Sami Zayn

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You couldn't help but grin as Sami buried his face in your neck, his soft beard tickling the skin. You always cherished moments like this, when it was just the two of you. No Kevin, no camera's, just you and your dorky boyfriend.

"Babe I've gotta go." You reluctantly pry Sami from his spot. "Regal will be pissed if I show up late again." Sami groans, but he knows your much rather stay here with him.

"I'm gonna have to have a talk with him sometime." Sami pouts as he lets you have some space. "Taking my girlfriend away from me like this." You can't help but giggle at his antics.

"Last time I checked you've gotta work tonight to don't you?" You ask the ginger as you raise a brow at him. "I'm not the only one that works in this house." You half giggle.

Sami smiles that bright smile you fell in love with, the one thing that never failed to make you start smiling like an idiot.

"Yeah yeah." He muses. "Work smirk, i'd rather stay here and cuddle with you." He tells you.

"I bet you would." You reply. "But sadly we've got bills and other adult responsibilities." You remind him.

"Ugh." Sami waves his hand making you giggle.

"Okay, I'll see you later babe." You kiss the gingers cheek before you head out the door.

Sami waits for a moment, then when he's sure that you've gone he gathers his things and heads to work himself.

You lug your bags into the arena with a Huff and head straight to the locker rooms. Something told you that showing up to work in basketball shorts and a t shirt wouldn't go over well with the boss, so you quickly change and head to work.

"Hey y/n how are you?" Ember moon asks as she passes you by.

"Hey Ember, fine thanks." You nod to her as you pass.

You weave through the various stars lingering around and meet up with Regal in his office.

"Hey Regal I'm here." You announce as you step into the room.

You step inside and scan the room, William sits in his chair hunched over a paper with a concerned look on his face.

"Ah y/n come here and look at this." He beckons you over to his side.

You nod and move to his left side and lean over the desk to see what he's so concerned with. You read the top of the paper, it was the draft from SmackDown and Raw. They were planning on taking all your talent.

"Is that what I think it is?" You ask, your mood changing.

"Yeah, and look at this." Regal points to a name on the bottom of the page. "They're taking Ember, Jose, and the Authors of pain from us." Regal shakes his head.

"Well as much as that sucks." You also shake your head. "We've still got Cole and Carter, not to mention undisputed era." You remind your boss with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah." Regal nod. All of a sudden he turns to you. "Hey you're dating Sami Zayn right?" He asks you.

"Yeah why?" You nod looking down at the list.

"Well looks like he's being moved to Raw." Regal gestures to the top of the paper at the new Raw roster.

Sure enough you look down to see samis name printed down under Raw, but then you also notice another name. Printed a few names under Sami's name is your own.

"Regal." You turn back to him. "Why is my name on this list under Raw?" You ask him.

Regal cracks a small smile and stands to his feet before placing a hand on your back.

"Kurt Angle may have convinced me to trade a certain assistant GM to Raw." He smiles at you. "That GM being you of course, congrats y/n you've been promoted." He chuckles.

To say you where exited was an understatement, you quickly pull foot now former boss into a grateful hug.

"Thank you so much William." You hug the older man. "You don't know how much this means to me." Regal nods and pulls away from you.

"Well you better report in with the new boss then shouldn't ya kiddo?" He tells you with a smile.

Your smile grows even wider at this comment, Regal hands you a paper and opens the door for you.

"Good luck kid, and say hello to your boyfriend for me." He calls as you basically sprint down the hall.

You get to Kurt's office across the arena in what might be record time, when you get there he's waiting with Corey Graves at his side.

"Ah y/n." Your new boss smiles at you. "Looks like Regal broke the news then?" He asks.

"He did sir, it's a pleasure to be working with you sir." You nod and shake the man's hand.

Kurt chats with you about hours and tasks for a bit, you listen in well until you see a head of red hair pass down a hall behind him. A smile plays on your lips and you turn to Angle.

"Can you excuse me for a moment sir?" You ask him politely.

"Saw your boyfriend didn't you?" Kurt asks with a grin.

You nod a little and he steps to the side to let you go, you walk at first but end up sprinting once you pass him and Corey. Your journey takes you down the hall where you spot Sami talking to Finn Balor, you decide to be sneaky and tip toe to his side.

"It's good to have you here." Finn smiles at Sami when he sees you sneaking up behind him. "What's y/n up to these days?" He asks Sami just as you reach his back.

"Not much, you Balor?" You ask with a grin as your arm rests on Sami's shoulder.

Sami spins around quickly as he takes you in, your immediately pulled into a hug.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" He asks as he hugs you tightly.

"Haha." You giggle. "I may or may not bad Kurt's new assistant GM." You grin.

"What? No." Sami let's you go to look at you. "Baby that's great." You smile and nod.

"We finally get to go to work together." You celebrate.

"Ha could this day get any better?" Sami asks as his arm slinks around your waist.

"Yeah." You nod. "I work here now so that means I can do this whenever I want." With that you pull the ginger in close and kiss his lips, your fingers gliding through his soft hair.

Wrestling One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora