Pete Dunne

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"Yes I'm sure." You nod your head as Mark parades you around the arena. "I'm a big girl, I spent three years in Japan in case you forgot." You remind him.

"Yeah I know, I still worry about you though." He ruffles your hair from behind you. "You'll always be my little y/n." He grins.

"Ahh that's cute." You giggle at Mark. "But I'm not that much younger." You remind him. Mark nods and you keep going with the tour.

After you get finishes being shown around Mark makes a quick stop at his locker to grab something leaving you alone in the hallway.

"Damn." You hear someone curse from behind you as you stood alone in the Hall, you turn to see someone walk up. "What's your name gorgeous?" He asks.

"Mmm I'd tell you but I don't talk to man I don't know." You reply with a sweet smile, the guy chuckles and nods his head.

"Smart girl, I'm Pete." He holds his hand out. "Now about that name." You roll your eyes, you'd met guys like this before.

"Y/n y/l/n." You tell him, after all he was polite.

"Y/n." Pete replies. "A pretty name for a pretty girl, how fitting." He smirks

You are about to reply when Mark hurries back to your side and pulls you away.

"Oh hell no, don't even think about it Dunne." He warns the other male. "You're not taking my best friend from me." He protectively pushes you back.

"Whatever." Pete shrugs. "Nice to meet you baby." He nods to you before walking off again.

You giggle and wave to him only for your hand to be smacked by Mark followed by the blonde dragging you the opposite direction.

"Who was that?" You ask Mark when you both are out of sight of anyone else. "He was hot." You dreamily daze.

"No." Mark snaps at you. "Just forget about him, I'm not letting my best friend fall under the charm of fucking Pete Dunne." He scolds you firmly.

"Alright geez Mark chill." You put your hands up in defense. "Pete Dunne, I've heard that name before, isn't he the UK champion?" You ask, marks face is all the reply you need.

You giggle and shake your head at Mark, jealous of the champ for liking you. Mark gives you a stern look and then sighs.

"I've gotta change so stay here, I gotta shower first so I'll be in the other room mkay?" He tells you as he pulls a towel from one of his bags on the floor.

"Yeah." You roll your eyes. "I think I can manage for a few minutes alone." You jokingly muse. Mark nods and disappears behind the door in the back of the room.

You take a seat in a chair and pull out your phone, you take the time to scroll through Twitter and a little bit of Instagram before someone knocks on the door. You glance at the door and then to the back shower door and stand up. With an annoyed sigh you turn the job and swing the light door open.

"What? Oh hey Pete." You smile as you see Pete standing at the door.

"Oh y/n." Pete replies a smile spreading on his face to see you again. "I didn't realize Mark dragged you back here." He looks past you to see if Mark is around. "Where is Andrews anyway?" He asks turning back to you.

"Showering." You reply also glancing back in the room at the other door. "Why what did you need him for?" You ask turning back to Pete.

Pete pulls a few papers from one of his pockets and hands it to you, you grab it from him and scan over it. It's a paper from one of the upper management guys, you shrug and step back and set it on the wooden table.

"Well whatever that's for he'll get it when he gets out of the shower." You turn back to Pete. "Is that all?" You ask him.

"Yeah for now, I'll see you later gorgeous." Pete winks at you before turning to leave.

You nod with a huge grin and shut the door, as you do the other door opens and Mark steps through.

"What are you doing by the door?" He asks as he runs a towel through his damp hair.

"Just closing the door, some guy dropped that off." You point to the letter on the table and push the door shut. "Anyway please tell me you have a match or something tonight, I'm already going insane with boredom." You dramatically fall back in your chair.

"Yeah yeah drama queen." Mark waves you off as he walks over to the table and picks up the paper to read it.

You nonchalantly pick your phone back up and glance at Mark White reads the letter with a blank face, then you watch as he sets the paper down and runs a hand over his face.

"Something wrong?" You ask him dropping your phone in your lap.

"Hmm, no it's fine. I've gotta get dressed do you mind taking this to the main office and dropping it off?" He asks as he scribbles a signature on the paper. You nod and he hands you the paper. "Just head out and take two lefts." He instructs you.

You nod and salute as a joke then walk out the door with the paper in hand, you follow Mark's directions and soon enough come to the main office door. You walk in and hand in the paper then turn to leave, as you walk out the door Pete walks in bumping into you.

"Well hello again." He smirks. "Just couldn't stay away could you?" He asks you, you scoff with a smile.

"For your information I'm dropping off a paper for Mark." You tell him with a hand on your hip.

"Hmm yeah Mr killjoy. He always tell you what you can and cannot do?" Pete asks you with a sinister smile.

"Pfft, no." You reply. "He's not the boss of me." You shake your head.

"Is that so?" Pete replies nodding. "Well in that case you should come with me." He tells you. "I'm much more fun than hanging around waiting for Mark trust me." You look at him and smile, you were sure he was right in that instance.

You felt a little bad as you nodded and took Pete's hand so he could lead you away, then you remembered all the times Mark had ditched you for some girl he just met and you felt better. You'd apologize later, but for now you where in for a night of fun.

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