Roderick Strong

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It was safe to say this day wasnt going well, you woke up late and didnt get a chance to shower, or eat. Then traffic was horrible and you managed to spill coffee on yourself while driving, now you stood in your best friends locker room borrowing a shirt from her.

“Thanks again Becky.” You thank the red head as you pull on a fresh shirt.

“No problem lass, you seemed like you've been having a bad day.” Becky nods her head as she sifts through her duffel bag for her ring gear.

“Ha, got that right.” You muse and check yourself in the mirror, it was a good thing that you and Becky wore the same size shirt. “Today has been anything but easy so far.” Becky laughs with you.

You thank her one more time and then actually head out to work, you are on your way to your own locker room when you run into trouble.

“Y/n.” AJ smirks and relocates his championship belt with a grin. “Just the girl i wanted to see.” You roll your eyes but decide to be polite and see what the champ wants.

“Hey Styles.” You greet him with a fake warm smile. You really just wanted to get to your locker room. “What’s up?” You ask him assuming that he wants something.

“Not much sweetheart, just glad to see my favorite girl.” AJ grins at you.

“Ha.” You laugh nervously. “Yeah well i’m all good, just trying to get to my locker room.” You look past AJ down the hall, you can see your locker room door from where you stand.

AJ is about to reply when his expression changes and someone comes up behind you, you feel a warm hand on your shoulder and look back to see Roderick Strong smiling at you.

“I believe this lovely lady said she was trying to get to her locker room?” He asks AJ as his hand squeezes your shoulder a little. “Do you maybe wanna move so she can get by?” AJ glares ar Roderick but moves out of the way.

AJ was smart enough to know that if Roderick was there that meant the rest of the Undisputed Era were not far behind. Roderick leads you past AJ and takes you to your locker room, you both stop at the door and you turn to him.

“Thanks for that Strong, it’s good to see you.” You give him a smile and a small hug. You and Roderick where both friends when you were in NXT around a year or so ago, you got called up before him to SmackDown.

“No problem y/n.” Roderick chuckles. “I see that you aren't staying out of trouble.” You giggle at this comment.

“Says the man that made a heel turn and joined Adam Cole and his buddies.” You joke and laugh. You and Roderick share a chuckle before you invite him in the room. “Wanan come in?” You ask him.

“I’d love to, but unfortunately i’ve gotta meet Adam and Kyle in the main office for our call up.” He declines the offer sweetly.

You nod and step into the room with a grin, you where happy for him for getting called up finally.

“Well congrats on getting called up, we need to catch up sometime.” You smile before you shut the door.

Roderick nods and makes his way down the hall, he couldn't believe he saw you. He’d forgotten just how much he liked you, and just how pretty you where. He gets to the main office and finds Adam waiting for him.

“What took you so long?” Adam asks scolding the newest member of his team.

“Sorry Adam, damsel in distress. An old friend of mine actually.” He explains.

“Ah, well since it was a girl in trouble i’ll let it slide.” Adam nods to Roderick. “Now let's get this meeting done.” He knocks on the door sharply and waits to be let in.

Back in your locker room you change into your ring gear and are about to head out to your match with Carmella when someone knocks on the door. You happily skip over thinking that it’s Roderick coming to see you again.

“Roderick?” You ask as you open the door only to be severely disappointed. “Anderson?” You ask as you look at the male in front of you.

“y/n.” Anderson smiles. “AJ wants to see you.” He tells you with a grin.

“Okay.” You reply. “For what? I’ve got a match.” You inform him. “Not to mention i’d rather not talk to him right now.” You sharply add.

Anderson rolls his eyes, he hated girls that acted spoiled and entitled, like they were better than everyone else.

“Fine do what you want.” He throws his hands up and walks off. “It’s your funeral.” He adds as he rounds the corner.

You shrug AJ’s rude lacky off and head out to your match, Carmella already stands in the ring waiting. You whisper an apology to her about being late and the bell rings.

Your match doesn't last long, around 8 minutes is all. You end it by using an arm bar on Carmella, making her tap in the middle of the ring. After the bell rings and she slinks out you take your time to leave, your shoulder was a little strained from the match so you nursed it a bit. You’re about to slip out of the ring when AJ’s music fills the arena speakers and he walks out to you.

“Really?” You ask as you watch the champ approach you. “Now of all the times you could bother me?” AJ snickers and just keeps on walking your way, Gallows and Anderson trail behind him.

Meanwhile backstage Roderick and Adam talk about you, Roderick was pitching the idea of a female member in the group.

“She’s a good competitor, and a smartass.” He sells his case to Adam as they walk.

As they walk Roderick happens to look at one of the monitors, he sees you backed in the ring by Gallows and Anderson with Styles in the middle.

“See look.” The points to the monitor. “It’s fine if you don't want her, but at least let me and Kyle go help her.” He asks Adam fully ready to go fend of The Club himself.

“Come on boys.” Adam nods and takes off down the hall to the ramp.

You stand in the middle of the ring trapped by AJ and his boys, your mind races with ways to get out of this situation. It’s safe to say that you don't have many options. All of a sudden music fills the arena again and you look to the ramp to see Roderick and his boys coming to your rescue, they all slide in the ring making it a fair fight.

“You enjoy playing the damsel in distress?” Roderick asks you as he steps protectively in front of you.

“Well i do have a handsome knight in shining armor to come save me.” You smirk and place a hand on Rodericks shoulder.

Adam and Kyle easily ward off Gallows and Anderson, and a look from Roderick sends Styles back with them. Once they are gone Roderick leads you backstage with Adam and Kyle.

“Well thanks for coming to my rescue again.” You hug Roderick. “You don't happen to still have a crush on me do you?” You ask him with a smile.

Roderick looks at you a little shocked, you knew about his crush.

“How’d you know i had a crush on you?” He asks you.

“Pete has a big mouth.” You shrug and giggle. “So i’ll take that as a yes then?” You ask.

You don't need an answer from Roderick when he kisses your cheek gently, across the room Adam sighs and waves his hand.

“Guess this means welcome to the Undisputed Era y/n.” He tells you. “I hope you know we expect a championship on that waist soon.” He informs you.

“You can count on me Adam.” You smile and nods. “I’ve got an advantage no one else has, a cute boyfriend that loves to cheat.” You grin and kiss Rodericks cheek.

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