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Elias walked down the corridor with his guitar in hand, a sour expression graced his features. He'd showed up to Raw to find that his locker room was being occupied by someone else and was furious and headed to see Corbin immediately.

You sat in Corbin's office getting nervous by the minute, the show was going to start soon as the current acting GM was nowhere to be found. All of a sudden three sharp knocks come at the door, you stop pacing and run a hand through your hair before you open the door.

"Elias." You nod to him quickly and scan the hallway behind him. "What can i help you with?" You ask him as you reluctantly let him in.

You turn around and shut the door, Elias scans the room for Corbin and turns to you with a confused look when he doesn't see the acting General Manager.

"Where is Corbin?" He asks you with slight annoyance laced in his voice.

"Hell if I know?" You shrug in frustration. "God forbid the man shows up on time for once." You grit your teeth. "Now what can I help you with, since I do most of his work anyway?" You ask Elias why he needed to see Corbin again.

"Well..." Elias's mood changes a little. "I was trying to get to my usual locker room to warm up before my performance tonight, when I found that it's being occupied by someone else." He explains annoyed by the whole situation.

You run a hand through your hair again and slip behind Corbin's desk, you take a seat in the leather chair and begin to look through the files on the desk.

"Hold on, i'm sure that Corbin at least wrote down something about a locker change." You huff and flip through many papers scattered on the desk.

Elias silently stands and watches as you feverishly look for his papers, his annoyance quickly fades as he sees you in distress. He recalls the countless times that he'd seen you busting your ass to get things done for Corbin. Usually Elias would pay you no attention, but there was just something about watching you now that made Elias feel bad.

"Hey you know what, never mind." Elias clears his throat and speaks up.

You look up from filing through papers with a confused look. Elias smiles softly at you and puts his hands up.

"You look like you've got enough on your plate right now, don't need me yelling and complaining to go along with it." He explains.

You stop moving and raise a brow, since when was Elias ever nice to anyone? You lean back in Corbin's chair a little, your feet had been killing you all day.

"Okay." You nod slowly. "If you wanna come back later when Corbin actually bothers to show up i'm sure he'd be happy to get this sorted out for you." You explain. "Or rather make me stop what i'm doing and figure it out." You chuckle a little at your own pain.

"Yeah maybe I will." Elias nods his head. "You take care now." He tells you before he walks to the door.

You nod and take a breath before you go back to sorting through papers. Elias leaves the room and goes back down the hall. On his way to catering since he didn't have a locker room he runs in Corbin.

"Hey Corbin." He flags the GM down. "I just came from your office." He comments.

"Did you?" Corbin replies. "Please tell me Y/N is actually working and not sitting on her ass." He asks Elias with an angry look.

"Looks like she's doing more work then you do." Elias comments making Corbin sneer.

"What would you know about that?" Corbin rolls his eyes.

"Oh I wouldn't i guess." Elias shrugs his shoulders. "But at least she shows up on time to work and doesn't delay the show." He grins

Corbin huffs and walks away, Elias grins in triumph and relaxes in catering for a while. Corbin makes his way to the office to find you sitting in his chair looking through papers.

"There you are." You comment when Corbin shows up. "Why are you so late?" You ask him with a paper in your hand.

"That's none of your business, now get off your ass and out of my chair." Corbin snaps at you. "God i don't even know why i keep you around, you never get anything done anyway." You silently get out of Corbin's chair and stand to the side of the room.

To say that you were getting tired of Corbin's treatment of you was an understatement. But you made a promise to Angle when he went on vacation that you'd keep an eye on the GM position for him and make sure that things run as smoothly as possible.

"What are you doing just standing there?" Corbin's snaps at you again. "Get off your ass and go take care of shit." He barks orders at you. "Oh and I don't appreciate Elias trying to defend your behavior and talking back to me." He comments.

Confused but not in the mood to get yelled at anymore you take your stuff and get to the usual work that Corbin had you do every week. On your way to talk to the guys in the production truck you catch Elias in the catering room out of the corner of your eye. Curious about Corbin's earlier comment you decide to talk to Elias.

"Hey Elias." You grab his attention as you walk over to him and sit down.

"Oh hey Y/N, you get my locker room figured out?" He asks with a smile. "Not that I don't mind hanging out in catering all night." He chuckles softly.

"Ha, no unfortunately that's not why i'm here to talk to you." You giggle a little at his light hearted joke. "Corbin finally showed up to the office angry about something. Was ranting on about you fighting my battles for me or something?" You explain. "Any idea what that was about?" You ask him with a small smile playing on your lips.

"I may have commented on Corbin's inability to show up on time, and him using you." Elias admits quietly.

You nod and laugh to yourself a little bit. Elias raises a brow at you not understanding why you were laughing.

"Well as true as that statement is, I really don't need you fighting my battles for me Elias." You tell him politely. "Even though the gesture is sweet and very much appreciated." You grin and stand to your feet.

You lean down and place a small kiss on Elias's cheek then get back to working on things that Corbin needs done.

"Let me know if you ever need anything." You call to Elias as you walk off.

You aren't looking at him as you walk off but something tells you that Elias is smiling like an idiot and you might just be seeing more the man soon.

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