Will Ospreay

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"You're a child Will i hope you know that." You sigh as you heave another blanket onto your bed for your sick husband. "Its just a cold and you're moping around this house like its the plague or something." Will sniffles in response giving you those bright puppy dog eyes that you cant resist.

"Maybe i do have the plague." He tells you before blowing his nose again. You shake your head and go to leave the room.

"Wait." Will stops you. "Can you bring me some soup?" He asks with another sniffle of his nose.

You sigh and nod your head, unable to resist his charm even though he looked like he was half dead. Will lets out a small thank you before you disappear to the kitchen. When you get there you take out a bowl and then a can of chicken noodle soup from the pantry and pour it into the bowl. Not in the mood to actually heat the soup on the stove like you'd normally do you simply stick it in the microwave for a few minutes and lean against the counter to wait. 

"The things i do for this man." You mumble to yourself as you take the bowl from the microwave burning your hand a little bit. You add some pepper to the bowl then grab a spon and walk it into the bedroom letting the hot bowl sting your hands. "Here you are princess." You hand off the bowl to Will and turn to leave for the time being.

"Thank you baby." Will calls to you as you walk out the door.

You take the time you have to yourself before your child of a husband calls you again to sit on the couch and play some video games, you feel bad for admitting it but you loved when Will wasnt around so you could play your game in peace for a while. You play for around an hour or so before you get worried about the silence coming from your bedroom, so you pause the game and check on the blonde.

"Will?" You ask as you step into the room, you smile at what you see. 

The man child in question is laying sprawled out on your bed passed out, you chuckle quietly to yourself and cover him up with a blanket before taking the empty soup bowl back to the kitchen and leaving Will to get some sleep. God knew he desperately needed it. Left with nothing left to do you go back to your video game.

A few hours later your pulled from your concentration on your game when you hear your name being called followed by a bad sounding cough. You pause your game and walk into your bedroom to see Will was up and looking even paler then he usually was.

"Hey baby." You sooth him as you walk in the room. "You feeling any better?" You ask him as you walk to his side of the bed.

"No." Will shakes his head. "If anything i feel worse." He tells you followed by another cough.

You reach up and touch your husbands forehead, he feels on fire to the touch, you sigh and get to your feet.

"Alright lay back down honey." You command him softly. "Im gonna go to the store and pick up some medicine and a few other things for you okay?" You tell him. He nods and you exit the room and grab your keys from the counter.

Lucky for you the drugstore isnt that far away from your place, you quickly go inside and grab a small basket then head for the pharmacy section. Once you get there you pick up some cough drops, some cough medicine, as well as some Advil for the fever and headache you know is bound to follow Will's already present symptoms.

"Sick kid?" The check out lady asks as you set your items down to be paid for.

"Worse." You reply with a grin. "Sick husband." You tell her as you pull out some cash to pay.

"Oh good luck then honey." The woman chuckles as she takes teh cash and hands you some change and your bag.

You nod and head home. When you get there you unload the bag and go back to your husband only to find him passed out again. You sigh and shake him awake gently so you can give him some medicine.

"Will honey." You awake him up. "Sit up baby" You help him up to a sitting postilion.

"Hmm what did you get for me?" Will asks you groggily.

"Just some cough medicine and cough drops fro your throat." You tell him as you carefully hand him both items to take. "Oh and some Advil for if you get aches." You set the bottle down on the nightstand by Will's side.

"Thank you so much sweetie." Will smiles weakly at you. "I know i can be a pain in ass when i'm sick." He admits as he lays his head back down on his pillow.

"Well i didn't marry you for nothing dork." You reply "Plus its kinda cute the way you need me so much." You grin a little.

"Well i am cute." Will replies as he shut his eyes.

Mhm." You hum and run a hand through his short soft hair. "Now try and get some sleep okay?" You tell him.

When he doesn't answer you, you assume he fell asleep again so you move to get up and leave. You don't get far when a hand grabs you and pulls you back down.

"Mmm, just stay for a little bit longer." Will asks you.

You sigh and nod running your hand through his hair again, you stay like that for a good 20 or 15 minutes then finally get up and kiss Will's forehead.

"Feel better dork." You mumble before you turn the light off and leave the room for the night.

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