Sami Zayn

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You walked to the coffee shop like you did every morning, you had a busy day ahead for you so coffee was a must. You stepped up to the counter and asked for your usual coffee, as the lady took your money you felt your phone vibrate and fished it from your back pocket.

Focused on sipping on your coffee you answer the phone and turn around to head out the door, as you take a step forward you collide with a firm chest and your coffee spills on the both of you.

"Ahh." You groan as hot coffee soaks into your shirt.

Your phone falls to the floor with a thud and lands next to the now empty coffee cup. You pick at your now wet shirt and look up at who managed to run into you. You stand up fully and your eyes meet with a pair of soft brown ones.

"I'm sorry about that." The man gives you a bright smile. "I wasn't paying attention much." He rubs the back of his neck.

"What oh no." You shake your head. "I'm the one that wasn't paying attention." You insist. "And i managed to drench you in scalding hot coffee, are you okay?" You ask the men returning his bright smile.

"Yeah im alright, just need a change of clothes." He chuckles and he dips down and picks up your phone from the ground.

"Thanks." You nod and take the phone from him with a small smile.

"No problem, i'm Sami by the way." The man holds out his hand for you to shake.

"Nice to meet you Sami, i'm Y/N." You shake his hand firmly and tell him your name in return.

"Well it was nice to meet you Y/N, if you don't have anywhere to be soon then let me buy you another coffee." He looks at you with a bright and hopeful smile.

"Uh yeah sure." You nod and decide that you could be a little late for work.

Afterall, it wasnt everyday that you spilled coffee on such a cute and friendly stranger. Sami gladly walks up to the counter and gets you a new coffee as well as one for himself. He comes back and hands it to you with yet another bright smile.

"Thanks." You take the coffee and take sip. "Well i better be going, or i'll be late for work." You sadly dismiss yourself from Sami since you know your boss will chew you out if you didn't get to work soon.

"No problem, i hope that you have a great rest of your day." Sami nods his head, the two of you smile at each other and part ways.

You then trudge on to your job at the Golden Sand Dollar Motel the most exclusive yet affordable hotel in Gold Beach OR. You walk through the door and up to the front desk where your boss leans on the counter scanning the room for his late receptionist.

"Sorry I'm late boss." You briskly walk up to the reception desk and set down the coffee on the counter. "I got stuck in some traffic coming into town." You say the first lie that comes to mind.

Your boss mumbles under his breath and nods his head, he leaves you to get to work. You step behind the desk and turn on the monitor just as a guest steps up to the counter.

"Hello welcome to the Golden Sand Dollar, how can I help you?" You look up to the person to see a pair of soft brown eye looking at you once again.

"Well hello again." Sami grins and he looks down at you.

"Hey." You grin. "I don't suppose you'd like a room here at the Golden Sand Dollar? Or did you just follow me here to talk?" You ask in a joking manner.

"Ha, maybe a little bit of both." Sami grins, "But i do need to check into my room, one for Sami Zayn?" He asks you with a wink.

"Haha, hold up let me look." You giggle. "Ah yes, right here. Room 125, for one Sami Zayn." You click the tab and slide a keycard over the counter.

"Well thank you again Y/N." Sami nods and takes his keycard. "I look forward to seeing you again." He sends a wink your way and walks off.

You grin to yourself and call the next person up, the day goes by fast as people flood the desk.

At the end of the day you are just about to clock out when Sami saunters up to the desk with a grin again.

"Well fancy seeing you here again." You grin. "What can i help you with this time Mr.Zayn?" You ask him with a grin.

Yeah i was just wondering when you get off your shift." Sami asks you with a grin. "I feel i still kind of owe you for the coffee incident." He tells you.

"Oh really?" You ask as you place your head in your hands. "It just so happens that i get off in ten minutes." You tell him.

Sami grins and nods his head.

"Well then i guess i'll just hang around for a little while then." You nod and turn around to clock out of the computer.

Once that's done you slip into the back room to grab your purse, when you step inside one of your co-workers grins out you.

"Hey Y/N." She calls you. "Who's that cutie outside?" She asks you.

"My new date." You grin at her. "Jealous?" You ask her.

"Very." She grins at you.

You both laugh and you collect your purse, she taps you on the shoulder as a sign of good luck and leaves you to go on your date.

"Well where can i take you for a date?" Sami asks you as the two of you walk out of the lobby.

"Well." You think for a second. "I do know the chef at this beach place a few miles away, i bet she can get us some nice seats." You tell him remembering your friend Vivian.

"Well that sounds lovely." Sami nods his head.

"Perfect." You grin and lead him to the parking lot where your car is.

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