Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins

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or a topic of conversation. Kurt of course, being to busy dealing with putting together his team for the upcoming battle of the brands in a few weeks was oblivious to it. So you where left to do your job and deal with the Shield brothers alone.

You sat at your desk outside Kurts bigger office ruffling through the schedule for the next few days when a knock comes at the door.

“Come in.” You call as you turn your attention to the door.

“I'm here to see the boss?” Roman nods to you with a small grin as he steps in the room.

“Oh yeah, he’s waiting for you.” You gesture back to the door off to your side.

Roman nods and goes through it, you are about to get back to work when two more men step through the door. You don't have to look up to know who they are.

“And what can i do for you two?” You ask both Seth and Dean as they stand in front of your desk.

“We’re just waiting for Rom.” Seth is the first to speak up.

You keep your eyes on the cream folder in front of you and avoid looking at them, if you made eye contact they'd have an excuse to make conversation.

“Looks like Kurts keeping you busy.” Dean comments as his eyes scan your desk littered with papers and other items.

“Mhm.” You nod as you stamp a paper.

Silence falls on the room for a second, neither man wants to be ignored. But then again they don't dare try and get you to forcibly talk to them.

“You know what Angle wanted with Roman?” Seth all of a sudden asks.

You make one quick mistake as your eyes flit up for a split second and are met with Seth’s gaze. You mentally curse yourself and smile at him, no going back now.

“He’s trying to get Rom for his little battle of the brands match.” You inform Seth. “Roman is his best bet to counter the power that Shane’s managed to pull for his team.” Seth nods his head happy he’s got your attention.

“What about us?” Dean speaks up this time. Your eyes dart his way and you grin a little, he was the more attractive male of the pair.

“You two are being set in a match with Shane’s tag champs i believe.” You tell him. “Although he might just have you two duke it out with some other team for publicity.” You shrug since Kurt hadn't told you the plan for them yet.

Dean nods and Kurt’s office door opens up, both Roman and Kurt step out. Roman joins Dean and Seth while Kurt walks over to your side.

“y/n put Roman down for my team this sunday.” He tells you with a winning grin. “When you’re done with that i need you to go talk to Stroman and Balor, i want them in my office by the end of the show.” He tells you.

You nod and jot down Romans name before you stand to your feet, Dean and Seth still linger by door while Roman and Kurt talk a little more.

“Need a little help with talking to Stroman and Balor?” Dean asks you with a grin.

You sigh internally, you hated to say this but you would rather have two very capable men at your side when talking to Stroman. Balor was easy to handle, flirting was the only thing you had to worry about with him.

“Yeah sure why not?” You shrug. “Come on then.” You open up the door and step out.

Seth and Roman share a look that says that him and Dean are leaving, Roman gives a little nod and the younger man is off.

You walk between Dean and Seth down the hall, the locker rooms where a good ways away from the offices. You hated walking in silence, but you had nothing to talk about. Thankfully Seth speaks up for you.

“So.” He starts as he looks down at you. “What do you think of Shane’s team for sunday?” He asks you.

“Eh.” You shrug. “He’s got some good players on his team, but i mean we’ve got Roman, and i'm almost certain Finn too as well as Stroman.” You point out the power you’re about to add to the red brand. “I think it’s safe to say that we’ll fair well enough.” You grin a little.

“Yeah we will.” Dean chuckles a little.

You deal with Stroman first, he’s easy enough to get past. Next is Balor, he’s the one that you had a little worry about, he was one to flirt when you came to see him.

“Balor, it’s me y/n.” You call as you knock on his door.

The doorknob turns and the door opens revealing a sweaty and shirtless Finn, you smile and lean a little to the side casually.

“What can i do for you lass?” Finn asks as he licks his lips and looks at you.

“Kurt wants to talk to you before the shows over.” You grin a reply and hover a little as your eyes trail the man in front of you.

“No problem lass, guess i’ll see you when i get there.” Finn grins and shuts the door slowly on you.

You crack a smile and turn back to Dean and Seth standing behind you. Both wear a look of slight annoyance, this pleases you.

“Well that was all, thanks boys.” You pay both of them on the shoulder. “I think i can manage to get back to the office myself.” You tell them.

“I'm sure you can, our locker is that way anyway.” Dean nods his head.

You nod also and walk between them again, their locker room grows closer and you actually feel bad for leaving them behind. They were pains in the ass sure, but they were also charming and fun to hang out with.

You are about to part ways with the pair for the night when all of a sudden you spot something suspicious, coming down the hall is Shane followed by a group of his talent.

"I ........ Uh, guys." You swallow hard and step back a little.

Dean furrows his brows and looks the way you're looking, his expression changes and he nudges Seth. Both men push you back slightly as Shane approaches.

"Y/n." He smiles as he gets to you. "Hiding behind Kurt's muscle are we?" He asks you with a grin.

Behind Shane stands around 8 men, you swallow and step up a little.

"What are you doing here Shane?" You ask him. "Cuz if you're looking to gain an advantage over team red on Sunday you're mistaken." You tell him confidently.

All of a sudden you feel another hand on your back, you don't have to glance back to know who it is. It was a good thing that you had mastered the art of texting quickly without being seen.

"Yeah what she said Shane." Roman smirks as he stands behind you.

Behind Roman stands Braun and Balor, along with Jason Jordan.

Shane smartly decides that maybe a fight isn't the best idea and leaves, Roman and the boys take it upon themselves to make sure they find their way out of the arena, Seth and Dean hang back with you.

"Man how did Roman manage to get here so fast?" Seth asks confused.

"I may have texted him while Shane was running his mouth." You grin and pull out your phone.

Both men smirks and nod their heads impressed.

"Nice job y/n, especially putting Shane in his place." Dean compliments you.

"Thanks, now I don't suppose you two wanna help me out in telling Kurt about this?" You ask them.

"We'd love to." Seth nods.

You grin and make your way Kurt's office in between your new found men.

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