Adam Cole

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"Adam I'm bored." You complain to your boyfriend as you hang half off your bed.

"Well then entertain yourself." Adam replies as he laces up his shoes next to you. "I've gotta go to a signing." He reminds you.

"Yeah yeah." You pout still hanging off the bed. "But what am I going to do while you're gone?" You ask looking up into a pair of steel blue eyes.

Adam shakes his head and stands to his feet, you pull yourself up onto the bed. Adam ruffles your hair and looks down at you.

"Why don't you go see if Marty will hang out with you." He suggests to you. "He's always looking to hang out with you more." You nod your head.

You and Marty had become good friends ever since you and Adam started dating. He was the person that you went to when Adam was busy doing matches or stuff for the club, he was always fun to chill with.

"Yeah I think I will go see what Marty's up to." You pop off the bed quickly and get to your feet.

"Alright have fun, and say hi to him for me." Adam pulls you into a tight hug followed by a sweet but savory kiss on the lips.

"I will babe." You nod as youre let go.

You grab and pocket your phone then head out the door of the hotel and down the Hall. If you remember right Marty was rooming with Cody again and they where in a room down the Hall, room 273 if you remembered right. You get to the room and knock on the door and wait.

"Door." You hear a muffled voice yell. You smile because you regonize it to be Marty's.

The door opens and you wave when cody looks down and smiles at you.

"Marty, y/n's here to see you." He leans back and shouts into the room. "What's up short stack?" He asks as he turns back and let's you in the room.

"Not much blondie, you?" You reply as you step into the room and scan it for Marty.

Marty sits on the other side of the room digging through his bags for a shirt, you giggle and wall over to him.

"You know I've seen you without a shirt before right Marty?" You remind him.

"Oh yeah huh." Marty relaxes a little but still digs for a shirt. "So what brings you over here?" He asks you.

You sigh and plop down on the bed next to Marty's bag, cody looks at you and shakes his head.

"Adam has a signing that he refused to let me come to, and I didn't wanna be alone for the day." You explain.

Marty nods and pulls a shirt from his bag and pulls it over his head. Once it's on him he turns back to you.

"Wanna go hang out at the convention center, maybe look at all the booths?" He suggests.

You nod finding this to be a good idea, Marty asks Cody if he wants to tag along. He declines, so you and Marty head out.

Down at the convention center Adam sits next to Kenny at the New Japan Booth a little bored since no one was around at the time.

"Hey where's y/n at?" Kenny all of a sudden turns to Adam.

"She's hanging with Marty today." Adam replies. "Why?" Kenny smirks and turns all the way around to his friend.

"You sure that's a good idea?" He asks Adam with a smile. "I mean she seems to spend an awful lot of time with Marty." He points out to Adam.

"So?" Adam replies. "She loves me last time I checked." Kenny rolls his eyes.

"She loves you yeah, but she also likes Marty." Kenny makes his case. "And Marty actually pays attention to her." He grins.

"Shut up Omega." Adam rolls his eyes not wanting to hear what his friend had to say.

All of a sudden Adams eyes fall on a certain h/c girl accompanied by a smiling Brit in the crowd. He jumps to his feet and looks to Kenny.

"Is that y/n and Marty?" He asks as he points to the crowd.

Kenny looks in the direction Adam is pointing and chuckles to himself.

"Yes it appears so, wanna go see what's up?" He asks Adam. "Its lunch break anyway." He gestures to the clock.

"Yeah come on let's go." Adam jumps to his feet.

The pair walk into the crowd and follow you and Marty as you two walk and look at booths.

"Omg Marty look at this." You giggle happily at a booth selling cute Pikachu and other Pokemon plushes.

"Oof those are cute, almost as cute as you." Marty smiles as he plucks one from the rack. "How much mate?" He asks one of the booth workers.

"That's 20 bucks." The guy replies.

Adam stands a ways away and watches as Marty pulls his wallet out and hands over a 20 bill to a clerk, you giggle and give him a quick hug to thank him. Kenny nudges Adams arm with a smile.

"Told you man, he buying her things and she's hugging him." Kenny smiles getting a kick out of a jeleous Adam.

"Hes just being a good friend man." Adam is quick to reply. "That's all it is." Kenny shrugs and they continue to follow you.

You and Marty come to the plaza and take a seat on a table.

"Hey we should get some smoothies then go suprise Adam and Kenny at their booth." Marty suggests.

"Yeah that's a great idea." You beam at the thought of seeing Adam and showing him your new Pikachu. "I'll text to see if he's there and you grab the smoothies." You tell Marty.

Marty nods and moves in the way if a smoothie stand, you pull out your phone.

Adam hits kenny on the arm as his phone buzzes.

"Told you she loves me." He smiles. "We should get back to the booth." Kenny nods and they both head back.

After Marty brings you the smoothies you both head to the New Japan booth. When you get there Adam and Kenny are sitting in their spots eating food.

"Adam." You call happily as you stride over to his side.

"Babe." Adam smiles. "What are you doing here?" He asks you.

"Me and Marty came to check out some booths, look what he bought me. " You show him the Pikachu.

"Cute." Adam kisses your cheek. "Hey Marty thanks for keeping her company." He nods to Marty who leans next to Kenny.

"Yeah no problem Cole, she is my best friend after all." Marty nods.

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