Mark Andrews

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"What's the matter Lacey?" You grin as the self proclaimed Lady of NXT glares at you from across the ring. "Come on Lacey, i'm right here so come and get me." You grin as Lacey lunges at you and you side step her easily.

Now on the floor you take your chance and dive over the top rope and come crashing down on the blonde below. The crowd cheers around you as you drag a now limb Lacey into the ring and pin her for a win.

"One....Two....Three." The ref hits the canvas and the bell rings.

You let your hand be raised then collect your snapback and jacket from the time keeper area. On your way back up the ramp you spot a little girl wearing your "Queen of the Sky." shirt. You walk over to her with a smile and hand her your hat off your head.

"Nice meeting ya kid." You grin as she eagerly takes the hat and grins at you.

Her mother nods at you as a thanks and you nod back. After the girl has her new hat you back your way backstage and pull your jacket back on your shoulders.

"Nice job out there as usual Y/N." You're greeted by Dakota Kai.

"Thanks Dakota, hey good luck against Kairi tonight by the way." You tell her before you continue on to your locker room.

You get there without anymore interruptions and change into some normal clothes, a simple band t-shirt and some skinny jeans did you justice. You then gather your gym bag and head out the door, as you step through you're met with your boss and the NXT GM William Regal.

"Hey Regal." You greet him with a smile and notice a shorter male standing behind you. "Who's this?" You ask as you make eye contact with the blonde male.

"This is Mark Andrews, he's from our UK division." Regal explains. "I was wondering if you'd show him around for me?" Regal asks you.

"Yeah sure i'd love to." You nod and turn Mark. "I'm Y/N L/N." You hold a hand out for Mark to shake.

"Queen of the sky yeah." Mark nods repeating your tag line. "I've seen a few of your matches, i like your shirt by the way." He looks down at your (fav band) T-shirt.

"Oh thanks, they're my favorites." You nod with a smile.

"Well i'll let you two go then." Regal nods his head proud of his work and leaves.

You walk Mark down the hall past the men's locker room and make sure to stop by a few others places in the arena.

"And catering is usually always open during the day." You explain as you pass the catering room. "So what kind of stuff do you do in the ring Mark?" You change the topic as you walk.

"I'm a high flyer mostly." Mark replies. "High Fives and Stage Dives, that's my motto." He grins a little as he says it.

You can't help but find Mark's little smile adorable. If you were being honest with yourself you just found the man himself to be extremely cute.

"Well that concludes our tour of the backstage area." You stop once you get to the back lot of the building. "The arena's layouts are usually the same so it shouldn't take long for you to get used to it." Mark nods and glances around a little.

"Hey if you're not busy i was gonna hit up a karaoke bar a few miles away if you wanna come." Mark offers you out to a night of something to do.

"Karaoke?" You reply.

It had been a while since you had done any karaoke, it wasnt that you couldn't sing. You sang all the time to yourself and was even in quior and plays when you were in school. You just never did it as often now with work and other stuff keeping you busy.

"Sure i'd love to, it's been a while since i've been to one." You agree to go with Mark.

"Awesome, my bands friends with the guy who owns the place so we get discount drinks to." He adds.

"You're in a band?" You ask with a raised brow.

"Yeah, it's called Junior. A pop-punk band." Mark nods.

"Oh yeah, what do you play?" You ask interested in the idea of Mark in a band.

"I'm a bassist and i also do vocals." Mark tells you with a grin.

"Dude that's so cool." You muse with excitement. "Wait that means i'm about to get showed up at this bar then." You jokingly giggle.

"Nah." Mark shakes his head. "I'm sure that you have a great singing voice." You giggle a little and take his word for it.

The two of you get to the bar and order some drinks to start off. Once you've relaxed a little bit you decide to pick a song to sing. You go for one of your favorites.

"I think i'm gonna sing (Fav song)." You turn and tell Mark before you go.

"Hell yeah." Mark grins ear to ear. "That's a dope song." You smile also and climb up on stage.

You sing your song with ease enjoying yourself the whole time you're up on stage, Mark of course cheers for you the whole time. You finish the song and jump back down and join Mark back at the bar.

"Nice man." Mark pats you on the back. "Man i might be the one that gets upstaged." He muses to you.

"We'll see about that." You giggle as Mark goes up to the stage.

He ends up singing one of the songs from his band, you watch with your eyes glued to him the whole time. When he finishes he jumps back down and joins you.

"So what did you think?" He asks you eager to hear your opinion.

"Umm you were fucking awesome." You grin and take a sip from your glass.

"Yeah?" Mark replies. "Nah, i think you were better." He waves his hands.

"Ah you're just saying that." You shake your head.

"Nah come on you were good man." Mark insists. "Come on together we'll be the best."

He grabs your hand and drags you to the stage.

Not about to back down you grab a mic and sing a song with Mark that you both happen to know. The crowd in the bar seems to enjoy the performance. During the song you glance at Mark and find him looking back at you.

The song ends and you both walk back to your seats in a fit of giggles.

"Holy shit that was fun." You muse as you sit down.

"Yeah it was, this has been one of the best dates of all time." Mark nods and picks up his glass.

"Date?" You reply. "I didn't know this was a date." You giggle and grab your own drink.

"Oh it wasn't." Mark replies. "But we sang together so this has to be a date now." He laughs.

"Haha." You chuckle. "I guess you're right then Mark." You both clink glasses and enjoy the rest of your date.

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