Kenny Omega

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"You're here again?" You ask as you look to the infirmary door. "Can any of you idiots go one night without hurting yourselves?" You ask Kenny as him and Marty stumble in the room with Matt and Nick trailing them.

"Hey don't pretend you're not happy to see us y/n." Kenny smirks as he holds his ribs.

"Yeah, were irresistible love." Marty adds next to him.

"Yeah yeah yeah." You wave both men off as you pull on some latex gloves. "What did they do this time?" You ask turning to the more responsible people in the room.

"Ken took a paylay kick to the ribs." Matt sighs as he looks to Kenny who just wears a smile.

"And dumbass over here got literally thrown into a steel barricade." Nick adds looking to the other idiot in the room.

"Alright I'll fix them up." You nod snapping your right glove on. "You to didn't get hurt did you?" You ask noticing the brothers both had ring gear on.

"Nah, we've got a match in like ten." Nick shakes his head.

"So we'll get back to you on that." Matt chuckles. "We'll come pick them up after our match." You nod and the brothers let themselves out of the room.

You turn back to your patients and smile, both sit opposite to each other in mild pain which puts a smile on your face.

"Alright Marty first." You walk to the brit and instruct him to lay down. "Where's it hurt the most?" You ask him as he looks up at your smiling face.

"That be my lower ribs love." He tells you with a smile. You roll your eyes and move your hands down his sweaty torso to his lower ribs and press down a bit. "Ouch." Marty flinches.

"Don't be a baby." You reply as you press down on different places in his right lower torso. "You're lucky nothing feels broken." You comment as you remove your hand from his stomach.

"So nothing's wrong then?" Marty asks as he rises back to a sitting position.

"Oh there's definitely something wrong with you, just not your ribs." You smile and peel off the gloves from your hands and replace them with fresh ones. "Alright your turn." You turn to Kenny.

"Finally some quality time with my favorite doctor." Kenny smiles amused as he lays down so you can look at his ribs. "Marty go ahead and get lost." He turns his head to look at the brit pulling a shirt over his head.

"Hay be nice." You push into Kenny's ribs causing him some minor pain. "Marty you're welcome to stay, the bucks said they'd be back in a bit anyway." You tell him.

Marty nods and you back to your very rude patient still awaiting a diagnosis from his doctor. You take your time to determine if he's fine or not, knowing he's impatient brings you a little bit of joy.

"Well surprise surprise, you're both fine." You peel your gloves off once again. "Cept ken you've got a bruised rib on the upper left side." You turn to him. "Nothing serious but I'd keep an eye on it, and no more paylay kicks to the torso." You tell him as you throw the gloves away.

"A bruised rib?" Kenny repeats what you'd said.

"Mhm." You nod as you pick up your clipboard from the desk. "That's what I said." You check off a few things and settle in a chair. "You'll be fine." You assure him absentmindedly.

"Good I've got some plans for revenge brewing." He replies turning to Marty.

You zone out on filling out a form when you see Kenny and Marty slink away, you assume Matt and Nick picked them up. With them gone your left with nothing to.

Kota Ibushi ends up coming in to get an ankle wrap around a half hour after Kenny leaves, you are just finishing up with him when your pager goes off. Someone has been seriously injured during a backstage fight, you throw on your white coat and head out the door to the backstage area.

"Doctor on scene!" One of the hands yells as you arrive at the scene. You have to stop for a second when you see who the injured party is, it Kenny.

"I'm here everyone move." You command as everyone moves out of the way. "What have you gotten yourself into this time Ken?" You ask as you kneel by him.

"Ha." Kenny manages to smile. "Maybe I just wanted to see you again." He smirks. You roll your eyes and pull out a stethoscope.

"You're laying on the floor with what looks like crushed ribs and you're flirting?" You ask him. He nods and you shake your head. "Grab a gurney for me." You ask one of the assistants.

"Where you taking me doc?" Kenny asks you as he hears your request.

"The hospital." You reply firmly. "You'll need x rays and stitches for that cut on your head." You press lightly on a cut above his eye.

You get kenny up and into a ambulance and to the hospital, you go ahead and get xrays out of the way and his ribs wrapped before you move onto the cut above his eye.

"How are you feeling my little idiot?" You ask as you step into the room.

"Hmm, better now that you're here." Kenny replies sitting up.

"Ha well you won't think so in a second." You reply slyly. "Time for stitches." You rattle the stitch kit at him with a smile.

"Oh no." Kenny grumbles. "I hate stitches." He complains.

"Everyone does." You reply opening the box. "Don't be a baby." You ready the needle and step as close to Kenny as you can get so you can see.

You can feel his eyes tracing your body, his warm breath on your skin as you run the thread through the cut. All of a sudden you feel two hands grip your waist a little to close to your ass for comfort.

"Hands to yourself mister." You warn him. "I am holding a needle to your head remember?" You remind him of what you're doing.

"Yeah but damn is it worth it." Kenny smirks his lips now against your skin.

You step back a bit and take the stubborn man sitting before you's face in your hands.

"listen here Omega, I'm trying to stitch your face. That's kinda hard when you're trying to give me a hickey." You make sure to look him in the eyes so he's paying attention.

"Oh so you don't mind the hickey then?" Kenny replies with a smirk.

"Just knock it off while I stitch this." You roll your eyes and let him go.

"I can wait." Kenny replies.

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