Pete Dunne

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You sit in your seat and looked out the window at the clouds below you, Pete sits in the seat right next to you looking at his phone. It just be another hour until the plane touched down outside your home town. Thanksgiving was two days away and you decided that you'd come home since you had a few days off, you also made the decision to bring Pete with you. Thanksgiving seemed like a good time to finally introduce your boyfriend of a little over a year to your family.

"Man i hope that they saved room for you." You tease Pete with a grin as you gently nudge his shoulder.

"Hey if they don't, i'd be happy to cuddle up with you to keep warm." Pete grins right back.

"Hey." You teasingly scold Pete. "There will be children at this gathering mind you." You remind him of the presence of your smaller cousins as well as your niece and nephews.

"Yes i know love." Pete nods his head and pats your hand. "I promise to behave myself." You grin and shake your head a little.

"I'll believe it when i see it." You turn back to the window for the time being.

A few hours later you pull your rental car into the long driveway of your parents house. An array of cars fill the rest of the driveway, and you knew that in the next two days even more would come. Your family was known for having huge gatherings for the holidays.

"Well this is it, stay here with the bags for a second." You tell Pete as you open the car door. "You're a surprise after all." Pete nods and gets out with you, you walk to the front door while he leans on the car and waits with a small smile.

You walk to the front door and knock twice, just to be polite. Almost immediately the door opens and your aunt's eyes scan over you.

"Y/N?" She asks with a small smile playing at her lips.

"Yeah it's me aunt Bella." You grin and open your arms for a hug.

"Why i can't believe it, you've gotten so big since i last saw you." She pulls you into one of her tight hugs.

"Oh you haven't changed at all." You pat her back as she lets you go. "Where's mom?" You ask her as she looks you over again.

"She went to pick up your father." Bella's face loses its smile.

"He'll be here?" You ask with a little concern laced in your voice.

"Fraid so sweetie." Bella nods her head. "He's been doing better though, i promise." She tries to smile a little.

"Yeah i'm sure he has." You try not to roll your eyes. "But hey i brought a gift for the whole family." You turn cheery again when you remember you left Pete at the car.

"Oh you did now?" Bella replies.

"Mhm, i figured it was time for you all to meet my boyfriend Pete." You move to the side a little and gesture to your car.

You bust out into a small fit of giggles when your eyes land on Pete being ambushed by around 10 kids all 11 or younger looking up at him and most likely asking questions.

"Oh well isn't he a handsome one." Bella grins as she looks Pete's way. "You better go save him and bring him inside." She tells you cheerily.

"Yeah i probably should." You giggle a little and make your way over to the car. "Okay dissipate you little gremlins." You jokingly bark at the hoard of kids.

The all turn their heads and flock over to you for hugs, you give them all a group hug as a wave of them all saying hello erupts.

"Yes yes, hello everybody." You giggle and greet them all. "Can you all go play for now so the grownups can talk for a bit?" You politely ask them all.

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