Xavier Woods

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"Ooof, man i am just to good at this." Xavier beams confidently as he sets his controller down, the words player one victory written across the screen once again.

"Whatever man." Tyler shakes his head, also dropping his controller to the floor.

"Oh don't be a sore loser Tyler." Xavier taunts his friend with a smile.

"One of these days man." Tyler sighs and gets up from his seat. "One of these days someone is gonna come along and kick you off that damn high horse." Xavier cockily grins and shakes his head.

"Sure thing bro, i'll believe it when i see it." Xavier starts to turn off all his equipment for the night.

On the other side of the building you make your way down the hall, on the way to pay a visit to your brother, Seth Rollins. The two of you had plans to meet up while you happened to be in the same town for a week or so.

On your way to your brothers locker room you manage to run into an old friend in the hallway, Tyler Breeze. The two of you hung out all the time when you were working in WWE's performance center as a personal trainer a few years ago.

"Tyler?" You instantly recognize the blond as you get further down the hall.

Tyler's head snaps around when he hears his name being called, and a smile spreads on his face when he gets a look at you. You speed walk over to his side and embrace your old friend in a hug.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Tyler asks you, embracing you in a warm hug.

"It's good to see you to Breeze." You laugh a little and pull away from the hug. "I'm here visiting Seth while were both in town." You explain what you were doing at your former employers show.

"Oh, that's great." Tyler nods his head. "How have you been? What have you been up to?" He asks you curiously, eager to catch up with you.

"I've been fine." You nod your own head with a smile. "Working at a nice gym in Toronto as head trainer, so that's fun. But when i'm not doing that i'm usually streaming on twitch." You can't help but grin at the mention of the sight.

Yes, in light of being a person trainer at the gym. You also doubled as a popular twitch streamer six nights a week. Playing mostly fighting and competitive games, as well as a few others.

"That's right?" Tyler recalls seeing you on twitches popular list a few times.

He thinks about it a bit then gets an idea in his head. You were the perfect person to kick Xavier, or Austin as he was known in the gaming community and his youtube channel, off of his high horse.

"Hey question." Breeze looks at you with a sly grin. "You head of the Youtube channel UpUpDownDown?" He asks you curiously.

"Yeah." You nod your head. "People on my stream chat talk about it from time to time, though i've never checked it out myself. Why?" You recall hearing the name come up once or twice on twitch before.

"Well my friend Austin...or Xavier runs it." Tyler explains, plotting out his idea. "I bet he's be delighted to have you for an episode, plus he's kinda been kicking all our ass's at games lately. Be nice to see someone kick his ass for once." Tyler rubs the back of his neck a bit, not wanting to sound so desperate.

"Sounds fun." You nod your head, liking the sound of the idea. "I'm always happy to show up some know it alls to." You agree to go on the show if Tyler could get it set up.

Tyler happily says his goodbye to you for the moment and heads off to get Xavier to sign off on the idea. His plan was to leave out just how good at video games you were though. You on the other hand, head to your brothers locker room before it was too late to see him.

Tyler heads back into to the back room with a grin on his face, he spots Austin and immediately and walks right over to him, wasting no time to put his plan into action.

"Hey Creed, you'll never believe who i just ran into." He grins as he catches Austin attention. "Seth sister, Y/N? AKA (twitch name)? Name ring a bell?" He asks.

"Rollin's sister is Y/N Lopez?" Austin looks surprised at this news. "Please tell me that she'd be willing to come on the show?" Austin eagerly pleads with Tyler.

"She'd be happy to, me and her are old friends. I'll go talk to her right now." Breeze nods his head, his plan forming in just the right way.

You finish up catching up with Seth, making plans to go to dinner a day or two in the future and head out to see if you can find Tyler again. Much to your delight he's waiting when you exit the locker room.

"Breeze!" You greet him with a smile. "Any news for me?" You ask him eagerly.

"Yep, Austin said yes to having you on the show." Tyler happily gives you the news. "We're recording in ten if you wanna follow me." He offers to show you to the recording room.

You follow Tyler down the hall, eager to meet this Xavier, or Austin as he went by when he wasn't in the ring. Tyler show's you to a small room full of recording equipment, the only other person in the room being a rather attractive guy in the corner.

"Creed, here she is." Tyler catches the guys attention, making him turn around.

"Y/N Lopez, pleasure to meet you." Austin makes his way over to you with a bright grin.

"Nice to meet you to." You grin and shake his hand. "Looking forward to playing some games with you." You train your eyes over at the stack of the games on the floor.

About an hour or so later you pump your fist in the air, another victory over Austin on your belt. So far Austin had only beaten you once, that victory coming from you getting a small cramp in your hand.

"Ooof, nice try." You grin and shrug your shoulders at Austin. "But, looks like you loose, AGAIN." You giggle at the exasperated look of grief on Austins face.

"Wow." Austin shakes his head. "You are way to good at these games." He sighs. "I happily will admit that i just got my ass handed to me." He sets his controller down in defeat.

You giggle again and set your controller down also, this had been the most fun playing games with someone else that you'd had in a long time.

"Hey don't sweat it." You wave your hand. "If you've ever got the time i'd love to have you over to give you some pointers. And hey, we should strem together sometime." You suggest, not wanting this to be the last time you play with Austin.

"Yeah, that be great." Austin nods his head. "I'd love that." You can barely see a small dusting of blush on his cheeks.

You go ahead and help Austin clean up, all while Tyler rubs the beating in his face. Once it's all put away you hand over your number to Austin with a grin, uttering a "Call me." with a wink and a grin before you head out for the night.

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