Drew Gulak

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You walk into the SmackDown arena at around 630 pm, you've got a little over a half hour before 205 starts and you actually have to get to work. You decide since you really don't have anything better to do you'll visit your boyfriend even though you literally just spent more than half a day with him in a car not 48 hours ago, but hey who could get tired of you?

"Drew?" You knock on the door of his locker room.

"Come in." You hear a familiar voice call out. You open the door and step inside and close it with a click. "Something wrong sweetie?" Drew immediately asks as he looks at you from across the room.

"No." You shake making your hair fall in your face. "I just wanted to come see you." You attempt to push your stubborn hair back. "Hey what would you say if I just cut off all my hair?" You jokingly ask Drew as the hair disobeys and falls back in your face.

Drew chuckles and stands to his feet, you furore your brows as he strides over to you and stops just inches from your own body.

"Well I support any decision you make." He smirks at you moving his hand up to your face and brushes the stubborn hair back. "But for the record, I do love your hair the way it is." He tucks it back into place and boops your nose afterwards.

"Hmm." You grin and rub your nose looking up at him. "Maybe I'll just leave it then." You giggle.

Drew takes a step forward and reaches behind you to grab his boots from the table behind you. You laugh and push his chest with your hands as he presses against you deliberately messing with you.

"You know I could have grabbed those for you." You remind him as he pulls back with his boots in his hands.

"And ruin my lucky boots with your unluckiness?" He replies shaking his head. "Never." He jokes. You hit his arm lightly and your phone buzzes.

You let out an annoyed sigh and pull your phone from your back pocket already knowing who that is.

"Man your boss sure know how to keep a girl on her toes." You half groan as you quickly text him back. "I'm being called to action." You throw hands up with a grin and walk to the door.

"Alright I'll see you later then." Drew nods to you already in the middle of pulling off his normal sneakers.

"Mhm, dork." You open the door back up and step out.

You shut the door behind you and walk down to the main office to answer Drake's call to action. That man had a habit of calling you at just about the worst moments.

"You beckoned your majesty?" You ask with a completely straight face as you walk up to Drake. "What can I do for the mighty Drake Maverick today?" You can't help but grin a bit.

"Haha." Drake dryly laughs as you reach his side. "You're late." He nods to the clock on the wall.

"No I'm not." You're quick to reply. "I'm supposed to be here at 630, and that's exactly when I showed up. I just made a stop in my way here." You refer to stopping to see Drew.

"Let my clarify." Drake replies looking at you. "You're supposed to be HERE at 630." He tells you putting plenty of emphasis on the word here.

You nod your head in understanding hoping it'll get him to drop the subject for now, you notice he holds the schedule for the night and attempt to change the subject.

"So what's the plans for tonight?" You ask him as you glance down at the paper. Your handed the schedule and you quickly gloss over it.

"You're in charge of the last card for the night, I couldn't think of anything." He tells you pointing to a blank spot in the middle of the show.

You stand and sway as you run through potential entertainment to occupy people in between actual plot in the show.

"Book Tony and Kalisto." You hand back the schedule. "That'll keep the people busy for a bit, plus they don't have anything better to do." Drake nods and turns around to one of the assistants to pass on the info. "So now what?" You ask Drake has he turns back to you.

"Cameras are here." He points passed you at the camera men filming in. "Time to start the show." He smiles.

You instantly get bombarded by one of the makeup girls as she fixes your shirt and hair a little, same goes for Drake as they make the both of you camera ready. One they get done making you both pristine the cameras switch on and you do a quick intro for the night to make it seems like you and Drake actually do things backstage.

"We've got a stacked card for tonight's show Drake." You inform him with a friendly smile for the camera only feet away from you.

"Good a run by of the card please y/n." He nods trying to look busy.

"Sure. We've got TJP and Cedric Alexander in a semi final match as well as Tony Neese and Kalisto working out their beef. And for the main event Drew Gulag and Murphy battling for the last semi final match." You finish reporting and the cameras turn away from you.

Once everything is done you relax a bit and watch the matched for a while. You start to pay attention when Drew gets ready for his match, you watch as he picks up a win to your surprise, it sounded bad but you where expecting to deal with a defeated Drew for the night.

"I'll see you later Drake." You dismiss yourself to find your boyfriend.

You find Drew in the Hall finishing up an interview, you eat for it to finish them walk up behind him.

"There you are mister." You come up behind him. "I've been looking for you." You have him from behind not caring that he smells like a bad gym locker room.

"I've been busy winning." Drew smirks. "You did see me win right?" He asks you.

"Yes." You answer still behind him. "In fact I thought you'd lose that one." You admit. "You surprised me tonight." You sigh chin on his shoulder.

"Not my fault you fail to see I'm the best around." Drew jokes shrugging making your head bob a bit.

"Oh I know you're the best, now hurry up and change so we can leave." You push off him. "I'd like to go home and celebrate." You smirk suggestively.

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