Noam Dar/TJ Perkins

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You walked into the arena with a smile on your face, days that the 205 roster where recording where always good days. They were good days because that guaranteed that you got to see your current favorite member of the 205 roster, TJ Perkins. Yes the first ever cruiserweight champion had a lovely habit of flirting when he saw you, and given that it was safe to say Perkins was the best looking man on the roster in terms of looks and personality flirting with him was always a pleasure.

"Hey Drake." You smile at your boss as you make your way inside his office and set your bags down.

"Afternoon y/n, you're looking particularly happy today." Drake comments as he catches the huge smile on your face.

"I am actually in a good mood for once." You nod your head. "I could say the same about you boss. Any reason why you're so happy all of a sudden?" You ask Drake, for your boss also seemed to have a aura of good vibes around him.

"Well we do get one of our best talents back today." Drake beams.

Just as the GM says this someone knocks at the door. You make eye contact with Drake and he looks firmly at you.

"Y/N do me a favor and take these papers to the camera crew for me." Drake all of a sudden hands you a few papers.

"Okay?" You reply questioningly as you take the papers. "i'll be right back then." You use the door on the other side of the room from the one being knocked on since it's closer to your destination.

Drake nods you off and you shut the door behind you.

"Hmmm." You hum to yourself as you walk down the empty hall. "That was weird, i wonder why he wanted to get rid of me so fast?" You ask yourself aloud as you walk.

"Now who would be so dumb as to wanna get rid of such a gorgeous and fun girl like you?" A voice all of a sudden speaks up..

A smirk cracks on your lips as you stop in your tracks. You don't have to look behind you to know who approaches you.

"Perkins." You smile as the self proclaimed Cruisergreat pops his head around the corner and stops next to you. "Why did i have a feeling that i'd run into you tonight?" You ask with a grin.

"Maybe because we both know that you can't get enough of me?" TJ replies with a chuckle. "Now who's trying to get rid of you?" TJ brings your conversation with yourself back up.

"Ah, nothing." You wave your free hand in the air. "Drake just kicked me out before i could see who his new or rather old talent that was suppose to come back today is all." You explain.

TJ nods his head and runs a hand through his hair.

'Well it's his loss really." He tells you with a wink. "And my gain." He adds.

You grin as he takes a step closer to you like he always does when he has you alone in a room or hallway. You lightly push his chest with your free hand and start to make your way down the hall again.

"Sorry Perkins, but i've got papers to deliver." You smile to yourself as you leave. "Better luck next time though." You hear TJ's laugh as you walk off.

After you get your papers delivered you make your way back to Drake's office. When you get there you open the door to find Drake gone and someone you haven't seen before sitting in a chair absentmindedly looking at the ceiling.

"Uhh." You express as you close the door making the man jump from his seat and to his feet.

As soon as you actually get a look at this guys face you can tell he's trouble, and the good kind of trouble to. Not super tall but taller than you with dark brown hair with a matching set of eyes. He wears a surprised but still captivating grin on his face.

"Hi." You state as you walk to him with a friendly but questioning smile. "Uhh i'm Drake's assistant Y/N, do you happen to know where he went?" You introduce yourself.

"He had to step out to take a call, but in the meantime, I'm Noam." The man takes your hand in his and places a kiss to the back of it.

You can't help but giggle at this gesture, you loved men like this. Huge flirts and not afraid to show it.

"Drake didn't tell me he had such a beautiful assistant." He drops your hand and smiles.

"Ha, he probably didn't mention me at all." You chuckle lightly. "I'm more of a backstage hand, i don't get much screen time." You explain.

"Thats a shame, as gorgeous as you are you'd think Drake would always want you on screen." Noam throws a compliment your way.

You grin and blush a little just as the door opens back up and Drake enters the room again.

"Ah Y/N you're back, good. And i see you've met Noam." Drake nods and walks over to his desk.

"Yeah we've been acquainted." You nod your head and lean against Drake's desk a little, a gesture you found yourself often doing.

"Good, would you mind showing him down to the ramp?" Drake asks you as he looks your way. "He's got his first match back in about fifteen minutes." You nod and step closer to Noam.

"I'd be happy to make sure Mr. Dar gets where needs to be in time. Noam if you'd follow me please." You walk to the door and swing it open with ease.

"It be my pleasure." Noam grins and follows you out the door leaving Drake behind to wonder if that was such a good idea.

You get down the hall a little where Drake can't hear you and therefore can't get angry at you for flirting on the job before speaking up again.

"So Noam, why haven't i seen you around lately?" You ask him, you knew for a fact that if Noam had been around before you'd have remembered.

"I was out on a bicep injury unfortuniatly, looks like i missed some great things Drake has going for 205." Noam doesn't stray of eyeing you up a little closer now that he doesn't have to worry about Drake being around.

You and Noam walk and talk for a bit longer and you are being pulled further into the Scottish Supernova's hold every second that goes by.

"Did Drake tell you who'd you be facing for your first match back?" You ask now curious as to who Drake would have booked.

"That be me." Someone pipes up.

You look forward at the source of the voice to see TJ looking at you with a jealous grin. You bounce on your heel a little and step to the side, for you have a bad feeling of what's about to happen.

"TJ." Noam speaks up with a grin. "Didn't you tell me you were to good for this dump last time i saw you?" He asks as he steps past you. "If this place is such a dump then why are you still here mate?" TJ roll his eyes in response.

"There are some aspects of this place that make it bearable to stay here." Is is reply as he glances at you off to the side of him and Noam.

"Yes she does seem to make this place worthwhile doesn't she?" Noam nods his head and glances at you to. "Problem is she seems to be into me, which means it seems like you've been one upped once again man." Noam grins.

You smile a little, who did not find amusement in two incredibly hot men flirting with you?

"Uh hate to interrupt you two." You jump in the conversation." But it's time for your match to start" You point to the ramp as TJ's music starts.

TJ and Noam sneer at eachother and TJ makes his way out to the ring, however he shoots you a wink before he leaves.

After he leaves Noam winks your way before he leaves. Just as they both get out to the ring your graced by your bosses presence.

"You do know what you're doing right?" He asks you knowing full well what's going on.

"Not a clue." You shake your head. "That's what makes it fun though." You grin.

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