Seth Rollins

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You waited impatiently for your new mix match challenge partner to show up for training, the first match that the two of you had booked was against AJ Styles and Charlotte Flair so you needed the time to get to know him.

"Hey sorry i'm late." Seth grins as he walks up to you.

"It's fine, let's get to work shall we?" You shake your head.

You knew that you weren't a patient person so you tried your best not to stay mad on the first day of having a partner.

"Yeah sure, your names Y/N right? From NXT?" Seth asks you politely as you both head into the gym.

"Yep." You nod. "They put me in the challenge since i'm being called up to Raw next week anyway." You explain why an NXT native was doing a challenge with main roster superstars.

"Nice. Congrats then." Seth congratulates you. "I did a little research about who you were, you're a flyer right?" Seth asks you.

"Yeah, i trained a lot in Mexico in Luchadora." You nod your head. "So i'm pretty good at high risk moves, like moonsaults and suicide dives." Seth nods his head in understanding and you both get to training.

The two of you train for a few hours both getting used to each others style's. You quickly discover that you both are fans of suicide dives over the ropes, something that you could easily do together.

"So our first match is Tuesday, and it's against Charlotte and AJ Styles." You explain as you and Seth exit the gym.

"Styles and Flair huh?" Seth muses. "They shouldn't be hard to handle." He grins confidently.

You admire his confidence a little and the two of you part ways for the remainder of the day. You end up hanging out with Mark Andrews, the man that had been your best friend since the two of you were kids.

"So how'd training with your new mate Seth go?" He asks as you both sit down in a booth at the Thai restaurant you'd both agreed on.

"It went well, i think that we'll make an excellent team." You grin widely.

"Mhm." Mark muses. "So what's he like?" He asks you a little bit more suggestive than before.

You glare slightly at the blonde sitting across from you, Mark jst grins and takes a sip from his water.

"He's a great guy." You tell him. "And a good performer as well." Mark wiggles his eyebrows at you.

"Oh i bet he's a great performer." He smirks.

You kick Mark's leg lightly from under the table and order some food when the waiter comes by. The topic of Rollins doesn't come back up until after you've both eaten.

"I'll get the check." Mark reaches for the paper.

You grab his hand and swat it away, but he defies you and reaches for the check with his other hand. You sigh and look him dead in the eye's.

"If you wanna be difficult then we can split it." You tell him.

Mark sighs in defeat and nods. You both pay half and you beat Mark to leaving a tip for the server.

"Man don't you know that you're suppose to let the man get the check?" He teases you as you both leave.

"That's for when people are out on dates Mark." You remind him. "Last time i checked you already had a girlfriend." Mark smiles at the mention of his girl and nods.

"Does that mean that you'll let Rollins pay the bill when he takes you out for food." He grins as he looks at you.

You don't reply and instead just shake your head. You go back to the hotel early since you debut on Raw tomorrow.

The next day goes by super fast, you get everything ready and make your way to the arena more excited than you'd ever been before. When you get there on your way to your locker room you run into Seth.

"Oh hey Y/N, i forgot you said that you debuted on Raw tonight." He greets you with a wide smile.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you to Rollins." You nod.

"Well good luck out there tonight, i'll see you later." Seth lets you get to your locker room in peace.

You nod and head to the locker room with a smile. You'd only seen Seth in ring gear from a tv, and it wasn't hard to believe that television didn't do the man any justice. You didn't notice until now just how attractive your new partner really was.

You debut goes off with a bang, you face Liv Morgan, a girl that you'd wrestled against many a times before in NXT. You pick up an easy win and head backstage after you let the crowd take you in a little bit. On your way back to the locker room you run into Seth again with his partner Dean Ambrose in tow.

"Hey i saw your match, nice job out there Y/N." Seth high fives you.

"Thanks man, hope you two do good out there to." You nod to Dean and head to your locker room.

Dean looks down at the spunky girl that Seth was so eager to see when he spotted her down the hall. This was the girl that Seth had been talking about all day.

"So that was Y/N huh." He comments once you leave.

"Yeah man, she's cool right?" Seth turns to Dean as they walk down the ramp.

"She seems like just your type man." Dean pats Seth on the back. "You should ask her out tomorrow night." Dean had been trying to get Seth to go out on a date for a while now.

"Hmm." Seth muses. "Yeah maybe." He nods his head.

The next night you meet up with Seth at the arena a bit early.

"Hey Rollins." You greet him with a smile ready in ring gear.

"Y/N, ready to beat AJ and Charlotte?" Seth asks with a grin.

You nod ready for what's about to come.

The match goes off at a fast pace, you and Seth both end up in the ring with your opponents outside. You both share a look and a smile before you both dive through the ropes.

Seth ends up with a pin for the win and you both celebrate.

"Hell yeah that was awesome." You giggle as you walk up the ramp with Seth."

"Damn right." Seth agree's. "I'd say that we make a pretty great team." He comments.

"Yeah we do." You bounce a little.

"Hey wanna maybe grab some dinner after the show?" Seth takes his shot and asks you out.

You grin ear to ear, you had plans to ask him the same thing.

"Totally, I'll see you after the show." You agree to dinner and go to change.

You had a date with Seth Freaking Rollins in a little bit. And it was safe to say that you couldn't wait.

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