toward yours.

All of a sudden the door swings open and you quickly take a step back in fear of being caught, the doctor walks through the door.

"Sorry doc, i was just patching this gentleman up." You smile shyly. "I'll just be going now." You quickly shuffle out the door as you cheeks redden.

Later that night you sit on a wooden box backstage looking at your phone, the events of what had happened earlier playing on repeat in your head. You almost kissed Pete, if it hadn't been for the doctor. Goosbumps rise on your skin as the thought plays in your mind. You shake it off.

"There she is." You hear a voice call you.

The goosebumps come back, you turn your head to see Pete looking back at you.

"H-hey Pete." You stutter pocketing your phone. "Your cut looks good." You nervously smile.

"Mhm." Pete muses as he closes the gap between the two of you. "You've been avoiding me again." He purrs.

"H-have i?" You stutter again your back hitting the cool wall.

"Mhm." Pete purrs again.

The gap between the two of you closes until your lips finally meet. Unable to move you just let it happen, and you couldn't deny that you didn't like what was happening to you.

"Well." You clear your throat once your released. "That was ummm... " You didn't know what to say.

"Speechless huh?" Pete smirks.

You roll your eyes almost like the moment was ruined, it wasn't but still.

"Well I was going to say, now you owe be dinner." You manage to get out.

"Oh do I now?" Pete chuckles a reply before pulling you to your feet.

"Y-yeah." You stammer not knowing what's in store for you.

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