Marty Scurll

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"Hey Marty, hey Page." You smile and wave at both of the men as you pass them in the main lobby of the hotel.

"Y/N, love how are you." Marty instantly turns around and waves back to you.

"Yeah hey Y/N." Page also waves at you.

You walk over to both of the men lugging your suitcase behind you, you already had the key to your room but there was no harm in socializing a little right?

"I didn't see the two of you on the plane?" You recall not seeing either man on the flight back to the states.

"We caught before yours." Adam explains with a small smile.

"Oh." You nod. "Wait then how did i get here before you?" You furrow your brows.

The three of you all came from the same place, but if Marty and Adam got on the plane before you then they should have arrived at the hotel before you.

"Our plane got caught in a small storm love." Marty explains the situation further.

"Ah." You smile at Marty, finally getting the situation. "Yeah that makes sense, anyway. I guess i'll see you two later tonight." You dismiss yourself, getting tired of walking around with your suitcase at your side.

"Alright then love, we'll see you later." Marty nods his head.

"Yeah see you later Y/N." Adam nods his head also.

"Yeah bye boys." You wave to them one more time and head to the elevator.

Marty and Adam both watch as you step into the elevator and it shuts. Once you're gone they both turn to each other.

"You have any idea that she was going to be at this show?" Page asks Marty as the two of them go back to checking into the hotel desk.

"Not a clue mate." Marty shakes his head. "And did she get her hair cut?" Marty recalls your hair being longer the last time that he saw you.

"I think she did." Page nods his head. "Looks cute on her." He comments.

Marty nods his head in agreement, then the two of them head up to the main desk.

You step off of the elevator and into the hallway of the floor of your room, as soon as you step into the hall you spot a good friend of yours walking to her room.

"Brandi?" You call out to her to catch her attention.

Brandi turns around at the sound of her name, her face lights up when she sees you standing in the hall. You grin when she turns and walks hurriedly your way.

"Y/N." She greets you with a grin. "What are you doing here?" She asks as she gives you a small hug.

"One of the girl got hurt so i'm here to fill her spot on tonight's and tomorrow's card." You explain as pat her on the back. "Marty and Page seemed happy to see me in the lobby." You comment as you start walking to your room with Brandi at your side.

"Those two are always happy to see you." Brandi giggles as the two of you walk.

"They are?" You reply curiously.

"Mhm." Brandi nods. "Those two are always happy to see you hanging around, especially Marty." She explains.

You think on this a little bit as you come to the door of your room, Brandi giggles again when she sees how hard you're thinking about it.

"You don't happen to have a thing for Marty do you?" She asks you as you snap out of your train of thought.

"Well i mean." You shrug a little. "Yeah i guess you could say that i like Marty." Brandi shakes her head and pushes her hair behind her ears.

"Oh you two would make the cutest couple." She pats you on the back. "You should ask him out later tonight, i can almost guarantee that he'll say yes." She assures you.

"You think?" You begin to weigh your options a little.

"Yep." Brandi nods. "Think it over and i'll see you tonight." You nod and slip into your room to get ready for the show.

Back in the lobby Adam and Marty head up on the elevator finally checked in at the front desk. On the way up they catch Brandi, Cody's wife on the third floor.

"Hey Brandi." Adam nods to her as she steps onto the elevator.

"Boys." Brandi nods as the door shuts. "Marty, did you happen to catch Y/N in the lobby?" She asks Marty with a sly grin.

"Yeah, me and Page both did." Marty nods as he furrows his brows at Brandi's smile. "May i ask why you wanted to know?" He asks her.

"Oh just wondering." Brandi shrugs. "Well this is my floor, have fun tonight boys." She grins and steps off the elevator.

Marty and Page both nod as the doors shut again then they share a look.

"That was strange." Page comments.

"Yeah it was mate." Marty agree's. "Why was she looking at me all weird the whole time?" Page shrugs his shoulder and the elevator comes to a stop again.

"No idea man." Both men step out of the elevator and walk to their shared room.

Later that night after you finish your match at the start of the show you head backstage and find where Brandi is hanging out. You spot her standing by Cody and Kenny as per usual.

"Hey Brandi, Cody, Ken." You greet them all with a smile as you walk over to Brandi.

"Y/N." Brandi greets you with a side hug. "Great match out there tonight." She compliments you.

"Aww thanks." You grin. "Wanna come hang out with me for a while, maybe help me get out of this gear." You gesture to the zipper low on your back the you have a hard time reaching.

"Sure girl i got you." Brandi nods. "I'll be back later honey." She says goodbye to Cody and follows you to your locker room.

The two of you get to the locker room and begin getting you out of your gear, it doesn't take long for Brandi to bring up the conversation the two of you were having earlier.

"So, have you decided to ask Marty out like i suggested?" She asks you as she helps you with your back zipper.

"Yeah i thought about it for a while, and i think that i will ask him out tonight." You nod and let out a breath as the zipper on your back loosens.

"Yes great." Brandi claps her hands and appears back in front of you. "You two are going to be so cute together." She squeals giggily.

You roll your eyes and change back into normal clothes. Once you're dressed you and Brandi go and see if you can't find Marty. Sure enough you find him hanging out with Kenny, and Cody also. Brandi makes her way over to Cody, and you take the chance to go talk to Marty.

"Hey Marty." You greet him with a smile.

"Ello Y/N." Marty nods to you. "Nice match earlier love." He compliments you.

"Thanks Marty." You grin widely. "Hey i was wondering if maybe you'd wanna catch some dinner with me after the show" You ask him with your best smile.

Marty falls silent for a second, you can see a small blush forming on his cheeks. This makes you blush slightly.

"He'd love to Y/N, he'll meet you at the hotel at 9." Kenny speaks up for the unable to speak Marty.

You grin when Marty nods his head, you find his sudden shyness to be very cute.

"See you at nine then Marty." You nod then turn to go hang out with Brandi again.

When you turn around you see her giving you a thumbs up with a huge grin.

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