Dean Ambrose

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Dean walked into Raw for the first time in nearly a year with a wide smile, he was finally back where he belonged. Not only was he back, but he had a few things to take care of. First thing on his list was to help his brother in arms, Seth, deal with Dolph Ziggler and his buddy Drew Mcintyre.

"Man am i glad that you're back." Seth hugs Dean glad to have his brother back.

"It's damn good to be back man." Dean replies as he pats Seth on the back. "Now let's get down to business, you take care of Ziggler and i'll make sure that Drew stays out of the way." Seth nods and makes his way down to the ring with Dean right behind you.

You make your way back to the locker room with Ruby and Liv when you all of a sudden stop, you rub your eyes not believing what you just saw.

"What's wrong N/N?" Ruby asks you as her and Liv stop as well.

"" You stutter a little not entirely sure what the hell you just saw. "I couldn't have sworn i just saw Dean Ambrose walk down the hall." You swallow a little and stare down the now empty hall.

Ruby furrows her brow not knowing why that would be a big deal, Liv on the other hand clasps a hand on your back with a huge grin.

"Oooh Y/N." Liv cooes at you with a grin. "Looks like you'll be in for some fun then." She muses

Ruby looks at both of you still having no clue what Liv was on about. You sigh and drag the girls back to the locker room so you can explain just what was going on.

"Okay so spill, what's the history with you and Ambrose." Ruby demands as soon as the locker room door shuts.

"Okay so you know how i just barely replaced Sarah a few months ago when she quit?" You ask Ruby.

When Sarah had quit due to her health you had picked up the position on the Riott squad almost instantly. Being a veteran on Raw and in the business Ruby and Liv where happy to have you along for the ride.

Liv and Ruby both nod their heads and take a seat ready for you to spill all the juicy details.

"Well as you both know, i've been apart of the company for some time now. And me and Dean kind of have had this running thing going on for a long while now." You explain your relationship with Dean with a sort of smile.

"Thing?" Ruby replies. "What kind of thing?" She asks for specifics as to just what you mean.

"You know." You shrug your shoulders. "Flirting, teasing, that kind of thing." You try to explain as best as possible.

Ruby sits and nods her head, you can tell that she's thinking about what you just said. You stand and wait for a reply.

"So what you're telling me is that, you are a constant flirt with Dean Ambrose, as in the leader of the best tag team around?" She asks you to confirm.

"Yep." You purse your lips into a line and nod you head.

Ruby and Liv share a look, you can tell they're formulating a plan for you. And knowing them as well as you do, you don't think it'll be good for you.

Back in the ring Seth and Dean celebrate quickly, they easily picked up a victory for Seth and his championship. They both make their way backstage to catch their breath.

"Just like old times man." Seth breathes as he slings the belt over his shoulder.

"Yeah man, just like old times." Dean nods and stretches out his arm. "Speaking of old times, what has Y/N been up to?" He turns to Seth about his old favorite women superstar.

"Y/N?" Seth thinks for a second. "Oh Y/N, yeah she's working with Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan right now." He all of a sudden remembers who Dean is talking about. "You're still chasing after her?" Dean shrugs.

"Hey we've been doing this little dance thing for a while now, i figured since now that i'm back and don't plan on leaving anytime soon i'd finally ask her out." Dean explains.

"Oh well have fun with that." Seth waves his hand in a dismissive manner. "That girl has been running wild since joining Ruby and Liv." Dean nods his head with a grin.

"Well to be fair she was always a wild one." He grins slyly.

You pace the room while Ruby and Liv just giggle and watch as you attempt to rack your brain with what they just suggested.

"I don't know man, i kind of just prefer harmless flirting." You turn to Ruby and Liv with a hand on your neck.

"Oh come on." Liv pipes up. "He doesn't seem to get enough of you, i doubt that he'll turn you down." She tells you.

"Yeah, and having those boys in our corner?" Ruby adds. "We'll be running the women's division in no time." Liv and Ruby high five and look back to you.

You fidget a little and think about it, you did miss seeing Dean everyday. The flirty banter was always the highlight of your day.

"Fine." You break with a grin. "I'll at least go test the waters and see if he's still into me." Ruby and Liv jump to their feet in victory.

You sigh and head out with them to find out just where Dean had gone.

It doesn't take you long of walking around backstage to find Dean, he stands in the all with Seth and Roman as his side when you find him. Ruby and Liv step either side of you to make good work of Roman and Seth so you can focus on Dean.

"Well well well." You singsong as you walk Dean's way catching his attention. "Looks like the rumors are true girls, Raw's resident lunatic HAS returned." You grin and stop in front of Dean.

"Ah Y/N, i knew you'd come around soon enough." Dean smirks right back and looks down at you. "And i see you brought some friends." He glances at Ruby and Liv either side of you.

"Well i figured i'd make this a fair fight eh?" You look at Seth and Roman who stare down Liv and Ruby.

"Fair fight huh?" Dean replies. "If that's what you think this is gorgeous then sure, a fair fight." He chuckles.

You internally scream, you'd forgotten just how much Dean drove you nuts with that voice. Not to mention the man had been hitting the gym hard while he was gone.

"Let's get right down to it then." You look up at Dean with a confident smile. "I'm gonna guess that you're tired of this little tango that we've had going on, god knows i am." Dean nods his head his gaze not breaking from your own.

"Correct." He smiles.

"So i say that you man up and finally ask me out on a date then." You tell him.

Dean stands towering above you and licks his lips, "Kill me now" is all you can think. You stand and wait for an answer.

"Alright then." Dean finally speaks up. "Y/N, how'd you like to have the night of your dreams?" He asks you with a grin.

"Night of MY dreams?" You reply with a grin of your own. "We'll see about that."

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